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Multiple Terrorist groups claim Wagah Border attack, 55 people killed.

There is no rocket science to it. Pakistan is in a civil war with the likes of TTP and LeJ and BLA. As per Pakistani sources, close to 1200 militants have been killed in Zarb-e-azb. Militants seem to be regrouping and hitting back now the best they know how to. Last few days have had a sudden uptick in attacks on Military and Para Military forces. Followed up with this massive terror strike. In a war, both sides use their most destructive weapons. That's what is being seen.

Add ISIS to the list. Today saw a piece in Dawn citing the emergence of ISIS in Pakistan.

ISIS threat has entered Pakistan: Altaf Hussain
Go ahead and complete your today's quota of Islam & Pakistan bashing - After all why an Indian should let go joyful golden chance of rubbing salt on wounds of Pakistanis in disguise of sympathy.

There is nothing to be joyful brother, the problem is people like you who do not want to go to the root causes of problem. The fact that you want to Gen Zia out of the discussion shows your lineage too.
You can blame India for everything going wrong in your country. But the terrorist who blow themselves are either a citizen of your country or from the western border. All are byproduct of one Ideology...just different version.
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Indian terrorists strikes again.

Pakistan need to learn a lesson from India how they scream from the depth of their throats about Pakistani involvement. Pakistan should do the same. India is actually supporting all these BLA, Jundolla and TTP terrorists from Afghanistan soil.

This group also claimed responsibility for killing 100 Christians last year in peshawar.Was that by india too??
Pakistanis and Indians love to blow each other off. Attack on Indian Parliament, Mumbai Massacre, attack on Sri Lankan team, and now this. Are we really living in the sane world?
Indian terrorists strikes again.

Pakistan need to learn a lesson from India how they scream from the depth of their throats about Pakistani involvement. Pakistan should do the same. India is actually supporting all these BLA, Jundolla and TTP terrorists from Afghanistan soil.
Problem of a lier is he cant believe anybody ..he thinks whole world is in his mould ..So its better to tell lie so that he can get right message ..Yes India is behind all terrorist activities inside pakistan ..what will you do ? Ab kaun sa naya theer maroge ?
Problem of a lier is he cant believe anybody ..he thinks whole world is in his mould ..So its better to tell lie so that he can get right message ..Yes India is behind all terrorist activities inside pakistan ..what will you do ? Ab kaun sa naya theer maroge ?
Pakis keep blaming India for their own shortcomings.
Why are Pakistani members here blaming India for this attacks? What will India gain by this?
Problem of a lier is he cant believe anybody ..he thinks whole world is in his mould ..So its better to tell lie so that he can get right message ..Yes India is behind all terrorist activities inside pakistan ..what will you do ? Ab kaun sa naya theer maroge ?

It is not my job/duty to do anything. ISI and Pakistan's National Army knows what they've to do. I just post my message so that whole world knows that world's largest democracy is actually world's largest hy*******.
Well if any thing to go by pakistani folks out here, this looks like a bollywood story on the rocks!!.

They are making RAW look real Bad A₹₹...RAW funds and motivates Paksitanis to blow themself up to kill more pakistanis. And contatary to ISI, RAW doesnt even had to send its own nationals to cause havoc.

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