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Multiple Terrorist groups claim Wagah Border attack, 55 people killed.

But they were, celebrated.. cheered.. counted with glee. As if those civilians at the border were points to score for the BSF.

I don't believe that.

But still.

That would have been in response of some Pakistani retarded celebrating our deaths. You know how one likes to get even in forums.
A majority of the Indians here on this forum are in India - and have condoled the Pakistanis for their loss.

Let me add to it:
RIP. And hopefully those who did this blast are caught by the Pakistani forces and brought to justice soon.

Condolence has little to do with actions elsewhere. Am I to suddenly beleive that the majority of Indians from India suddently had a change of heart after counting the civilians deaths as trophies in the LoC flare up thread with near joy now find those lost in terror sad?
So essentially, If India kills innocent civilians it is not sad and if they are hit by terrorists it is sad?
Guess who pulls his strings.

the Indians mainly and some other countries responsible in the killing of civilians and security officials in Iran and in Pakistan mainly the Hazara if there is no Punjabi around to kill.
Jundullah are against Iran right..I was thinking Pakistan was helping those guys...but it is turning out to be opposite now...Man..these terrorist theory is so confusing...And again...Why India Pakn border...ealrier they never get engaged with India Pakistan issues as such..
we have no reason to help an organisation that is part of a group that is being supported by other countries to make greater Balochistan out of Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan.. so please think before writing your anti Pakistani jibe

Jundullah and BLA are the same people just rebrand themselves differently on the other side of the border.
both launch attacks against military and civilians. Jundullah also has deobandi extremist members in its organisation that have made name through killing of Shia members of community over the decades.

both are supported by other countries to launch terror attacks against Iran and Pakistan.
Jundullah has more sectarian outlook whereas BLA terrorist is from ethnic angle.
Zarwan brother you are right......these blasts will never stop and we civilian will suffer.....the bigger mistake pakistan did was back in 2001 is "to own an american war"........to turkish brothers plz look for ur own interests and dont enter into middle east mess or your people will suffer like we are suffering.....R.I.P to the fallen....May Allah help us....this will get uglier.

Sooner or later, a withdrawal was inevitable. Pakistan had been taking the drug of Jihad, for a very long time. So, what country should we now wage it in now, after Afghanistan? Ideas, boys, cmon!

Thankful to the commander of the faithfuls, aren't we? @Zarvan
I don't believe that.

But still.

That would have been in response of some Pakistani retarded celebrating our deaths. You know how one likes to get even in forums.

Why a response? Indians aren't descended from heaven where they cannot be restarted and celebrate the deaths inviting a response from Pakistani retards.
Beyond any doubts....RAW, Mossad and CIA. The zionist triad.

Its RAW, Mossad and CIA interests are not threatened so they wouldn't bother with this. This is part of Modi's new strategy of dealing with Pakistan, he has been quite explicit in his speeches of how he will deal with Pakistan and this is the result of India activating its espionage activities in Pakistan. The current Government led by NS is quite adamant to achieve peace with India at any cost, the question will they give the ISI the go ahead to reply in kind or the ISI will just reply in kind without the approval of the Federal Government?
I'd skip the middle one since their interests are not involved.. the latter focuses on Afghan centric operations.. but yes. RAW has, is and will continue to fund the deaths of civilians inside Pakistan.

Although there won't be proof to prove it...but let's assume that you are correct. A country (India) which is considered to be an enemy state will never think good of you. One thing is guaranteed those suicide bombers aren't Indian nationals. He could be from any neighboring countries whose brain is washed by some Mullah and he/she thinks he is serving the almighty by blowing himself.

One must admit that Pakistan already had all the ingredients for devastation. I mean it created the mess by involving in other nations wars. Be it Afghanistan, Chechnya etc.it created, sheltered and trained monsters....all it required was a little motivation to turn rogue. There are consequences dealing with the devil, the first few years one would love the experience....but when it comes to paying the devil with your soul...that is when one understands its mistake. If Pakistan sincerely cleans up its mess and sit down for serious reforms things can still improve....but time is running out.
we are not
sir RAW can't do this.
You are ignoring your real threats.
And that is why these incidents have not stopped and will never , if you continue to ignore.
ignoring and we are watching the Indian smug faces along the Afghan side where they are supporting these terrorists openly. and Kunar and Nooristan is also not far away that has open support of Afghan intelligence and we dont need to guess much why the Northern alliance suddenly finds it profitable to support TTP as well. someone is funding them and its not the AMericans although Afghan agency has been shamed and exposed by even Americans at least in two spectacular raids on it self when Americans wrestled Latif Ullah Mehssood from them which helped in targeting TTP last chief

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