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Multiple Terrorist groups claim Wagah Border attack, 55 people killed.

India did with the Khalistan movement. So is with the insurgency in Assam, especially and ULFA and BLT. However the insurgency in NE was not religiously motivated, hence was a little easy than Khalistan. NE still remains affected but these organizations are more interested in extorting money and nothing else.

The Khalistan movement is isolated within the Punjab..and is isolated to a percentage of the population based on religion. Not 95% of the nation.
they fail at doing their real jobs so this all they can do… this is al you can expect for cowards weaklings…. hopefully the government will give the ISI the go ahead to respond to this.
sir RAW has been created to identify the threats from internal and external terrorism and give security alerts to govt.
Capture terrorists , and help to fight with terrorism.
They are not made to give terrorism in other country.
the Indians mainly and some other countries responsible in the killing of civilians and security officials in Iran and in Pakistan mainly the Hazara if there is no Punjabi around to kill.

we have no reason to help an organisation that is part of a group that is being supported by other countries to make greater Balochistan out of Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan.. so please think before writing your anti Pakistani jibe

Jundullah and BLA are the same people just rebrand themselves differently on the other side of the border.
both launch attacks against military and civilians. Jundullah also has deobandi extremist members in its organisation that have made name through killing of Shia members of community over the decades.

both are supported by other countries to launch terror attacks against Iran and Pakistan.
Jundullah has more sectarian outlook whereas BLA terrorist is from ethnic angle.

i understand we don't have full info til investigation complete and not always good to speculate but from what i gather it was the one given patronage by hakimullah mehsud, not irani jundullah. so obv. the same funding and logistics routes from kunar and indian consulates in afgh.

Jundallah (Urdu: جند اللہ‎) is an Islamist terrorist militant group associated with the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). The group was commanded by Hakimullah Mehsud, the Emir of TTP,[1] until his death on 1 November 2013.[2][3] Ahmed Marwat is the spokesman of the group. [4]

we have pulverized their foundation so its the last squeals of a rat. but the attempt at blowback or retaliation by these mofos must have been anticipated and thwarted for months now. how did they get through the intelligence network and security apparatus in location like this? please shed some light sir thanku
Far-fetched, No need for asymmetric actions especially after a satisfactory escalation measures were put in.
As I said, Odd and under evaluation. specifically since Jundullah has in the past been connected to the Baloch insurgency which has had substantial "projects" allotted to it by Indian intelligence. The era of wasting operatives for such blasts ala the 90's is over. Plenty of idiots willing to die for $100.

Again, this is on the tenth man rule ideal.. evaluate the unlikeliest of ideas. I'm rather thankful that the blast did not end up with some sort of suicide charge at the Indian border... that would have been disastrous.
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un... both to the Dead and Pakistan's stability..

amidst a standoff... such a blast happens which is very inhuman and demoralizing..

We all wish that Pakistan recovers from this blast
إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ
I haven't seen any Indian start that but many a time has seen likes of Razpak and Zarvan bragg about how only 10 Pakistani can shake Mumbai. And there are many like them 90% of Pakistanies on forum are like that . They also mocke us many a times about behading incident.

I'll show you twenty Indians who do the same, dragging in 71, Kargil.. this and that. I have much more time and much more experience dealing with members on this forum that you would ever have.
This Jundallah is different. This is not the same as that Balochistani. Apparently, they were responsible for the Church massacre, Gilgit Baltistan tourist attack and now this. Their activities sound very suspicious. Like as much of scumbags these terrorists are, they have slight hints of humanity. These Jundullah guys on the other hand seem to be working as mercenaries for Afghan intelligence or RAW to me.
One of RAW's objectives is this as well

  • Covert Operations to safe guard India's National interests
Which means if it is construed that India's National interest is served via the disruption and chaos of Pakistani society via sponsoring terrorism.. RAW will put all efforts into it.
I agree .. both countries are culprit in sponsoring such operations.. which is why both countries should solve their problems by dialogue.
Guess who pulls his strings.

Is there any thin line for you people from switching from Sanity to Radicalism?????? (I thought U a sane person)

Why you people are hell bent to drag in India for every sh!t you have??????

Instead to blaming India for every thing just look inside your selves, how much FILTH & HATE you people carry AGAINST ONE ANOTHER, you will get the Answer.
The Khalistan movement is isolated within the Punjab..and is isolated to a percentage of the population based on religion. Not 95% of the nation.

Agree with you, its a difficult task but not impossible...but the way things are going from bad to worse that's not a sign.
India might have an agenda...but again nobody in India wants a destabilized Pakistan as there will be ripple effects India.
Who can you blame for the radicalization?? Definitely not India...it is a by product of Gen Zia's policies and the creation of Taliban.
Kind of scary that so many otherwise sane guys want to desperately blame India for this. With zero proof. This attack is just a few hours old, there is nothing clearly suggesting an Indian angle to this & I don't buy the argument that India would go after civilian targets in such a heavy handed manner (border firing is different) without any real provocation. This is no longer the 80's & the 90's and even if RAW has decided & got executive permission to beef up its covert abilities inside of Pakistan, this is still very early, the target is not a very good one & the instigation is lacking.
My hero defeated the soviets

Did he? I dont think so, the Soviet Union left and declined due to other reasons barring the nationalist BS, but what he did resulted into this. Creation of all sort of Jihadi infrastructure on Pakistani soil and training of terrorists for Jihad, now the whole thing has gone national. These are the same Mujahideens, under a different name. But the same family links and the same agenda- the same make and model. These Mullah, Qari, Moulvi, Mufti aren't landing from JFK/BenGurion/Heathrow/Indira Gandhi Intl Airport, these are born and bred Pakistanis looking to enforce Islam here, just as the commander of the faithful wanted. The product of decades of indoctrination of extremism for the Afghan Jihad. Your hero is resposnible, in a manner, for this blast. The question is "Are you proud?" sitting in infidel U.S.A now.

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