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Multiple Terrorist groups claim Wagah Border attack, 55 people killed.

None in Hindu or i dare say, Indian community have balls to blow themselves up. Why ? Because Indian culture is secular, read materialistic. BJP, RSS, VHP blah blah blah...none of them are that radicalized.

RIP for victims, i hope i never use RIP again for anyone else.

Someone wants to fuel India-Pak tension.
this is sad innalillahi wa ina ilahi rajion ,
brethren we can sit arnd bearing these cuts to our nation,or we can act .
first off how can u expect a wahabist pm to do anything against these organistaions who more or less carry the sam eideology sometimes it feels like the nawaz sharif gvt and the terrorists are on the same page,we need to get rid off these whabi puppets

next issue a call for volunteer army to fight off afghanis once and for all yes invade them make it part of kpk administered from peshawar,atleast we will have destroyed there freedom of movement in afghanistan ,of a nation of 200 million and so many wellas on our streets ,we can get the youth and any willing pakistani to be our invasion force ,since our economy seems not to be working we can become a war economy since we are continuously pushed towards it so its better to adapt and start profiting from war,i don't care if u give the invasion force incentive to loot pillage make afghan's slaves as payment for their efforts to invade afghanistan morality does'nt matter when ur nation is on the line,this nation has to be destroyed these rats stoneage afghans think they can destroy us with the backing of indians lets teach them we will make there women children men slaves uterly destroy them,and in doing so teaching neighbour such as iran not to be a proxy of india or it would face the same relentless pakistani on slaught ,
Those families and their first hand experience of pain has little to do with a large section of Indian representation here celebrating civilian deaths during the recent LoC crises..What possible difference can one assume in their thought process about this incident?

oh come on, on this very forum I have seen people take pride in mumbai attack that how few "mujahidden" can't be defeated.
innalilahi wa inna illahi rajioon. may that aulad of iblees burn in hell to eternity.

WTF is this Jandallah? Wasn't it supposed to be a baloch terrorist organization working against Iran? Can anyone aware me on it?

basically ttp
Jundallah (Pakistan) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the other more known jundallah works exclusively against iran in sistan-balochistan. they've got nothin to do with ttp or ahrar on the surface of it.
Anything new?

Turned the TV on to watch this and they were trying to talk with someone who had just lost 5 members of his family. Would have slapped the shit out of them if they had brought cameras in my face at that time.
oh come on, on this very forum I have seen people take pride in mumbai attack that how few "mujahidden" can't be defeated.

So you agree that these deaths are good and should be celebrated then?
it was same in india in lesser form.. naxaist ...terrorism .. now almost negigible..
corrption in india was sky high .. still now.. same we used to say its ther for 50 yr but thing chnageing now slowly ..
thne why not pak ..
just why not...
soryy to be illogical .. but cant think logical a moment
well i have no hope from things in pakistan
RIP.... hope their loved ones gain the strength to survive this tough time. I feel sorry for all the Pakistani friends here.
So you agree that these deaths are good and should be celebrated then?
had you seen my previous posts you could not have asked this ultra stupid question. the point is there are lunatics on both side.
Those families and their first hand experience of pain has little to do with a large section of Indian representation here celebrating civilian deaths during the recent LoC crises..What possible difference can one assume in their thought process about this incident?

We also lost civilians in recent face off. Don't be absurd.How can we celebrate death of civilians ??
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