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Mumbai Attacks

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All were not employees. Those who were employees must be Indians because it is not possible that non-Indians specialy Pakistanis were given employment at the top hotel in India which is famouse among foreigners. Its clearly inside job.

At all big hotels with international reputation there is checking system and in most cases CCTVs are installed. Taj is one such hotel where all these measures should have been there. Its not possible for someone to enter from back in such building without being noticed.

Exactly, a lot of this was brought up even during the seige yet still hasn't been answered by any official/unofficial Indian outlet let alone Indian members on this forum.
According to Taj no employee was involved,though investigation is still going on .

I know there are CCTV's installed and staff gate is accessed by many people .

Even if security people might have noticed that ,Its still really hard to tackle when somebody starts shooting indiscriminately with something like AK-47 .

security is there ,but even Tata agreed that it was not enough to cope a terrorist attack this big .

I have seen during my training that security guards doesn't even have a revolver forget about a AK-47 or something .

You are going back on your own statement. Earlier you said they were not checked because staff is not checked for security.

India also said they stayed in Mumbai for two months and they were already in the hotel which negates the theory of indiscriminate firing for entering the hotel.
All the bombs that were diffused were set up by people that just came before the operation from a foreign country by boat? If they had help, who helped them? Undercover rogue police? Indian intelligence? Wouldn't this put a hole in the theory that Pakistani's coming from outside on a boat did all of this? Why hasn't anything else surfaced regarding that ghost mother ship from Karachi? Why was Karkare and colleagues killed so quickly before anyone else?

Also, I don't trust the fact that the world is waiting on Indian authorities to release key evidence, I don't trust India anymore after their air force violated Pakistani airspace twice in attacking formations.
According to Taj no employee was involved,

This is indeed a reliable source :rofl:

security is there ,but even Tata agreed that it was not enough to cope a terrorist attack this big .

Feel sorry for security level of indians, in Pakistan, you can't even cross reception of an organisation without security check, no matter what you are carrying, even if you are with suicide jackets, you can blow yourself at reception, can't cross that.

I have seen during my training that security guards doesn't even have a revolver forget about a AK-47 or something .

lol. even a small jewellar in Pakistan hire professional Security Guard with atleast SMG with him, as far as training is concern, do i need to elaborate the structure of security guards maintain these days ?
structure of Security guard lol..not required .

Well,After 26/11 these hotel security guards do have things to tackle ,but its too late :(.

Yeah ,I know what they did with Marriott ,Security checkers stopped them and they blew the whole hotel .

there is no compulsion to trust us ,you better trust Z hamid .Great person .


I intentionally add that line of reception to see your reply and see ....bullzeye :chilli:

btw i don't need anyone to understand fool's dramatic bollywood type dramas of Indian Government, all one need is a sane mind, which most of indians lack :hitwall:
Mumbai on film: Bad taste or true drama?

Many film-makers believe the drama of Mumbai makes for good cinema

By Prachi Pinglay
BBC News, Mumbai

"Taj Terror", "Taj to Oberoi", "48 hours at Taj", "Operation Five Star Mumbai", "26/11- Mumbai under Terror", "Shootout at Oberoi" and "Operation Cyclone".

These might seem like newspaper headlines of the recent Mumbai attacks but they are in fact some of the 20 titles waiting for approval for possible movies based on the events of last month.

To some, the rush to register the titles seems like appalling bad taste coming so soon after so many funerals.

"It always happens. People jump on every tragedy. It is like ambulance chasing," says well-known documentary film-maker Anand Patwardhan.

"A tiny percentage of these film-makers may be sincere. A film should be genuine and sensitive. If it tries to reduce violence and communal hatred - which is the underlying reason for such violence - then it should be made and is good for society.

"But the chances are that it is an attempt to exploit the misery of people."

Accusations of bad taste were certainly levelled at former Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh after he visited the Taj Mahal Palace hotel with film-maker Ram Gopal Varma.

Few made

Several films have been made in the past couple of years with terror as their backdrop - such as Mumbai Meri Jaan (Mumbai my love), A Wednesday and Shoot on sight - and more are in production.

Indian film-makers are not shy of covering controversial issues

Sushma Shiromanee, vice-president of the Indian Motion Pictures and Producers' Association, a body that deals with title registration for Hindi films in Mumbai, confirmed that several producers had applied for titles related to the Mumbai attacks.

However, experts say that despite the registration numbers, few films are actually made and released.

"When an event like this happens, several producers and writers want to tell the story. Many have applied for titles pertaining to the attacks. These applications will be studied by our committee and if anything is inappropriate, we'll advise them to change it. These procedures take almost a month," Ms Shiromanee said.

Cinema trade analysts say the unprecedented manner in which 10 gunmen entered the city and opened fire, held hostages for more than two days and left more than 170 people dead, is valuable film material.

Film-makers want to depict different aspects of those 60 hours.

Two of the most popular hotels of India's financial capital were held under siege, while gunmen opened fire at the famous Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (CST), the Leopold cafe and other well-known places.

Emotional story

B Subhash, producer and writer of several commercial Hindi films, has applied for a title called "Bird's point of view of the Taj Terror." He says that far from being in bad taste, the film aims to bring out the impact of terror on innocent lives.

Many film-makers say the human angle will be their focus

"A bird is a symbol of innocence," he says, "and I want to show what happened in Mumbai from that point of view.

"Terrorism is a horrifying thing. There will be some action as well but basically it will be an emotional story. We should complete writing within a month and early next year it should go on the recording floors."

Jug Mundra, whose film Shoot on Sight was based on the lives of people after the London bombings of 2005, said a fresh perspective was required.

"We all saw what happened. So if I were to make a film on the 26 November attack it would be about people.

"It should show how a random act of violence changes people's lives, how serendipity in adverse circumstances brings people together. I feel that an incident such as the Mumbai attack can offer an insight into the human psyche.

"Filmmakers are always looking for drama which often comes from conflict situations such as this."
Bollywood has always been a very important part in Indias Foreign policy.

They would make a movie to maybe soften the situation or change/support the view points of people.
i heard alchohol and other drugs were found in their bags???? how true is this???
i mean a muslim callin himself a jihadi drinkin alchohol while doin his fake jihad doesnt make sence....
also as far as i know there were only 4 or 5 terrorists in taj... dont u think its quite hard for 4 ppl to fight for 3 days without any sleep... keepin in mind that they had already been playin hide and see with indian coastal guards, navy, 29 radars, commandos guarding the oil field, awcs, hellis and meritime agenices for last 2 days on their way to mumbai from karachi in a trawler????
dont get offended but i find it quite funny that indian navy was doin its exercise at that time which was ment for stopping pakistani and pirate ships from enterin indian waters. and durin their exercise a pakistani trawler went passed them........ first of all i dont believe that a trawler could reach mumbai all the way from karachi without gettin detected, but if it happened then its well funny........
Mumbai attackers stole credit cards, money: police

Mystery grows over general's slaying in Pakistan
6:05am ESTBy Bappa Majumdar

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - The militants who attacked India's financial center last month, killing 179 people, also stole credit cards, money and mobile telephones from their victims, Mumbai's top police officer said on Monday.

The stolen goods and currency included thousands of rupees and dollars found on the bodies of the nine gunmen killed by police during the three-day siege in Mumbai. A 10th gunmen survived and was captured by police.

"We have no idea what they were planning to do with the money and cards, but it just speaks a lot more about their evil nature and the fact that criminals love stealing money and cards," Mumbai Police Commissioner Hasan Gafoor told Reuters.

The attack has soured relations between uneasy nuclear-armed neighbors India and Pakistan.

India has blamed the banned Pakistan-based group Lashkar-e-Taiba for the attacks and called on Islamabad to do more to stamp out groups that operate from its soil.

The gunmen took scores of guests hostage and battled commandos inside two luxury Mumbai hotels.

"They took quite a few credit cards and a lot of money," Gafoor said by telephone.

"Since they are all dead, we can only presume that they liked the more colorful (credit cards) and took them," he said.

The 10th gunman, identified as Pakistani Mohammed Ajmal Kasab, told police he had lived a life of petty crime before coming in contact with Lashkar-e-Taiba in the city of Rawalpindi, according to media reports of his statement to police.

Kasab was captured before reaching either of the hotels.

The gunmen also took mobile phones from hostages. Some of them then used the phones to call an Indian television channel and to speak with their bosses in Pakistan, police said.

Security experts said the gunmen had criminal backgrounds.

"They all belong to ordinary families and they were out of there early to make quick money until they got indoctrinated into jihadi activities," said security expert Major General Ashok Mehta.

The gunmen also set off bombs inside the two hotels, causing significant damage.

The 105-year-old Taj Mahal hotel will reopen this week, its owner has said. The hotel has set up a welfare trust for victims.

(Editing by Paul Tait)
'Our operation was not about 10 terrorists, it was all about saving lives'
Mumbai Joint Commissioner of Police Rakesh Maria [Images], the lead investigator in the attacks case, in his first interview on the acts of terror. Exclusive to rediff.com

Thats interesting!text book rules...whts the first thing u do when hostages(inthis case abt 200 alone in taj...leaving the 5 in chabad house and a few hundred in oberoi) are held?...NEGOTIATE! THATS THE BEST OPTION TO SAVE LIVES...IF U REALLY WANT TO i.e!!
Y did the indian authorities refuse to negotiate ...y didnt they contact the terrorists at any level..was there sumthing to hide or they were afraid a few more words like 'julm and 'jiyatadi' will make it even more difficult for them to haul the whole lack of preparedness,intelligence failure,internal conflicts...or the worse a self orchestered drama...on Pakistan...the omnipresent indian scapegoat?
Y did ur great blackcats refuse to leave their barracks only situated afew hundred yards away from the taj without a written and faxed summon??making the action delayed by a whole 18 hours!all the while the hostages are held and the bloody drama keeps unfolding.
so plz stop lapping up to the hoard of lies your security agencies are spinning up now to look all heroic and innocent...they didnt save any innocent lives the way they were suppose too...a lot of them died in the cross fire...the owner of taj lost his family in a fire initiated from a grenade attack...which could not be verified if it was from the terrorists or your black cats!
A hotel of 500 plus rooms...ballrooms,dancing floors and conference rooms separate...held by 2 terrorists ratio (200 commandoes)!can u seriously even imagine that esp if they were from a foreign land altogether!
How abt smartening up and asking sum logical questions and expecting logical answers from your indian government instead of taking them face front.
Lastly bring in the Pakistani investigation teams, they have asked thrice with no response...afterall apparently the indians are telling the truth and have nothing to lose,right?
Whether India set it up or not makes no difference because
1) If the world finds that there was no link to Pakistan, it will be downplayed
2) Indian government will distance itself completely if any proof is found against them
'Our operation was not about 10 terrorists, it was all about saving lives'
Mumbai Joint Commissioner of Police Rakesh Maria [Images], the lead investigator in the attacks case, in his first interview on the acts of terror. Exclusive to rediff.com

Thats interesting!text book rules...whts the first thing u do when hostages(inthis case abt 200 alone in taj...leaving the 5 in chabad house and a few hundred in oberoi) are held?...NEGOTIATE! THATS THE BEST OPTION TO SAVE LIVES...IF U REALLY WANT TO i.e!!
Y did the indian authorities refuse to negotiate .

After Kandhar Hijack epsiode, GoI decided that in the event of any hostage situation there will be no negotiations with terrorists. Simple.
i heard alchohol and other drugs were found in their bags???? how true is this???
i mean a muslim callin himself a jihadi drinkin alchohol while doin his fake jihad doesnt make sence....
also as far as i know there were only 4 or 5 terrorists in taj... dont u think its quite hard for 4 ppl to fight for 3 days without any sleep... keepin in mind that they had already been playin hide and see with indian coastal guards, navy, 29 radars, commandos guarding the oil field, awcs, hellis and meritime agenices for last 2 days on their way to mumbai from karachi in a trawler????

Alcohol was not found. Drugs which keep them alert without making them sleepy were found in their bags.
Thats exactly my point...when u dont negotiate and move in for a full armed assult..with the main aim of hunting down the terrorists,irrespective of the consequences on the hostages u dont faultly claim that the operation was 'not about 10 terrorists,it was all about saving lives!'
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