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Mullah Fazlullah: Bad News For Pakistan!!


May 28, 2011
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The 39-year-old is a passionate ideologue, a cleric implacably opposed to any rapprochement with the Pakistani state. He has appeared in numerous militant videos wielding knives and guns as soldiers are slaughtered in the background.

Analysts view him as even more ruthless than his predecessor, Hakimullah. In a recent interview, he said his next target would be Pakistan's military chief Gen Ashfaq Kayani.

And on his accession, the Taliban said they would not hold back from targeting the army and the government. He is a man who believes he is directly fulfilling God's wish with his war. "This (Pakistan) is all God's land and we can go anywhere and nobody can stop us. We will soon deliver a good and hard lesson to the Pakistani government," he said. He insisted forcefully that he would ensure Islamic Sharia law within Pakistan and that he would never cease seeking that end - that mission comes cross very clearly as his driving force.

BBC News - Profile: Mullah Fazlullah

BBC News - Meeting Mullah Fazlullah, the Taliban's new chief

So then, all this talk by politicians of all hues in Pakistan of a peace agreement with the TTP looks more like a mirage. The ideologies are poles apart. The aim of the TTP is clear and it is toward this end that the new Mullah on the block will go to any length to prove his credentials.

Should Pakistan be worried? Probably yes. They should expect more spectacular attacks in the near future.
Fazlullah is keen to sabotage any hopes of peace talks with the government. We should make solid efforts to ensure that he is eliminated ASAP. I also assume that reports emerging from Nuristan claiming he had been wounded are untrue as well.

We need to eliminate top Taliban commanders. Instead of the Americans doing it for us this time we should go after Fazlullah and eliminate him. We must salvage some of our left honor. It is not the Americans job to eliminate top leaders of the Pakistani Taliban, that is solely our job because TTP is waging a war against us Pakistanis.

According to reports in 2011 Pakistan accounted for 79% of all terror deaths in South Asia. If we do not wake up now and make efforts to eliminate the Taliban we will be forgotten in history. Still there is hope. According to pew 85% of Pakistanis believe suicide bombing is a heinous crime. Pakistani people's views are changing because of the terrorism situation in Pakistan and the evil acts the Taliban have done.
Mullah Fazlullah is a Gujjar acc. to Newsweek.
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Fazlullah is keen to sabotage any hopes of peace talks with the government. We should make solid efforts to ensure that he is eliminated ASAP. I also assume that reports emerging from Nuristan claiming he had been wounded are untrue as well.

We need to eliminate top Taliban commanders. Instead of the Americans doing it for us this time we should go after Fazlullah and eliminate him. We must salvage some of our left honor. It is not the Americans job to eliminate top leaders of the Pakistani Taliban, that is solely our job because TTP is waging a war against us Pakistanis.

According to reports in 2011 Pakistan accounted for 79% of all terror deaths in South Asia. If we do not wake up now and make efforts to eliminate the Taliban we will be forgotten in history. Still there is hope. According to pew 85% of Pakistanis believe suicide bombing is a heinous crime. Pakistani people's views are changing because of the terrorism situation in Pakistan and the evil acts the Taliban have done.

With such heavy presence inside Afg why have the americans not been able to get this guy, or does he have to say yes to negotiations for him to get killed as well. But I do agree with you that we have to double our efforts to get this guy. But the only problem is how, the only way I see possible is through the Afghan talibans. Because this bastard does enjoy state support in Afg.
Something which confuses me about the TTP...is their sole demand the strict implementation of Sharia? If so, following from the 2 nations theory, shouldn't Pakistan be strictly applying Sharia ? Therefore, isn't the demand of the TTP a legitimate demand ? I must confess I am ignorant about the operations of this outfit and am still trying to figure out what exactly is it that they want. Hopefully somebody knows since I read in another thread that they are responsible for the deaths of some 45 000 civilians in Pakistan
Something which confuses me about the TTP...is their sole demand the strict implementation of Sharia? If so, following from the 2 nations theory, shouldn't Pakistan be strictly applying Sharia ? Therefore, isn't the demand of the TTP a legitimate demand ? I must confess I am ignorant about the operations of this outfit and am still trying to figure out what exactly is it that they want. Hopefully somebody knows since I read in another thread that they are responsible for the deaths of some 45 000 civilians in Pakistan

No they don't demand to implement Sharia they use Sharia to justify their immoral crimes some of the activities they have carried out (other than suicide attacks which we obviously all know about) are extremely anti Islam in fact no human being can support them all they keep crying over is how they are fighting a war for Islam its a cheap tactic to defame Islam as well as to influence the minds of the population.
Dynamics of Militancy after Fazlullahs Surprise Pick
PESHAWAR: Unexpected elevation of Mullah Fazlullah to the position of chief of the outlawed Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan is likely to change things in the country’s troubled northwestern region.

The selection of Mullah Fazlullah and deputy Sheikh Khalid Haqqani by 17-member Supreme Council has shifted the command of TTP from Mehsud tribe of South Waziristan Agency to the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

Despite the shifting of command from Fata to a settled area of the province, Waziristan would remain to be the centre of gravity and main sanctuary of militants, which many observers believe has made the situation more complex.

The new fugitive commander of TTP, who belongs to Swat valley, has been reportedly sitting somewhere in Afghanistan’s Nuristan province, while Khalid Haqqani belongs to Swabi district.

The command of the TTP Supreme Council has already gone to Asmatullah Shaheen, who belongs to Bhittani tribe in Frontier Region Jandola.

This unforeseen announcement stunned some media experts, who favoured Commander Said Khan Sajna as replacement of Hakimullah Mehsud, who was killed in a US drone attack in Dandy Derpakhel area of North Waziristan Agency on November 1.

The killing of Hakimullah and shifting of leadership from tribal area to the settled area of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has confused Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman, who had been manoeuvering for peace talks between the government and the Taliban through a tribal jirga for the last one and a half years, said one leader of JUI-F. “Certainly, the situation has totally changed, which has disturbed Maulana,” he said.

JUI-F central spokesman Jan Achakzai said the new situation had raised so many questions and process of talks has been stalled.

“The new leader of TTP is in Afghanistan and now the question is how to start peace talks,” he said.

Another factor, according to the JUI-F spokesman, was that Commander Sajna was ready for negotiations, while the new leadership has refused to come to the table for talks.

“This is a transitional period and we will be waiting because you can’t go to Afghanistan for talks,” he maintained.

South Waziristan Agency is the birthplace of TTP which was established in 2007 and despite the fact that TTP is a conglomerate of several militant outfits across the country, its command always rested with Mehsuds. Baitullah Mehsud, founder of TTP had nominated Hakimullah as his successor before his assassination in drone strike in August 2009.

Hakimullah reportedly had tipped Latifullah Mehsud who was arrested in Afghanistan as the next chief of TTP. Security forces captured bastion of TTP in Mehsud territory in 2009 which forced its leadership to shift and set up sanctuaries in adjacent North Waziristan, but Mehsud did not give up command. Every act of terrorism including bank robbery, kidnapping for ransom, suicide attack, and bomb blast happening across the country is attributed to Waziristan-based TTP, which is charged with harbouring militants both locals and foreigners. The reason is that its leadership belongs to the troubled territory.

Now, dynamics of TTP militancy have changed with the appointment of Fazlullah. For the first time, TTP would be controlled by non-Mehsud from across the border.

Fazlullah is sitting in Afghanistan while his deputy chief belongs to Swabi district. This new development will trigger blame game between Islamabad and Kabul.

Fazlullah who had claimed killing of Maj-Gen Sanaullah Niazi in Upper Dir on September 15 and also owned cross border attacks on security forces in Malakand Division is wanted to Pakistani government. The government had announced Rs 5 millions head money on Fazlullah.

Security analyst Brig (r) Mahmood Shah accused Afghanistan’s National Directorate of Security (NDS) of patronising Mullah Fazlullah.

“Afghan government claims that Pakistan is supporting insurgency in Afghanistan so Kabul is supporting Pakistani Taliban,” he said, but as whole the situation was in favour of Pakistan.

But, Brig (r) Shah said, shifting of leadership from Mehsud to Fazlullah would certainly weaken TTP and this is an opportunity for the government to take advantage of the vacuum.

“By nature, Mehsuds don’t listen to anybody. They don’t accept authority of outsiders and therefore, it would be very difficult for Fazlullah to control Mehsuds in TTP from across the border,” he opined, “This is a major setback for the outlawed organisation.”

Sources said TTP in South Waziristan had divided in several groups and Commander Sajna had differences with Hakimullah.

They said supporters of Hakimullah and Waliur Rehman had recently clashed in Karachi.

“Waliur Rehman group is stronger than Hakimullah group and his people expelled Hakimullah men from Karachi,” said one analyst.

Former information minister Mian Iftikhar Hussain said personally Fazlullah was very rough and tough compared to any other person in the present hierarchy of TTP.

“He (Fazlullah) even doesn’t listen, but the plus point in the shifting of leadership from tribal belt to the settled area is that elements in the Fazlullah group are little bit flexible and know political intrigues. But the negative side of it is that the chief of TTP is outside Pakistan and it would be difficult to contact him easily for negotiations,” he said.

Mr Hussain said Fazlullah was in Afghanistan, but he still had strong network in the settled areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Dynamics of militancy after Fazlullah’s surprise pick - DAWN.COM
No they don't demand to implement Sharia they use Sharia to justify their immoral crimes some of the activities they have carried out (other than suicide attacks which we obviously all know about) are extremely anti Islam in fact no human being can support them all they keep crying over is how they are fighting a war for Islam its a cheap tactic to defame Islam as well as to influence the minds of the population.

All that I have read about the TTP on this forum is that they were allowed to implement Sharia and to control certain areas of Pakistan until the WoT broke out. Thereafter due to USA pressure, the Pakistani government clamped down on them. I have yet to come across a thread where the demands of the TTP are set out and where they state unconditionally that if such demands are met then they will abandon violence and their civil war against the State. Has such demands ever been set out by the TTP ?
All that I have read about the TTP on this forum is that they were allowed to implement Sharia and to control certain areas of Pakistan until the WoT broke out. Thereafter due to USA pressure, the Pakistani government clamped down on them. I have yet to come across a thread where the demands of the TTP are set out and where they state unconditionally that if such demands are met then they will abandon violence and their civil war against the State. Has such demands ever been set out by the TTP ?

The tribal people have always had their own set up but what the TTP refers to as "Sharia" is the mockery of it infact if we implement Sharia today in the country then these groups would be the first to be eliminated in the worst possible way. The only reason they use the name "Sharia" is because it attracts a huge population into supporting them in all acts unIslamic. The reason it attracted so many tribal people into joining them is that the government had aligned itself with the US and that gives them reason enough to show how the state is inefficient and anti Islam therefore their so called war is in support of Islam. This narrative is well enough to indoctrinate the minds of thousands if not more.
But I do agree with you that we have to double our efforts to get this guy.
The TTP has become a hydra headed monster! You cut off one head and the other pops up to take over.

The TTP has to be completely decimated if there has to be peace. Now that's going to be tough. The PA needs to get more troops on the ground otherwise it will be impossible to vanquish them. For that they need to redeploy troops from the East to the West. And that's not an option at present due to the situation prevailing along the LoC.

So the only alternative is for a paradigm shift in policies of India and Pakistan towards each other. I think it's high time for a detente between us so that terrorism can be fought together. But then, considering the deep distrust between the two neighbors, this is going to be one tough call!
sir plz will anybody tell me who is in favour of islam and pakistan (ttp or pak army)?
Fazlullah is keen to sabotage any hopes of peace talks with the government. We should make solid efforts to ensure that he is eliminated ASAP. I also assume that reports emerging from Nuristan claiming he had been wounded are untrue as well.

We need to eliminate top Taliban commanders. Instead of the Americans doing it for us this time we should go after Fazlullah and eliminate him. We must salvage some of our left honor. It is not the Americans job to eliminate top leaders of the Pakistani Taliban, that is solely our job because TTP is waging a war against us Pakistanis.

According to reports in 2011 Pakistan accounted for 79% of all terror deaths in South Asia. If we do not wake up now and make efforts to eliminate the Taliban we will be forgotten in history. Still there is hope. According to pew 85% of Pakistanis believe suicide bombing is a heinous crime. Pakistani people's views are changing because of the terrorism situation in Pakistan and the evil acts the Taliban have done.

why to eliminate him? if you have the right to label ahmadi as non-mslim and discriminate them, then these guys have the right to consider themselves as purer mussies and slay anyone they think is not. isnt it?
The tribal people have always had their own set up but what the TTP refers to as "Sharia" is the mockery of it infact if we implement Sharia today in the country then these groups would be the first to be eliminated in the worst possible way. The only reason they use the name "Sharia" is because it attracts a huge population into supporting them in all acts unIslamic. The reason it attracted so many tribal people into joining them is that the government had aligned itself with the US and that gives them reason enough to show how the state is inefficient and anti Islam therefore their so called war is in support of Islam. This narrative is well enough to indoctrinate the minds of thousands if not more.

So, in effect they are using Pakistan's alliance with the USA in its war against terror as being the core of their issues? Perhaps Imran Khan may have had a point when he suggested that the establishment host peace talks with this group in order to determine what exactly are their grievances and how the establishment could address those grievances? After all, Indians and Americans and the rest of the world can carry on prodding the Pakistani establishment and the army to take on these people. It is the common Pakistanis who suffer as a consequence of the civil war. If it is simply a matter of the establishment renouncing any future alliance with the Yanks in their war or wars, and if that gets rid of the TTP, then surely that would serve Pakistan's best interests ?
Funny to see some of the feedbacks by our confused, at times sarcastic indian guests

at any rate - every knows where the tides are headed. The man is marked. A lot of resources should be devoted towards intel on this matter. When we find him, we should punish him and his cohorts (as well as his generous donors and financiers) 
The TTP has become a hydra headed monster! You cut off one head and the other pops up to take over.

The TTP has to be completely decimated if there has to be peace. Now that's going to be tough. The PA needs to get more troops on the ground otherwise it will be impossible to vanquish them. For that they need to redeploy troops from the East to the West. And that's not an option at present due to the situation prevailing along the LoC.

So the only alternative is for a paradigm shift in policies of India and Pakistan towards each other. I think it's high time for a detente between us so that terrorism can be fought together. But then, considering the deep distrust between the two neighbors, this is going to be one tough call!

they have largely been decimated but as usual, you people forget that "TTP" is just an umbrella organization. You have dozens of factions, some which are not even united with eachother; let the monster self implode, saves us the bullets. We've been dealing with these monsters on our own; they waged war on the state in 2008/09 and now their capabilities are largely reduced b/c of the military operations against them and their war supplies
So, in effect they are using Pakistan's alliance with the USA in its war against terror as being the core of their issues? Perhaps Imran Khan may have had a point when he suggested that the establishment host peace talks with this group in order to determine what exactly are their grievances and how the establishment could address those grievances? After all, Indians and Americans and the rest of the world can carry on prodding the Pakistani establishment and the army to take on these people. It is the common Pakistanis who suffer as a consequence of the civil war. If it is simply a matter of the establishment renouncing any future alliance with the Yanks in their war or wars, and if that gets rid of the TTP, then surely that would serve Pakistan's best interests ?

The Pakistani government has to renounce its alliance with the US government because it has done more harm than anything. The tribal people of our country have been our greatest asset so why suddenly they would welcome the hardlined and unrelenting presence of the TTP? if they would not tolerate them they would have efficiently dealt with them thats precisely the reason why they are fed a narrative that will attract them into joining forces with the TTP. The fact that Afghanistan (a Muslim country) was ruined by a foreign occupying force and Pakistani government was an ally of that occupying force instead of supporting the public there is evidence enough for them to prove that the establishment is anti Islam. So as long as the tribal people aren't taken into confidence against the TTP, they are not the casualties due to the droning and don't feel hunted down they would never support the likes of TTP. We have lost too many lives now its crucial that we employ a different tactic and once our tribal people won't be in any way in support of TTP the battle would be easily won not like it is now that once you kill one of their leaders tens if not hundreds join them. So making them lose their narrative would eventually finish off the job effectively.

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