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Mumbai Attacks

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The "genome report" needs to be matched against a sample of people. A simple genome report on the individual won't prove anything.
Dude, i posted this yesterday. Why don't you look for it in the Multimedia section?

Well this thread we will actually discuss the highly complex Geo-Political maneuvers and actions being made in the region and world at wide. I did not know about your thread, hence your thread failed to get the attention of others, so what good does that serve.

No more irrelevant comments please, MUST stick to this topic.

In Part .3 of the interview I think Gen. Hamid Gul mentioned something very interesting and thought provoking, he mentioned that, can you imagine 10 guys in a pair of two small boats who swim from Karachi all the way to Mumbai, then go on to battle for 72 Hours against the Indian Special Forces and Police, with heavy ammunition...These things are a definite sign of a false flag and help from Western Intelligence Agencies who want to ignite War in the region....War in South Asia, means employees at Lockheed Martin get to keep their jobs!!!
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This is the first time in my life that I've heard of any Pakistani connection with the separatism in China. Of course, since it's an Indian source, it cannot be trusted at all.

China's security chief warns to heighten vigilance after Bombay terror attacks
English_Xinhua 2008-12-12 00:36:15
BEIJING, Dec. 11 (Xinhua) -- China is determined to learn lessons from recent terror attacks in India and will beef up anti-terror capacities to prevent and fight any terrorist activities, a senior official said here Thursday.

State Councilor and Minister of Public Security Meng Jianzhu said the country will keep high alert on potential threats, particularly from the Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM), which has been identified by the United Nations as a terrorist organization.

Terrorist attacks in Bombay, India, again provided clear evidence that terrorist forces were still active in areas surrounding China, which made anti-terror situation very serious, Meng told a meeting of the national coordination team on anti-terror work.

"We must fully estimate negative impacts possibly brought about by the incident (in India) and seriously learn lessons from it," said Meng, head of the team.

"We must heighten our vigilance against threats of ETIM, and further beef up our capacities in the fight against terrorism," he said.

Meng said China would further improve capabilities of its special anti-terror forces to deal with possible terror attacks.

He urged relevant departments to thoroughly check vulnerable spots in anti-terror work, such as the control of dangerous objects that could be used by terrorists.

He also said the public awareness on anti-terror work must be strengthened through intensive education activities at schools and in the entire society in order to prevent terrorist activities.

China's security chief warns to heighten vigilance after Bombay terror attacks_English_Xinhua
Ajmal is a Pakistani: Geo TV

Nirupama Subramanian

Gunman captured during Mumbai attack is my son: Amir

ISLAMABAD: Geo News television is the latest to confirm that the lone gunman captured during the Mumbai carnage does indeed belong to a village in Pakistan’s Punjab province.

The channel’s 9 p.m. news report on Friday showed footage of people at Faridkot in Deepalpur tehsil, Okara district in south Punjab talking about Mohammad Ajmal Amir (‘Kasab’) as a boy from the village who had last been seen four or five months ago.

“He told his mother to give him her blessings as he was going for jihad,” one old man told the Geo reporter.

Another man said he had seen him playing with children outside a school on his last visit home, challenging them to catch hold of him. “He was showing off some karate moves,” the man said.

After days of dismissing Indian media reports on the Faridkot-Mumbai connection as “unsubstantiated,” and as a campaign to defame their country, the Pakistani media have started doing their own legwork on the allegations.

Earlier, Dawn newspaper managed to trace Ajmal’s father in Faridkot. The man who said he was Amir ‘Kasab’, confirmed to Dawn that the youth whose face had been beamed over the media was his son.

“I was in denial for the first couple of days, saying to myself it could not have been my son,” he told Dawn in the courtyard of his house in Faridkot, a village of about 2,500 people just a few kilometres from Deepalpur on the way to Kasur. “Now I have accepted it.”

The report, published in Friday’s edition of the paper, was a confirmation of a report by The Observer last weekend. The London weekly tracked down Ajmal’s grandfather in Faridkot and managed to lay its hands on electoral records that showed his mother and father to be residents of the village.

PTI reports:

Amir, a father of three boys and two girls, said his son disappeared from home four years ago. “He had asked me for new clothes on Eid that I couldn’t give him. He got angry and left,” he said. Reports said Ajmal went to Lahore in search of a job. After a brush with crime in that city, he reportedly joined the Lashkar-e-Taiba.

As Amir was talking to Dawn’s correspondents, Ajmal’s two sisters and a younger brother stood nearby. Their mother, wrapped in a ‘chador’, lay on a charpoy.

“Her trance was broken as the small picture of Ajmal lying in a Mumbai hospital was shown around. They appeared to have identified their son. The mother shrunk back in her chador, but the father said he had no problem talking about the subject,” the Dawn reported.

Amir said he settled in Faridkot after arriving from the nearby Haveli Lakha many years ago. He owned the house the family lived in and made a living selling ‘pakoras’ on the streets of the village.

“This is all I have,” he said pointing to a handcart in one corner of the courtyard. “I shifted back to the village after doing the same job in Lahore.”

“My eldest son, Afzal, is also back after a stint in Lahore. He is out working in the fields.”

Amir said he had little say in Ajmal’s life since the day his son walked out on him. He calls the “people who snatched Ajmal from him his enemies, but has no clue [to] who these enemies are.”

Asked why he did not look for his son all this while, he said: “What could I do with the few resources that I have?”

Though mild-mannered, Amir became agitated at the “mention of the link between his son’s actions and money.”

Media reports had said that Ajmal’s handlers had promised him that his family would be compensated with Rs.1,50,000 after the completion of the Mumbai mission. “I don’t sell my sons,” Amir said.

The Hindu : Front Page : Ajmal is a Pakistani: Geo TV
People are still clutching at any straw when it is proven beyond a shadow of doubt that he is from Faridkot.

His father has accepted that and people sitting thousands of miles are still living in denial!
China's security chief warns to heighten vigilance after Bombay terror attacks
English_Xinhua 2008-12-12 00:36:15
BEIJING, Dec. 11 (Xinhua) -- China is determined to learn lessons from recent terror attacks in India and will beef up anti-terror capacities to prevent and fight any terrorist activities, a senior official said here Thursday.

State Councilor and Minister of Public Security Meng Jianzhu said the country will keep high alert on potential threats, particularly from the Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM), which has been identified by the United Nations as a terrorist organization.

Terrorist attacks in Bombay, India, again provided clear evidence that terrorist forces were still active in areas surrounding China, which made anti-terror situation very serious, Meng told a meeting of the national coordination team on anti-terror work.

"We must fully estimate negative impacts possibly brought about by the incident (in India) and seriously learn lessons from it," said Meng, head of the team.

"We must heighten our vigilance against threats of ETIM, and further beef up our capacities in the fight against terrorism," he said.

Meng said China would further improve capabilities of its special anti-terror forces to deal with possible terror attacks.

He urged relevant departments to thoroughly check vulnerable spots in anti-terror work, such as the control of dangerous objects that could be used by terrorists.

He also said the public awareness on anti-terror work must be strengthened through intensive education activities at schools and in the entire society in order to prevent terrorist activities.

China's security chief warns to heighten vigilance after Bombay terror attacks_English_Xinhua

That just means China will learn from this, and won't allow any Indian homegrown terrorists to sneak across the border and cause havoc. :yahoo:


Man is it just me or are Indian obsessed with Pakistan and Pakistani forums? It's like a kid trying so hard to be accepted. Anyone with dignity, would probably leave soon after being told off.

Alright i won't be mean. It's good to have some entertainment around.. :devil:
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How can we be expected to believe anything that this terrorist confesses to? It is quite clear that much of what he says will be extracted under duress. That means the Indians can make him say anything they want.
How can we be expected to believe anything that this terrorist confesses to? It is quite clear that much of what he says will be extracted under duress. That means the Indians can make him say anything they want.
Because there's an investigation that follows up on everything he says, and segments of the Pakistani media have also followed up on it. For instance, British sources tracked his parents down, but it was Pakistani journalists who followed up on it.
Does that mean Pakistani authorities will have access to him too? Maybe a DNA test to prove his connection to the family in Pakistan?
How is it "proven"? Why not allow Pakistani authorities access to him and do a DNA test to prove it. It's not difficult you know...

Personally i believe this "crackdown" was done to get USA off the back. Now the matter is settled, and India can't moan and groan about it. It kinda clears the air and will allow Pakistan to retaliate much more efficiently if India does something stupid like strike within Pakistan looking to "target" these bad bad people.
Wow! :yahoo:

Hes going on trial... Hows that truth serum working now? Will it make him speak aheemmm*... what indian authorities want him to speak?? ;)

I think Pakistan needs to help with the investigations and get this kalava wearing BJP dehshadgard's freinds in jail... dont you think? Mr Modi seems to be very happy with the blasts. He even was going to give compensation to Karkares widow killed by the hindu fanatics. How so very compassionate!

Indians what do you say? I think Pakistanis should definately help in finding the perpetrators of this act and putting these hindu fanatics behind bars. U need our help don't you? We can show u faridkot in India too if u want... :)
india never ever wanted the peace and i dont see that the will never want peace with pak even we r helping them by arresting still they are unhappy if they want war they come we are ready. and we make a new policy towards india to never go for a dilogue with india in future. and speak with them in table.
How is it "proven"? Why not allow Pakistani authorities access to him and do a DNA test to prove it. It's not difficult you know...

Personally i believe this "crackdown" was done to get USA off the back. Now the matter is settled, and India can't moan and groan about it. It kinda clears the air and will allow Pakistan to retaliate much more efficiently if India does something stupid like strike within Pakistan looking to "target" these bad bad people.

Why should evidence be presented to Pakistan ? if the evidence is conclusive. India should rather share with rest of the world then to Pakistan as it needs to get rest of the people from the shared list.
Why should evidence be presented to Pakistan ? if the evidence is conclusive. India should rather share with rest of the world then to Pakistan as it needs to get rest of the people from the shared list.

Fair enough. Share it with the rest of the world INCLUDING Pakistan. The accused should have as much right to the evidence as the accuser.

I sure hope India adopts the same policy of "involve the world in solving issues" when it comes to Kashmir too. :enjoy:
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