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Mumbai Attacks

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Half-baked investigation reports cannot be shared: CBI chief

New Delhi, Dec 24 (PTI) India did not want to give any "half-baked" findings to any international body on the 26/11 Mumbai terror strikes and such a process will be undertaken only after investigations are complete, a top official said.
"We did share some (basic) information with Interpol. But unless the investigation is complete, how can we share the (full) information," CBI Director Ashwini Kumar told reporters here.

The reaction came within hours after Interpol Secretary General Ronald Noble's statement in Islamabad that the Indian government did not share information related to Mumbai terror attack.

Noble had said in Islamabad that New Delhi has not yet authorised its investigators to share information.

Kumar, who is also de-facto India's Interpol head, said New Delhi cannot give "half-baked" information to anyone on sensitive investigation.

Noble had visited India last week-end and met Union Home Minister P Chidamabaram and Kumar where he offered Interpol's help in probing the Mumbai terror attack.

One of the teams had met officials of the Mumbai crime branch yesterday, which are probing the terror strikes in the financial capital of the country. PTI

Half-baked investigation reports cannot be shared: CBI chief
Am, let me reiterate:

While the name of the Pakistan establishment involved in the attack was not clear immediately, the sources did not rule out the possibility of active and direct involvement of its Army.

The name of establishment is not given, but by this statement they are giving a clue of active gov't personal did have some form of hand in it.

First, only a source is claiming so, and not the FBI. And my previous comments about 'sources' in the media since the Mumbai attacks stand.

Secondly, even the 'source' is not categorically claiming the Army was involved. This 'agency' could be local police for all we know, acting on their own without government knowledge.

I would suggest taking Energon's advice on this.
Then Indian government officials should shove their 'half-baked investigation' into their pie holes and quit ranting and squealing about Pakistan not cooperating.
Half-baked investigation reports cannot be shared: CBI chief

New Delhi, Dec 24 (PTI) India did not want to give any "half-baked" findings to any international body on the 26/11 Mumbai terror strikes and such a process will be undertaken only after investigations are complete, a top official said.
"We did share some (basic) information with Interpol. But unless the investigation is complete, how can we share the (full) information," CBI Director Ashwini Kumar told reporters here.

The reaction came within hours after Interpol Secretary General Ronald Noble's statement in Islamabad that the Indian government did not share information related to Mumbai terror attack.

Noble had said in Islamabad that New Delhi has not yet authorised its investigators to share information.

Kumar, who is also de-facto India's Interpol head, said New Delhi cannot give "half-baked" information to anyone on sensitive investigation.

Noble had visited India last week-end and met Union Home Minister P Chidamabaram and Kumar where he offered Interpol's help in probing the Mumbai terror attack.

One of the teams had met officials of the Mumbai crime branch yesterday, which are probing the terror strikes in the financial capital of the country. PTI

Half-baked investigation reports cannot be shared: CBI chief

So in light of all this, what is Pakistan suppose to do with the Indian charges? Run around arresting people and putting them in jails indefinitely? The Indian charges are just allegations at this point in time. Give Pakistan some proof which is not half-***, half-baked in a transparent manner (instead of the lies that Pakistan has already been given proof) and then we will see Pakistan take action.

Without any of the above, India's threats to "Do something about this threat" are provocations.

This is the height of ignorance. You have been crying all this time that Pakistan is not moving, not doing anything, yet the reality is that nothing has been shared by India aside from an uncorroborated letter from one of the gunmen asking for help. Pakistan will need a lot more than that to prosecute alleged backers of this plot.

Then Indian government officials should shove their 'half-baked investigation' into their pie holes and quit ranting and squealing about Pakistan not cooperating.

But that doesn't mean that preliminary evidence is not good enough to accuse the Pakistan based elements such as Kasab's confessions, satellite intercepts etc. Probably, they are waiting to make it more air tight evidence to make the case stand in court.

Though I understand your angst about GoI not sharing evidence with GoP, but I guess eventually it will have to be shared with GoP to take moral high ground before further accusing Pakistan. Let's see.
Wow... another great by US establishment. FBI completed inquiry so fast , I think it must be a world record and the base of it is interrogation from Ajmal Kasab which is not proven a Pakistan yet anywhere.
Certain people are seriously not doing this forum any good in the way they represent themselves.
Interpol has no teeth. It is a waste of time to give evidence to them. They were given evidence on Dawood Ibrahim, they have sounded a Interpol alert, what happened?. Squat happened.

Who cares about them not having any teeth? The issue is that NOTHING has been given to Pakistan as concrete evidence. If Interpol can't take action, they can still transmit the information to the Pakistani officials about what Indians are claiming against and charging the Pakistani citizens with.

Currently the issue is that the USG is too polite to tell the Indians to put up evidence as they realize that there is anger and pushing the GoI at this time would be counter productive. There are no other players here who can transmit the information between India and Pakistan other than the US or some international entity like the Interpol. So in the absence of this exchange of information, Pakistan cannot be expected to act blindly.
India wants Pakistan to completely dismantle the Kashmiri Freedom movement and support for it. Either that or it wants to isolate and sanction Pakistan internationally by linking the Kashmiri freedom movement to terrorism.

That is why India isn't sharing evidence on Mumbai specifically. Because if India shared evidence and cooperated, Pakistan would most likely charge Saeed and Lakhvi in court, and if the evidence was strong, they would get convicted. But when that happens, all pressure is off Pakistan because she will have 'acted against terrorism' and 'brought the Mumbai perpetrators to task'.

India doesn't want that - she wants to use this opportunity to mount pressure on Pakistan to dismantle the entire Kashmiri movement, like I said above. The longer the Mumbai perpetrators remain unpunished, the longer India can attempt to sustain pressure on Pakistan, and try and tie the entire Kashmiri movement to terrorism. If the yardstick for 'cooperation' becomes action against the Kashmiri movement, instead of action against the LeT, JuD Lakhvi or Saeed, then Pakistan can really be pressured and isolated.

The Mumbai attacks have become a pawn in this game.
This is categorically wrong on multiple levels. And if you think the Indian authorities "don't care about Mumbai" or are "using it as a pawn" you're horribly ill informed about the current Indian situation. I understand you are upset that Pakistan is being castigated in front of the entire world, but you're also overlooking the seriousness of what has transpired in Mumbai. This isn't some PR game or banal indo-pak saber rattling.
This is categorically wrong on multiple levels. And if you think the Indian authorities "don't care about Mumbai" or are "using it as a pawn" you're horribly ill informed about the current Indian situation. I understand you are upset that Pakistan is being castigated in front of the entire world, but you're also overlooking the seriousness of what has transpired in Mumbai. This isn't some PR game or banal indo-pak saber rattling.

The fact that this is an extra-ordinary event in the eyes of the Indian officials and public is all the more reason that evidence revealing the Pakistani connections be made available to the GoP transparently. Who does it hurt more? India or Pakistan to share this evidence? If you place the evidence in front of the Interpol, they relay it to Pakistan, then this blame game of "I did send, no I did not receive" ends right there. Secondly, once this is done, Pakistan has to take a look at the evidence and then act upon it. There is no other way. You essentially are taking options of delaying tactics away from Pakistan. Give evidence. Pakistani public too would like to see what these perpetrators have been up to giving Pakistan a bad name.

In the absence of such evidence, all this posturing by India will backfire greatly. The more this bullying without information goes on, the harder the resolve on the Pakistani side to deflect Indian pressure come what may. Not a win-win for anyone.
Interpol chief says India has not shared info on Mumbai


ISLAMABAD ( 2008-12-23 18:32:12 ) :The chief of Interpol said on Tuesday that India had not yet authorised the sharing of any information with the global police agency about those allegedly involved in the Mumbai attacks.

Interpol secretary general Ronald Noble made the statement after talks with Interior Ministry chief Rehman Malik about the ongoing investigation into the attacks.

"To date, India's government has not authorised India's police agencies to enter any data relating to the recent terrorist attacks in Mumbai into Interpol's databases," Noble told a joint press conference.

"The information Interpol has about what happened in Mumbai is the same information that you have -- it's information that was read in journals, that was read on the Internet or that was seen on TV."

New Delhi has blamed last month's attacks, which left 172 people dead, on the banned Pakistan-based militant group.

Noble said Pakistan had been "among the most active contributors" to Interpol's efforts in the past, adding officials here told him they "would be willing to cooperate via Interpol to help India further its investigation."

"We want to bring the culprits to justice," Malik, who has been leading Pakistan's counter-terrorism efforts, told reporters.

"We are prepared to cooperate with India but they have to bring us evidence."

When asked if it was unusual for India not to have agreed to Interpol's request for data-sharing, the Interpol chief said it was New Delhi's "sovereign choice" to decide when and if to agree.

But he expressed hope that more information would soon be forthcoming, following the deployment of a team of Interpol investigators in India this past week.

In talks with Indian Home Minister P. Chidambaram at the weekend, Noble had promised to help New Delhi gather information about the 10 Mumbai attackers, nine of whom were killed.
The fact that this is an extra-ordinary event in the eyes of the Indian officials and public is all the more reason that evidence revealing the Pakistani connections be made available to the GoP transparently. Who does it hurt more? India or Pakistan to share this evidence? If you place the evidence in front of the Interpol, they relay it to Pakistan, then this blame game of "I did send, no I did not receive" ends right there. Secondly, once this is done, Pakistan has to take a look at the evidence and then act upon it. There is no other way. You essentially are taking options of delaying tactics away from Pakistan. Give evidence. Pakistani public too would like to see what these perpetrators have been up to giving Pakistan a bad name.

In the absence of such evidence, all this posturing by India will backfire greatly. The more this bullying without information goes on, the harder the resolve on the Pakistani side to deflect Indian pressure come what may. Not a win-win for anyone.
I think the main reason for limiting the investigation to the US, British and Indian intelligence/law enforcement agencies is because of the absolute lack of trust in the Pakistani establishment. Every piece of information that is availed immediately makes the entire investigation vulnerable because the Pakistani authorities can make people disappear and render future leads inert with relative ease. The US is partly to blame for this given how easily we were able to have thousands of people captured/kidnapped and held in secrecy for prolonged durations. In most developing nations with poor infrastructure and information management, especially Pakistan, where even the ages of their prominent cricketers can't be established, this always remains an issue. Also historically the cooperative attempts between India and Pakistan have never yielded in positive results. The IA flight 814 debacle is only one of many disappointments. Pakistan at the time was supposedly cooperating, but they denied knowing the whereabouts of the likes of Maulana Masood Azhar and Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh only for both of them being arrested in Pakistan at the behest of the US later on.

Whether the Pakistani establishment intends to be serious this time around is something nobody knows (and even the most hawkish of Indians can't rule out this possibility), however there is far too much at stake and the history is far too tainted for such a sensitive matter to be entrusted to them. Also the recent recantation by Zardari and the embarrassing revelation by Nawaz Sharif that followed it didn't help bolster any confidence.

Revealed: home of Mumbai's gunman in Pakistan village (UNITED KINGDOM)

Revealed: home of Mumbai's gunman in Pakistan village | World news | The Observer

Mullen urges 'productive' India-Pakistan ties (UNITED STATES CONFIRMS)

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Mullen urges 'productive' India-Pakistan ties

Kasab belongs to Pakistan, says Nawaz Sharif

Go back to sleep......the above have been answered a hundered times....check the forum
According to Rehman malik advisor to prime minister on interior Ajmal kasabs name has been checked in (NADRA) National Database and Registration Authority, Ajmal Kasabs name does'nt exist
I think the main reason for limiting the investigation to the US, British and Indian intelligence/law enforcement agencies is because of the absolute lack of trust in the Pakistani establishment.
Since when india started trusting US more than USSR? Or was it india double crossign USSR all the way!

Whether the Pakistani establishment intends to be serious this time around is something nobody knows (and even the most hawkish of Indians can't rule out this possibility), however there is far too much at stake and the history is far too tainted for such a sensitive matter to be entrusted to them. Also the recent recantation by Zardari and the embarrassing revelation by Nawaz Sharif that followed it didn't help bolster any confidence.
Statements of our politicians supported indian claims, than why are they not helpful to u ?
When establishment issue statement u tell us Zardari lacks control and when only Zardari is speaking in ur favor, still it is not enough.
Can u be more precise how ur confidence on Pakistan establishment can be boosted ?
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