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Multiple Terrorist groups claim Wagah Border attack, 55 people killed.

the Indians mainly and some other countries responsible in the killing of civilians and security officials in Iran and in Pakistan mainly the Hazara if there is no Punjabi around to kill.

we have no reason to help an organisation that is part of a group that is being supported by other countries to make greater Balochistan out of Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan.. so please think before writing your anti Pakistani jibe

Jundullah and BLA are the same people just rebrand themselves differently on the other side of the border.
both launch attacks against military and civilians. Jundullah also has deobandi extremist members in its organisation that have made name through killing of Shia members of community over the decades.

both are supported by other countries to launch terror attacks against Iran and Pakistan.
Jundullah has more sectarian outlook whereas BLA terrorist is from ethnic angle.

Sirji.You cant blame RAW without any evidence.What is the purpose of such an attack?What is the gain they can get from such a cruel attack?
Its RAW, Mossad and CIA interests are not threatened so they wouldn't bother with this. This is part of Modi's new strategy of dealing with Pakistan, he has been quite explicit in his speeches of how he will deal with Pakistan and this is the result of India activating its espionage activities in Pakistan. The current Government led by NS is quite adamant to achieve peace with India at any cost, the question will they give the ISI the go ahead to reply in kind or the ISI will just reply in kind without the approval of the Federal Government?

let me take pakistan seriously when you raise the question of indian sponsored terrorism in pakistan on multiple international forum including UN. you cry about kashmir all the time but i have not heard a single word about terrorism from your people. recently it was found that your own navy officials wanted to hijack a navy ship and a major was behind the attack on GHQ. let us show some concrete evidences.
piece of shit raw… i hope we have a rat hunt season by ISI… these cowards can only support attacks on our civilians.
How india gets away with this is amazing-
Isnt it an ooen secret that India supports terrorists of Balouchistan-
when we gona issue dossiers?-
Did he? I dont think so, the Soviet Union left and declined due to other reasons, but what he did resulted into this. Creation of all sort of Jihadi infrastructure on Pakistani soil and training of terrorists for Jihad, now the whole thing has gone national. These are the same Mujahideens, under a different name perhaps. But the same family links and the same agenda. These Mullah, Qari, Moulvi, Mufti aren't landing from JFK/BenGurion/Heathrow/Palm Intl Airport, these are born and bred Pakistanis looking to enforce Islam here, just as the commander of the faithful wanted. Your hero is resposnible, in a manner, for this blast. The question is "Are you proud?" sitting in infidel U.S.A now.

Not to mention that his hero also handed Ak-47 to every matric fail as "zewar". Now every land grabber, criminal, illiterate, mullah has free access to AK-47 because of his hero's love for Islam.
Is there any thin line for you people from switching from Sanity to Radicalism?????? (I thought U a sane person)

Why you people are hell bent to drag in India for every sh!t you have??????

Instead to blaming India for every thing just look inside your selves, how much FILTH & HATE you people carry AGAINST ONE ANOTHER, you will get the Answer.
there is no filth and hate… just yindoo funded terrorists…i hope pakistan responds
they are supported your people yindoo
The funny thing is that Pakistani members seem more interested in bashing India (on suspicion) than the actual terrorist outfit that has self confessed to the attack.
Did he? I dont think so, the Soviet Union left and declined due to other reasons barring the nationalist BS, but what he did resulted into this. Creation of all sort of Jihadi infrastructure on Pakistani soil and training of terrorists for Jihad, now the whole thing has gone national. These are the same Mujahideens, under a different name. But the same family links and the same agenda- the same make and model. These Mullah, Qari, Moulvi, Mufti aren't landing from JFK/BenGurion/Heathrow/Indira Gandhi Intl Airport, these are born and bred Pakistanis looking to enforce Islam here, just as the commander of the faithful wanted. The product of decades of indoctrination of extremism for the Afghan Jihad. Your hero is resposnible, in a manner, for this blast. The question is "Are you proud?" sitting in infidel U.S.A now.
Had the great Soviet union succeed in its ambitions- along with india worse would have happened to Pakistan- there would have been no Pakistan to worry about the mess to start with-
How india gets away with this is amazing-
Isnt it an ooen secret that India supports terrorists of Balouchistan-
when we gona issue dossiers?-
If there was any proof to be had of course your govt would be shouting from the top of their lungs about ti and handing over thousand page dossiers (as the Indian govt did after 26/11) but in the absence of this it is quite clear that once again Pakistan has fallen prey to domestic groups.

All this finger pointing to outside of your borders actually weakens your domestic counter terror efforts and perpetuates the cycle of violence currently in full swing inside Pakistan.
Jundullah are agaisnt Iran right..I was thinking Pakistan was helping those guys...but it is turning out to be opposite now...Man..these terrorist theory is so confusing...And again...Why India Pakn border...ealrier they never get engaged with India Pakistan issues as such..

Pakistan is not so stupid as to help a group that is fighting for Baluchistan independence, any emergence of such a state in Iran would directly threaten Pakistan. Only emotional Iranians accuse Pakistan of such things those who can think realize it doesn't make much sense, anyway hopefully this removes any doubts.
I'll show you twenty Indians who do the same, dragging in 71, Kargil.. this and that. I have much more time and much more experience dealing with members on this forum that you would ever have.

What is your point Mod ?? You are getting all this mixed up .

Terrorist attacks and wars are two different things.

One is supposed to celebrate War victory but not coward terrorist attack.
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How india gets away with this is amazing-
Isnt it an ooen secret that India supports terrorists of Balouchistan-
when we gona issue dossiers?-
When you find something substantial linking India to your self created internal mess. In other words, never. Your leaders know that empty drum beating aside, the proverbial $hit that's hitting the fan in Pakistan is purely a local production.

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