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Mukti Bahini must be given due credit for liberating Bangladesh: Gen Jacob

IA lapped up all credit of 1971 war.If it wasnt for the internal revolt of mukti bhahini then PA would have whooped IA.

At the time of surrender PA was 90000 in strength, "21 Sikhs in the Battle of Saragrahi fought 10000 pathans and were martyred and became a legends" and here 90000 PA soldiers surrendered unconditionally.
Porus was probably a Khatriya king and spoke Sanskrit as was the tradition of that time. Anyway Porus was a small time King and most of the Punjab was ruled by king of Taxila and Ambhi who surrendered to Alexander without fighting.

Jats fighting for MBQ? What the hell have you been smoking, MBQ infact said pretty nasty things about Jats. Arabs never been able to do inroad into North India and been defeated by Rajput confideciary.

Gakhhar claim their ancestry to Rajputs and they are not majority of Punjab anyway. Look some of them fighting for various invasive force as soldier of fortune really doesn't speak tall of them. The fact remains almost all invasion to India from North West rarely met any resistance in Pakistani Punjab. Invaders who got past Peshawar could then only be stopped at Karnal or Panipat because they went through Punjab undisturbed, nor did the Punjabi Muslims ever rebelled against ruling power be them Mughal, Afghan or Sikhs.

Except Sher Shah, Afghans never been able to make a notable empire in South Asia. Gazni, Ghori etc are actually Turk, not Pashtun. Also Afghans never been conquered is a myth. They have been ruled by Indians, Persians, Greek, Kushans, Arabs, Sikhs, Turks, Mongols, Huns to name a few.

It is said that 4,000 Jats of Sind joined Mohammad Bin Qasim's army and fought against Raja Dahir. Sindhi Jats henceforth began to be regularly recruited in the Muslim armies.
The line of rulership before Islam runs: Siharus, Raja Sahasi II, Chach, Raja Dahir. The first two were Buddhist Rajputs and the last two Hindu Brahmins. There is a difference of opinion among historians concerning the social dynamic between the Jatts and the Brahmins. Some historians suggest that the relationship was an adversarial one, with Brahmins using their high caste status to try to exploit and oppress the Jatts, Meds and Buddhists, who formed the bulk of the peasantry when ever they got the opportunity.[36] According to a quote by historian U.T Thakkur, "When Chach, the Brahmin chamberlain who usurped the throne of Rajput King Sahasi II went to Brahmanabad, he enjoined upon the Jats and Lohanas not to carry swords, avoid velvet or silken cloth, ride horses without saddles and walk about bare-headed and bare-footed".[37]
However, Thakkur also writes that Hinduism and Buddhism existed side by side, suggesting a more complex dynamic between the endogamous groups. [The king followed early Hinduism, but a majority of his advisers were a mix of Buddhists, and other faiths. The ruler of Brahmanabad, a Jatt, also had professed Buddhism as his spiritual guide. Nonetheless, there was a strong sense of "ideological dualism" between them, which he wrote was the inherent weakness that the Arabs exploited in their favor when they invaded the region.[37]
It was because of this internal dissension that that Muhammad bin Qasim received cooperation from some of the Buddhists as well as some of the Jats and Meds during his campaign in Sind [3](An advanced history of India by Ramesh Chandra Majumdar; Hemchandra Raychaudhuri; Kalikinkar Datta Delhi: Macmillan India, 1973) In fact he was hailed as deliverer by several sections of local population. The position of the Buddhists in Sind seeking support from outside can be read in the Chach Nama.
“ Mohammad Bin Qasim's work was facilitated by the treachery of certain Buddhist priests and renegade chiefs who deserted their sovereign and joined the invader. With the assistance of some of these traitors, Mohammad crossed the vast sheet of water separating his army from that of Dahir and gave battle to the ruler near Raor (712 AD). Dahir was defeated and killed.
Jat people in Islamic history - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

At first the Jats had indeed resisted, but then they converted. The Persian King Yazdgerd III had also sought the help of the Sind ruler who sent Jat soldiers and elephants which were used against the Arabs in the Battle of al-Qādisiyyah[citation needed].
According to Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari (Tabari), Ali ibn Abi Talib A.S had employed Jats to guard Basra treasury during the battle of Jamal.
“ "Jats were the guards of the Baitul Maal at al-Basra during the time of Uthman ibn Affan and Ali ibn Abi Talib." ”
[34] Amir Muawiya had settled them on the Syrian border to fight against the Romans.
The frogmen were members of submarine crew of latest Pak submarine mangro who defected in France .8 submariners dismissed soldiers formed 24 member crew who trained others. They swam up to 20 miles breathing from papaya reeds mining up ships immobilizing the troops and cargo
At the time of surrender PA was 90000 in strength, "21 Sikhs in the Battle of Saragrahi fought 10000 pathans and were martyred and became a legends" and here 90000 PA soldiers surrendered unconditionally.

Both issues are completely un related. One cannot be used as an example for another.
Exactly, without Mukhti Bahni, there would have been no Bangladesh. I give them 100% credit.

Then the question becomes where did Mukti Bahini receive it's supply or arsenal from? Obviously, RAW intelligence provided arms and possibly training to the Mukti Bahini.

In the past several years I have done some extensive reading on the 1971 War, and I don't think people realize how much the PA was crushing the Mukti Bahini. PA defeated Mukti Bahini in nearly every battle they fought with them, they even searched through cities and found the homes and families of the Mukti Bahini and dealt with them as well. MB alone could not have prevailed they were being slaughtered for the greater part of the war. It was only Indian military intervention which saved them and caused the tipping point in favor of the Bangladesh liberation.

Although had Pakistani military had better commanders at the time could have endure the war longer on the eastern front enough to get a cease fire called and held onto East Pakistan.

What I would like to learn about are the battles between MB and Razakar forces.

At the time of surrender PA was 90000 in strength, "21 Sikhs in the Battle of Saragrahi fought 10000 pathans and were martyred and became a legends" and here 90000 PA soldiers surrendered unconditionally.

I see you believe in the Old Indian lie, there were never 90,000 army personnel or military personnel in East Pakistan. Approximately 55% of the 90,000 where military personnel and 45% where civilian personnel and employees of Pakistan.
Both issues are completely un related. One cannot be used as an example for another.

Both are related to defense of their territory and is an apt comparison.

I see you believe in the Old Indian lie, there were never 90,000 army personnel or military personnel in East Pakistan. Approximately 55% of the 90,000 where military personnel and 45% where civilian personnel and employees of Pakistan.

IA and Mukti Bahini(trained civilians) on one side and PA and volunteers on the other side.
Then the question becomes where did Mukti Bahini receive it's supply or arsenal from? Obviously, RAW intelligence provided arms and possibly training to the Mukti Bahini.

In the past several years I have done some extensive reading on the 1971 War, and I don't think people realize how much the PA was crushing the Mukti Bahini. PA defeated Mukti Bahini in nearly every battle they fought with them, they even searched through cities and found the homes and families of the Mukti Bahini and dealt with them as well. MB alone could not have prevailed they were being slaughtered for the greater part of the war. It was only Indian military intervention which saved them and caused the tipping point in favor of the Bangladesh liberation.

Although had Pakistani military had better commanders at the time could have endure the war longer on the eastern front enough to get a cease fire called and held onto East Pakistan.

What I would like to learn about are the battles between MB and Razakar forces.
When I give MB credits for 1971 war, I don't see them with a good eye. They were terrorist force who butchered families of those people who were against 'Freedom'. They were a team made to do this task, take control over people. They didn't dare fight with Pakistan Army, they were not capable for doing that. Their main task was guerilla missions and control over people; without which East Pakistan would not have gained 'Freedom'.

As for the training and weaponization, RAW and Indian Army were behind it. Mukhti Bahni were created not in 1971 but some period between 1966 and 1970. RAW and Indian army provided them training in name of helping them gain freedom yet treated them as agents, not friends, inside the camps.

I have three independent sources for this claim, a American journalist who was trapped in India during 1971 and he saw the creation and training of Mukhti Bahni, an ex-RAW agent (female) and a Mukhti Bahni guerilla who was blindfolded by hatred. (I can produce their names in some days, have to search).

One of the reasons for Pakistan Army's defeat is lack of troop deployment and the troops were scattered in small units without proper munition or communication. If one company with 3 tanks and 3 artillery guns was able to resist a Brigade with separate Armour and Artillery units, for more than 2 weeks, I would label the company victorious. This is what happened in East Pakistan.

There were like Mukhti Bahni many smaller anti-Mukhti Bahni and pro-Pakistan Army forces as Razakars formed by youth. Two of the famous were Al-Badr and Al-Shams. After the war, Mukhti Bahni caught the activists of Al-Badr, Al-Shams and other smaller organisations, and in Race Course parks they were butchered and burnt. People were invited to watch this happen for days till all of the pro-Pakistani razakars were not killed. Their eyes used to be cut, or burned, their bones broken before finally slaughtering them or setting them on fire.
What I would like to learn about are the battles between MB and Razakar forces.

One of the reasons for Pakistan Army's defeat is lack of troop deployment and the troops were scattered in small units without proper munition or communication. If one company with 3 tanks and 3 artillery guns was able to resist a Brigade with separate Armour and Artillery units, for more than 2 weeks, I would label the company victorious. This is what happened in East Pakistan.

Well, that explains a lot doesn't it?

I think you may be interested in reading this, regarding how MB got help in the first place:
In Conversation with Col (retd) Shawkat Ali « Dhaka Courier
It seems being Bangladeshi and being gentleman is mutually exclusive, heck I wasn't even replying you or any other Bangladeshi. O timurid tall, fair handsome warrior bangladeshi, why don't you post a picture of yours and let us see the adonis you are. Oh wait the timurid Bangladeshis don't look any different than dipjol. Look Bangladeshi I'd not demean my status by relating you lot with us, so bask in your timurid glory while dancing in the tunes of Poont koira dimu.

Coming to your second point, may be it's rocket science for you being a Bangladeshi, but I specifically mentioned Punjabi Muslims because there's little or no Punjabi Hindus or Sikhs left in Pakistan and I was debunking popular Pakistani myth of martial race.

As per Bengali Muslims are concerned, you lot can only be Timurids in PDF and other online forum but in reality majority of you are lower class convert which is still shown in your manner. I'd not act so ham handed but you Bangladeshis bring the worst of people. Bengal was ruled by Muslims indeed, but they were Persianized Turks, not Bengali Muslims. Less said the better about the military and social history Bengali Muslims.

Rest of your post is hogwash and doesn't deserve any reply. Regretting wasting 10 mins of my life for foul mouthed idiot like you.
As usual, as per most of your posts, you only speak of your racial superiority and somehow you have convinced yourself that most Bangladeshis are low caste Hindus who converted. While you speak against Pakistani "martial race", you don't spare a chance to demonize and criticize anyone whose not you. Your arrogant, condescending behavior towards other ethinicities clearly indicate the type of family you come from and the values you are taught.
But it also a sign of greater, less talked about phenomenon which significantly led to India's partitition. The hindu caste system, which is easily comparable to the Nazi doctrine.
And btw, believe it or not, your forefathers were actually apes in some distant land in Africa. Get off your high shoes, princess.
When I give MB credits for 1971 war, I don't see them with a good eye. They were terrorist force who butchered families of those people who were against 'Freedom'. They were a team made to do this task, take control over people. They didn't dare fight with Pakistan Army, they were not capable for doing that. Their main task was guerilla missions and control over people; without which East Pakistan would not have gained 'Freedom'.

As for the training and weaponization, RAW and Indian Army were behind it. Mukhti Bahni were created not in 1971 but some period between 1966 and 1970. RAW and Indian army provided them training in name of helping them gain freedom yet treated them as agents, not friends, inside the camps.

I have three independent sources for this claim, a American journalist who was trapped in India during 1971 and he saw the creation and training of Mukhti Bahni, an ex-RAW agent (female) and a Mukhti Bahni guerilla who was blindfolded by hatred. (I can produce their names in some days, have to search).

One of the reasons for Pakistan Army's defeat is lack of troop deployment and the troops were scattered in small units without proper munition or communication. If one company with 3 tanks and 3 artillery guns was able to resist a Brigade with separate Armour and Artillery units, for more than 2 weeks, I would label the company victorious. This is what happened in East Pakistan.

There were like Mukhti Bahni many smaller anti-Mukhti Bahni and pro-Pakistan Army forces as Razakars formed by youth. Two of the famous were Al-Badr and Al-Shams. After the war, Mukhti Bahni caught the activists of Al-Badr, Al-Shams and other smaller organisations, and in Race Course parks they were butchered and burnt. People were invited to watch this happen for days till all of the pro-Pakistani razakars were not killed. Their eyes used to be cut, or burned, their bones broken before finally slaughtering them or setting them on fire.

As you sow so shall you reap !!!!
As usual, as per most of your posts, you only speak of your racial superiority and somehow you have convinced yourself that most Bangladeshis are low caste Hindus who converted. While you speak against Pakistani "martial race", you don't spare a chance to demonize and criticize anyone whose not you. Your arrogant, condescending behavior towards other ethinicities clearly indicate the type of family you come from and the values you are taught.
But it also a sign of greater, less talked about phenomenon which significantly led to India's partitition. The hindu caste system, which is easily comparable to the Nazi doctrine.
And btw, believe it or not, your forefathers were actually apes in some distant land in Africa. Get off your high shoes, princess.

Stop yapping Bangladeshi, it's not racist to show you your own place when you pretend to be e-timurid warrior when in real life you cowed down pretty easily and probably the most meekly guy in a group.

Talking about Hindu caste system, I'm sure those Hindu Jamindars treated you far better than what the Arabs treat you lot know, might I post the youtube video involving a Bangladeshi, an Arab and kissing feet?
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