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Mumbai Attacks

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Yes... true.

But, first of all we have to learn how to use defence budget fully.

u r right.... i think our officers are lackin in managerial skills .. i think we hav defence experts ,engineers and scientists ..but we don hav mba's . sometimes i feel that pakistan is better than us on negotiation over price of weaponary. we always ask for the best ..but they give us better in the most price ....look in T-90 induction ...even russia is also not inducting T-90 in his army. they r lookin for future mbt...and our officers are so desperate on havin them in large no's , even we hav a better mbt ARJUN.

because they just wanna quantity not quality...but they dunno that quality of weapons improve the courage of sodiers. if they hav good quailty weaponary , they feel that , yeah govt, realy think of us.....they fight with immense spirit of patriotism...how can they survive in a tank with above 50 degree temp...
but only a manager can think this , upto that level , i think we r all assets of our nation defence ... even we normal citizen too and govt should hav to use his every assets in development of nation and as well as in defence also. well we need to change the managemnt of DRDO , and our defence procurement agencies......
This is BS, India hiding behind a stupid excuse. India's defence plans didn't suddenly change since November last year.

Webmaster is partially right, and you are partially wrong.

There have been many plans that were stalled and pending with regards to the Military Services.

What changed since Nov Last year is the Mumbai massacre which has changed the priority given to the armed forces. All the pending equipment/wish-list would be fast-tracked.

Webby, AFAIK, it doesnt include MRCA, that would come next year, not this financial year.
Centre allocates Rs 10 crore for NIA
February 16, 2009 16:38 IST

The National Investigation Agency, set up in the wake of audacious strikes in Mumbai [Images], has been allocated Rs 10 crore for 2009-10.

The allocation for the newly set up body was announced by the stand-in Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee [Images], who is also External Affairs Minister, when he presented the interim budget in the Lok Sabha on Monday.

The NIA, which is under the administrative control of Home Ministry, was set up by an Act of Parliament in December 2008 soon after the November 26 terror strikes in which more than 170 people were killed.

The agency has concurrent jurisdiction which empowers the Centre to probe terror attacks in any part of the country, covering offences, including challenge to the country's sovereignty and integrity, bomb blasts, hijacking of aircraft and ships, and attacks on nuclear installations.

:: Bharat-Rakshak.com - Indian Military News Headlines ::
Army gets lion's share of Rs.1.417 tn defence budget
16 Feb 2009, 1536 hrs IST, IANS

NEW DELHI: Saying a "threshold has been crossed" with the Mumbai terror attacks, External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee hiked the allocation for
defence by 34 percent to Rs.141,703 crore (Rs.1.417 trillion) in the interim budget for 2009-10 he presented in the Lok Sabha on Monday.

The allocation is nearly 15 percent of the total interim budget of Rs.953,231 crore for the fiscal beginning April 1.

The interim budget was presented as the government in now at the fag end of its tenure and general elections are due in April-May. The budget is normally presented on the last day of February.

As in the past, the 1.1 million strong Indian Army has received the lion's share of 41 percent or Rs.58,648 crore, with the Indian Navy being allocated Rs.8,322 crore and the Indian Air Force Rs.14,318 crore.

In real terms, however, the budgetary hike works out to only 23.6 percent as the revised expenditure for 2008-09 has been placed at Rs.114,600 crore against the allocation of Rs.105,600 crore, said Mukherjee, who was presenting the budget on behalf of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who is recovering from coronary bypass surgery.

Of the allocation for the fiscal beginning April 1, plan expenditure has been pegged at Rs.86,879 crore against Rs.73,600 crore for the financial year just ending.

This includes Rs.54,824 crore for capital expenditure as against Rs.41,000 crore in the revised estimates for 2008-09.

"We are going through tough times," Mukherjee said while explaining the rationale for the hike.

"The Mumbai terror attacks have given an entirely new dimension to cross-border terrorism. A threshold has been crossed. Our security environment has deteriorated considerably," the minister added.

For the Indian Army, the hike works out to a little less than Rs.10,000 crore over the revised estimates of Rs.48,195 crore. The original allocation for the Army in the 2008-09 proposals was Rs.36,270 crore.

For the Indian Navy, the hike is a mere Rs.288 crore over the revised estimates of Rs.8,034 crore for the fiscal just ending but a rise of Rs.901 crore over the original allocation.

For the Indian Air Force, the hike works out to Rs.1,109 crore over the revised estimates Rs.12,199 crore for the closing fiscal against an original allocation of Rs.10,855 crore.

Army gets lion's share of Rs.1.417 tn defence budget- Policy-Economy-News-The Economic Times
Webmaster is partially right, and you are partially wrong.

There have been many plans that were stalled and pending with regards to the Military Services.

What changed since Nov Last year is the Mumbai massacre which has changed the priority given to the armed forces. All the pending equipment/wish-list would be fast-tracked.

Webby, AFAIK, it doesnt include MRCA, that would come next year, not this financial year.
Ok may be a little reprioritization, but you don't change budgets to this degree out of a plan. The army getting a bigger share is because this time India wanted to go to war and the Indian Army was not ready or under equipped or not equipped as much as they wanted it to be whatever you want to call it.
Centre allocates Rs 10 crore for NIA
February 16, 2009 16:38 IST

The National Investigation Agency, set up in the wake of audacious strikes in Mumbai [Images], has been allocated Rs 10 crore for 2009-10.

The allocation for the newly set up body was announced by the stand-in Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee [Images], who is also External Affairs Minister, when he presented the interim budget in the Lok Sabha on Monday.

:: Bharat-Rakshak.com - Indian Military News Headlines ::

Instead of completely new agency, We should improve quality of current agencies...God knows how many years it will take this new agency to be fully operational..in this democracy delays...:what:
Officials make conflicting statements on Kasab

* Deputy attorney general says Pakistan has formally requested India to repatriate Kasab
* Information minister, Foreign Office deny the request was made

By Irfan Ghauri

ISLAMABAD: Government officials on Wednesday made contradictory statements regarding Pakistan’s demand for the extradition of Ajmal Kasab – the only surviving gunman captured during the November 26, 2008 terrorist attacks in Mumbai.

Sardar Muhammad Ghazi, the special public prosecutor and deputy attorney general, claimed in a TV interview that Pakistan had formally requested the Indian government to repatriate Kasab so that Pakistan could initiate the trial of the suspects that it has detained.

He said if India did not hand over Kasab, who is prime suspect in the case, it would be difficult for the government of Pakistan to proceed with the trial of the other suspects that it had detained in connection with the attacks. Ghazi said the trial of all the detained suspects would be held in-camera because of security concerns and the sensitivity of the matter.

But Information Minister Sherry Rehman denied Pakistan had demanded of India to hand over Ajmal Kasab. She was talking to reporters after a meeting of the federal cabinet in Lahore.

A Foreign Office spokesman also denied Pakistan had made a request for the repatriation of Kasab.

In a short statement, the Foreign Office said: "In response to a question about Ajmal Kasab's extradition, the spokesman said that Pakistan has made no formal request to India as yet."

Ghazi declined to comment on his TV statement when contacted by Daily Times. "I will not talk. I am not authorised to speak to you."

Shahbaz Rajput, the counsel for the suspects arrested by Pakistan, said he was not aware of the development since it was an issue between the two governments. But he added that international laws allow Pakistan to seek the extradition of any of its national if he commits a crime outside the country and try him in accordance with law of land. Rajput said that a panel of lawyers is being formed to defend the detained suspects.

To a question, he said the family of Kasab had not contacted him so far, but he was in touch with the families of all other arrested suspects.

He said he would soon hold a press conference on the legal issues pertaining to the case.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
India gets FBI evidence linking Pakistan to Mumbai attacks

A team of Mumbai police is headed home armed with crucial evidence provided by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) indicating that the Nov 26 Mumbai terror attacks were planned in Pakistan.

A three-member Mumbai police team headed by Deputy Inspector General of Police Deven Bharti left for Mumbai on Wednesday with details of how the Mumbai attackers kept in touch with their Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) masters in Karachi.

The US investigating agency charged with protecting the US against terrorist and foreign intelligence threats provided India details of calls made through the Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), a satellite phone as also documents relating to the Global Positioning System used by the terrorists while sailing from Karachi.

The forensic examination of the bullets used by the terrorists in Mumbai was also a part of the evidence collected from FBI by Mumbai Police.

The evidence from FBI is expected to make the case against the terrorists water-tight and nail Islamabad's claims that the conspiracy behind the Nov 26 attacks was not hatched in Pakistan alone.

India had sought the US help in analysing the evidence under their Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty (MLAT) that came into effect in December 2005.

The Mumbai police team came here last week with Letters Rogatory or Letters of Request issued by a Mumbai court to the US Department of Justice.

India gets FBI evidence linking Pakistan to Mumbai attacks - Hindustan Times
Great work. Its indeed a breaking news but unfortunately the same has been acknlowledged by Pakistan some time back. Nothing new except wastage of band width.

Pakistan has aknowledged part of the planning was done in Pakistan. Perhaps FBI was waiting for our clearance to go forward :lol:.
So where is Indian Favorite ISI in this Report ? No Evidence Found against ISI, Nice try Indians.

Pakistan Released her own report few days earlier so whats special in this FBI report.
election time guys election time.
every single news matter.
So where is Indian Favorite ISI in this Report ? No Evidence Found against ISI, Nice try Indians.

Pakistan Released her own report few days earlier so whats special in this FBI report.

It's typical of you guys to deny everything at first but later you guys are all proven wrong. Remember Indian conspericy and Pakistan had not hand in this argument? LOL
So where is Indian Favorite ISI in this Report ? No Evidence Found against ISI, Nice try Indians.

Pakistan Released her own report few days earlier so whats special in this FBI report.

You have habit of deny and then accept it.
same with this too.
You never accepted ISI suupport's LeT but now you say ISI used to support before 2001:yahoo:
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