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Mukti Bahini must be given due credit for liberating Bangladesh: Gen Jacob

The Liberation war was fought by Bangladeshis and the rise of Banglalism. From the Mughal period to till now, Bangladesh had distinctive traditions and who can forgot the Isha Khan and Mansingh war to defend the oppressor Mughal dominance. Pakistan fell because of it's own hard-line and narrow thinking and nevertheless, the rise of Bangladesh did play a vital role in Islamic point of view. The sad thing is even though Bangladesh is credited vastly for the win of the war, India is trying to push for a so called RAW success which was never there! Even they have destroyed some major documents of Bangladesh Liberation war so that the World can't see how inactive was India and how less was their so called dominance in bringing the war in favor of Bangladeshis. Indians should be ashamed of it.
71 was disaster in simple terms due to incompetent leaders of PAK that resulted in lots of blood shed that ultimately favored India in achieving her strategic goals. India just took advantage of the situation that they instigated and PAK leades fell for their trap. OP searchlight was the final nail in the coffin. But everything happens by the will of Allah(swt) and this 71 was no exception. Maybe it was a punishment or test by Allah(swt) on the muslims of S.asia for being in love with ethnicity over religion. Its has great historical implications & lessons that the muslims world can take from. Now I hope that both BD and PAK can move forward and realize that both of their enemies are the same as that was before & after partition.

And as for Indians , well they are here for soothing their over inflated ego & screaming for attention and gratefulness.What others reasons would La la bongs & roybots have to bring in race,bloodline, genetics,martial,conversion, c.Asian ,turks etc. Just to sooth their infiriority complex & feel good for their sorry selves. Lets not feed them. Just ignore and recognize they exist. :)
Go search in urdu speaking fraternity of Kolkata you might find traces of them. Although most moved to Pakistan like Iskandar Mirza :tup:

Stupid, language has no meaning at all. Go and stay in Delhi for two generations only. You will become Hindi speakining family. Go to the USA, your family becomes English speakers within a generation. Upto Bihar it is Hindi/Urdu belt. Bangla starts after that. Assamese starts after Bangladesh. This is how languages are in differenet parts. A muslim family who had started to live in Bihar speaks Urdu/Hindi, but not in Bengal.

What is this fuss about language? We used to read, write and speak in Persian until 1832. But, it does not again mean that all the Muslims were from Persia/Iran. Similarly, even if a muslim of today's Bengal speaks in Bengali, it does not mean his family must NOT be from the central asia. So, tell me where are those people from Afghanistan, central asia and Arabia who had migrated to Bengal?

They are certainly not Hindu Bangalis. They are among the muslims of Bengal very naturally. Any way do not bother yourself about our genetics in the former Subeh Bangalah. We are different from you, period. We have different gentic composition than the Bangali Hindus.
Bengal history did not just start from 1200 AD. You are well versed in Islamic history but Bengal's golden era predated long before the arrival of Islam.

You believe I am the most ignorant of all not to read anything before 1200 AD? Not bad for a person who keeps on believing a Buddhist presence in Bengal during Sen dynasty and after the fall of Pal dynasty. All the Buddhists had to come back to Hindu fold by the Sens. So, there was almost no Buddhists when Muslims arrived in 1203 AD. They were already Hindus by that time.
India all along had a plan to break Pakistan. They used Mujib and Awami League to finish their job, they are still using Awami League.

Bihari's and other migrants (many of whom were Shia) tried to rule over East Pakistan with help of West Pakistan, a land that gave them refuge and welcomed them.

West Pakistan did some unfairness.

It was a skillful game played by Indians and its agent Awami League to instigate the civil war.

Just look at this forum. These Indian posters are not professional RAW agents, but if they can run blatant propaganda like this, imagine what the real professionals can do. They are masters of deception. They will take advantage of people's integrity and honesty to achieve their agenda.

This site, if nothing else is a good opportunity for us Bangladeshi's, Pakistani's, the rest of Muslim world and the world in general to study the character of Indian people and their propensities. What makes them tick and what makes them behave the way they do. They are delusional in a way, but they know their goal and they try to reach their goal their own way. 1971 was a great success for them and a great failure for both Pakistan and Bangladesh, not because we should not have separated, I believe eventually we could have separated, but we could do it amicably without the bitter civil war and the killings that took place.

And this killing was the handi work of Indira Gandhi and her RAW, who set up a true Agartala conspiracy, that catapulted Mujib and made him into a national leader, who then proceeded to win election in 1970. West Pakistan did not want to give power to a known traitor, but this was the only way they could avoid the civil war. Indian special forces moved in with AL agents and started killing Bihari's and to stop this killing PA started operation searchlight. Indira and her RAW set a trap for PA and PA stepped right into it.

It was not a deliberate strategy hatched from the beginning to break Pakistan, it was a reaction to past incursions. We knew that Pakistani army cannot be trusted to sit silent keeping the status quo regarding Kashmir. We also had intelligence that they were instigating North eastern gorillas against us. Instead of dealing with two front war, we knew that it was better to contain the army on the western front. 1971 war was the culmination of our bitter hatred which was brewing for some time.
I mentioned only one, who are these people?

Anyway I'm not really interested in venturing into quagmire of Bangladeshi identity crisis. My original post was aimed at Pakistanis which was replied by Pakistani with civility, but as usual BANGLADESHIS being more Pakistani than Pakistanis themselves took offense on behalf of their former masters.

It so happened because you tactfully said about Muslim Punjabi and Hindu Punjabi. But, in case of Bengal you forgot to say about Muslim bangali. You said only about bangali (Hindu). But, muslim Bangalis are those who ruled over NE Hindustan for about six Centuries, but you forfgot to mention anything about them very conveniently.

Stop bickering about us and do not feel inferiority complex because the Muslim fighters of Bengal ruled over the meek Hindu people of eastern Hindustan for such a long time. I am not anti-Indian, not anti-Hindu, but only a few people like you force me to write all those historical things in a tart way. However, history must also be truthfully told. But, you always lie about our history. Do not again distort our and our ancestors' history. It is not your issue, therefore, do not deal with it.
We are different from you, period. We have different gentic composition than the Bangali Hindus.

Not sure how did you get that idea that we are trying to claim having same blood as you guys, I mean of all people in world, Bangladeshis? You gotta be kidding me. #selfthoo

(Although it has been proven that there was no genetic disparity between so called forward and backward castes)

It so happened because you tactfully said about Muslim Punjabi and Hindu Punjabi. But, in case of Bengal you forgot to say about Muslim bangali. You said only about bangali (Hindu). But, muslim Bangalis are those who ruled over NE Hindustan for about six Centuries, but you forfgot to mention anything about them very conveniently.

Once again idiot, I was debunking the popular myth of one pakistani = 10 indians, so it's natural that I'd mention Indian Bengalis, not Bangladeshis. Try to use your brain once in a while.
This LaBong guy can not digest the fact that the turkic, persian people those who ruled his ancestor is still present among the population of Bangladesh those who forced his parent to migrate to India. This is nothing but inferiority complex of him as most of the west Bengalis are short height and dark skinned... n his parent thought him in his childhood that Bangladeshis are bad, they did this and that, they look bad, they are less educated, they are lagged behind nation this and that...but lot like LaBong had to digest some other thing coming after this forum which is against the teaching that he got from his parents. Regarding Austro Asiatic people even if anything there are in south asia it is mostly in west bengal... and their Mamata didi is a perfect example...


On topic there are huge Persian, Arab and Turkic ancestry among present Bangladeshi people ... but they are all Bangladeshi now... There are nothing special in it. For example one of my ex room mate had saudi arabian ancestry as one of his great great grand father came to Bangladesh for preaching in early 18th century and settled down here and married local woman. He looks average and height is not that tall but still has arab ancestry. But for the Indian lot like LaBong find it like a shocker the people those who ruled his ancestor their gene is still present among Bangladeshi population. Regarding girls also if you look at the girls of west bengal you will hardly find any beautiful girl there as mostly are dark or semi dark skinned and fatty... but in Dhaka you will find many fair skinned and beautiful girl which is mostly absent in Kolkata. I am yet to see wide range of kolkata girl or their any wedding portal... their bad looking faces may be are the main reason behind not launching any such site. But this LaBong guy claimed most of the beautiful girls are in West Benagl and only they get the share of it :lol:



LOL save you rant for someone who's never been to BD. I'd not stoop down to your level and post pictures of common BDs.

My parents were born and brought up in India, they never mentioned Bangladesh - either good or bad way. They are classy people unlike ill mannered, foul mouthed low class ghoti like you who goes personal whenever defeated in argument.
Stop bickering about us and do not feel inferiority complex because the Muslim fighters of Bengal ruled over the meek Hindu people of eastern Hindustan for such a long time. I am not anti-Indian, not anti-Hindu, but only a few people like you force me to write all those historical things in a tart way. However, history must also be truthfully told. But, you always lie about our history. Do not again distort our and our ancestors' history. It is not your issue, therefore, do not deal with it.

You guys literally cleaning sh!t under those meek Hindus. The urdu speaking turk rulers were dependent on Hindu administrators and even Hindu generals while less said the better about Bengali Muslims from East Bengal.

Not that I'm supporter of the ways of those Hindu Jamindars, but since you said history should be said in tart way.
Some hate infested people here either Pakistan or BD still feel some fake superiority based on religion of theirs, Particularly they will show their links to now back ward central asia to gain superiority from Indians who are progressing in every aspect :lol:.
whats all the fuss about, can any one summarise???? As far as the topic concerned, the Mukti Bahini got their due respect, some less, some was over rated. Their families will keep on getting benefit for still years to come.

One funny thing I just remember, we have QOTA system in getting job preference in some Govt job...I was reading ,it goes like this---

Muktijodda Qota = 30%
Posso Qota ( infants of employees) = 30%
Gender based preference for woman = 30%

Simple guy = 10%:hitwall:
instead he should be given the highest award in India for working day & night for RAW & indian govt & making a vessel state for india......
Mukti Bahini has played crucial role in 1971

no one can deny that
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