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Mukesh Ambani: India in 2047 could be as rich as America and China

Problem is in social media fake news factory, for some days even my parents used to think that cow urine has medicinal properties because many “babas” on TV and online were claiming so, but happy that this did not remain for long.

Right, therefore they should be two steps taken to remove these ills :

1. In the immediate sense ban WhatsApp, Facebook etc and also some of the news channels which broadcast irrationalities, hatred and pure nonsense.

2. Also in the immediate sense reconfigure the Indian education system to convert it from the current degree-spitting factory to something more evolved where the students use rational thought and sensibility instead of the irrationality through a lot of the traditions we have inherited. Basically bring about the "Scientific temper" that Nehru had wanted for Indian citizens to have.

View attachment 765855mumbai
View attachment 765856
Again mumbai , with metro train service , many new lines have been made.
View attachment 765862some mid level city ,View attachment 765863ahmedabd , gujarat .
Colour is brownish , because of dust storms.
View attachment 765864gurgaon, a fledging IT and and industrial hub , in northern india View attachment 765865very orderly traffic jam , gurgaon.
A photo which shows sure signs of prosperity.
View attachment 765868another photo of an orderly traffic jamView attachment 765869a satellite town build to ease burden on mumbai , it is called as navi mumbai
Mangroves are plentifulView attachment 765871
Another photo of skyline
Of navi mumbai
Little buildings are apartments View attachment 765872a very underdeveloped town ,patna witnesses progress.View attachment 765873another image of a newly constructed flyover.View attachment 765874yet another common neighborhood in a provincial city View attachment 765875patna museum , it's a new construction aesthetically pleasingView attachment 765876interiorView attachment 765877View attachment 765878

1. The museum is pleasing indeed. :tup:

2. About buildings, housing should be horizontal ( two storey max like in the American suburbs - example 1, example 2 ) instead of vertical ( highrises and skyscrapers, most times these are plainly ugly ). Commercial buildings like malls and offices should be not more than four to five storeys tall.

3. About transportation, privately-owned personal transport ( four-wheelers and two-wheelers ) should be abolished the world over. Instead, taxis and mass public transport ( ideally buses ) should be increased and made efficient. This will reduce a lot of crime, accidents, pollution, chaos and disharmony. It is not just me saying this. An upcoming city in Saudia called NEOM will not have private cars. Another upcoming project, Net City, in a district of the Chinese city Shenzhen, will also I think not have cars and two-wheelers.
About buildings, housing should be horizontal ( two storey max like in the American suburbs - example 1, example 2 ) instead of vertical ( highrises and skyscrapers, most times these are plainly ugly ). Commercial buildings like malls and offices should be not more than four to five storeys tall.
My opinion is that in a highly densely populated country like India, 10 storey buildings should be made for housing, so that spaces can be saved for wider roads and parks. Skyscrapers in some numbers are good for accomodating offices in a small area.

While malls of 4 floors is not good, atleast 7 floors is what would be great as you can’t open malls, truly vertical and truly horizontal growth have peoblems linked to future like overcrowding like you see in Delhi where 3-4 floor buildings are built everywhere and roads are not that wide because of it and there aren’t many parks either due to that, I feel optimum usage of land should be planned.
In the immediate sense ban WhatsApp, Facebook etc and also some of the news channels which broadcast irrationalities, hatred and pure nonsense.
Well it’s not possible due to multiple reasons.
It is possible Mukesh Ji is gunning for a run and a quick cabinet seat in a few years time.

Reads like a keynote for a lecture at the CFR...

When you're one of the world's richest men, everything is for sale. The globalists will vett him and install him in the Indian government.

Well what you‘re doing is cherry picking. While you showed Islamabad, you forgot to mention this piece of art.
View attachment 765881

Or you can show this as well

The problem is that you are cherry picking things, a logical fallacy.
That first photo is not Islamabad

Post street videos of Islamabad not CGI photos

A street walk will give an every day life idea of the area

Also Karachi is getting better

This is a street video of Karachi in some parts

I wouldn't call anybody ugly because looks are subjective and their rape rate isn't any higher but the hygienic situation there is terrible. They have the highest human defecation in the world. What is worse is that the country is worse than many central African war zones.

The main reason for India's sinking if you look at this in an objective manner is their caste system. Their whole society isn't built on meritocracy but hereditary jobs. Its considered dirty and bad for an upper caste to clean a toilet. With this attitude, no wonder India is getting dirty. There is also too much superstition in the land like cow urine curing covid 19.

There is a clear racial divide among Indians in India

The world sees Indians as 1 unit but 1 ethnic group of Indians never mingle or marry another ethnic group

I can't think of a instance where a Punjabi guy married a South Indian tamil woman.

A land where scamming rules the streets

Nothing in India ever gets done unless manipulation and corruption is involved. Even then, the work done is mediocre quality

Hygiene and personal grooming is a huge issue for Indians.

Indians are naturally jewlike in behaviour in their upper caste

When Idi Amin kicked Indians out of Uganda

He said the Indians are naturally made money hoarders.

When white people or east asians live on a land. They build infrastructure and better road systems, better quality housing.

When Indians live on a land, they make tons of money and hide in accounts on all day. They never try spending a dime even when its necessary.

The city of Mumbai has more money than Hong Kong, yet there is a stark difference in development.

When Winston Churchill ruled India. He said Hindus are naturally born wind breakers. They talk about the cosmos and all this mumbo jumbo but they never get anything done. Its always talk, talk, talk, no show

Building world class infrastructure with first world grooming habits and hygiene is still not seen in India

Indian men are the ONLY men who I have seen brag about being 40% NASA, such and such Microsoft CEOs and what not

The issue here is though that NASA and Microsoft are white made companies. You're just a worker get a wage.

Indian men didn't make microsoft. They work for the people who do

Indian people are jumping all over each other to get visas to western countries made by white people because the country India is 5th world land

You don't see people going to India for jobs

Indians still use the same trains in 2021 that the British built to loot India

The Indians still used those trains for COVID 19 wards

The same train made by white people generations ago is being used by Indian people.

Every other country has already been through almost 3 different train designs in their lands.
Every single one of your points is debunkable but not going to bother.
That first photo is not Islamabad

Post street videos of Islamabad not CGI photos

A street walk will give an every day life idea of the area

Also Karachi is getting better

This is a street video of Karachi in some parts

Srsly, Bahrain town ? Wasn't it the site of violence not too long ago ?

There's plenty of vids of Karachi by vloggers.. its overall just a much poorer version of Mumbai, which is also dirty and poor in many parts.
That first photo is not Islamabad
That centaurus mall is in Islamabad

Also Karachi is getting better

This is a street video of Karachi in some parts
This is a private township, there are tonnes of such townships in India, and I did post a street view of Karachi…

posting it again

Every single one of your points is debunkable but not going to bother.
I already did, read above.
This is a street video of Karachi in some parts
That centaurus mall is in Islamabad
View attachment 765914

This is a private township, there are tonnes of such townships in India, and I did post a street view of Karachi…

posting it again

I already did, read above.

Give me a street view not coordinated videos of your dehli

This is the street view of Islamabad when people walk around the area

This is a street view of dehli

Give me a street view not coordinated videos of your dehli

This is the street view of Islamabad when people walk around the area

This is a street view of dehli

Again cherry picked BS, DHA is a housing group just like Bahria Town, so you are calling private townships as streets? Funny!

Ultimate top view
Another amazing Indian-style forecast from the top-elite class of India.


India@100 could be as rich as America and China, says Mukesh Ambani

India and the world changed dramatically at the beginning of the 1990s. Communist Soviet Union collapsed. The Cold War ended. And India embarked on a bold new path of economic reforms. Thirty years later, the global order is changing fundamentally yet again. The speed, scale and substance of this change are unprecedented, even unpredictable. Yet, one thing is absolutely predictable: India’s time has come.

Destiny and Drive are making the 21st century’s favourite nation ready for a great leap forward. India stands at the doorstep of prosperity that is both significant and inclusive, and of delivering all-round human development through the democratic route. With faith in our potential, confidence in our collective capabilities, and unity in action, we can exceed the world’s expectations.

My source of optimism is our recent past. In 1991, India showed foresight and courage in changing both the direction and determinants of its economy. The government placed the private sector also at the commanding heights of the national economy, which the public sector had occupied for the previous four decades. It ended the license-quota raj, liberalised trade and industrial policies, and freed up capital markets and the financial sector. These reforms liberated India’s entrepreneurial energy and inaugurated an era of fastpaced growth.

The results are for all to see. India’s GDP of $266 billion in 1991 has grown by over 10 times. Our economy has become the fifth largest in the world. Poverty rates have halved despite population rising from 880 million to 1.38 billion. Key infrastructure has improved beyond recognition. Our expressways, airports and ports are now world-class, and so are many of our industries and services. No young Indian today would believe that people had to wait for years to get a telephone or a gas connection, or that businesses had to seek government’s permission to buy a computer.

India transformed from an economy of scarcity in 1991 into an economy of sufficiency in 2021. Now, India has to transform into an economy of sustainable abundance and equitable prosperity by 2051. In India, equity will be at the heart of our collective prosperity.

With our accomplishments over the past three decades, we have earned the right to dream big. What can be a greater dream than to be able to celebrate the centenary of our Independence in 2047 by making India one of the world’s three wealthiest nations, on par with America and China? Is it too tall an ambition to pursue? No. My visionary father Dhirubhai Ambani, who was one of the earliest advocates of economic liberalisation in the 1980s, used to tell me — “To think small is unbecoming of an Indian."

How can we realise this ambition? By following our own unique Indian and atmanirbhar model of wealth creation, while cooperating with, and learning all the right lessons from, the rest of the world. Let me present five broad ideas.

First. So far economic reforms have benefited Indians unevenly. The disparity is neither acceptable nor sustainable. Therefore, the Indian model of development should focus on creating wealth for the people at the bottom of the economic pyramid. Nations become prosperous when they expand their markets and ascend steadily on the value chain, inclusively. Our greatest advantage lies in India’s continent-sized domestic market, which is still largely untapped. Our economy will begin to witness miraculous growth when we create a middle class of one billion people with rising incomes. In demographic terms, this will amount to adding all of US and Europe combined to the current size of the Indian market. When so many people are enabled to fulfil their aspirations for a better life, they will set in motion a virtuous cycle of consumption and production. This will cause an exponential rise in young entrepreneurs, including women entrepreneurs. Investors and businesses from around the world will want to participate in this humongous India Opportunity.

To achieve this might have seemed impossible in the past. Not so now.

Hence, my second idea. This is the age of technological disruption and acceleration. The world will witness more changes over the next 30 years than seen in the previous 300 years. After losing out in the first two Industrial Revolutions, and catching up on the third, India now has an opportunity to lead the Fourth Industrial Revolution. By speedily deploying its technologies, our entrepreneurs can achieve quantum increases in productivity and efficiency. This will transform not only our large industries and services, but also agriculture, MSMEs, construction, renewable energy, arts and crafts, etc. These are precisely the areas with the highest potential to create large-scale employment, which is India’s most pressing need. These technologies can help us achieve quality, affordability and equity in education, healthcare and housing at scale — a dire necessity since our population is expected to rise to 1.64 billion by 2050. They also have the power to reverse degradation of the environment and make it safe for all. In short, technology-led development is the surest way to create a better India and a more equal India for every Indian.

Third. To turn these exciting possibilities into realities, India should become a nation of innovators. Traditionally, India has been highly innovative in low-tech activities. Now we have to replicate this prowess using hi-tech tools so that they become facilitators of faster growth. Innovation will help our entrepreneurs provide high-quality, yet extremely affordable, services and solutions to meet India’s needs. The same can also be offered to export markets, where they will fetch higher value. Wealth will thus migrate from developed countries to India. Of course, a critical requirement to achieve this goal is rapid re-skilling of our workforce and reforms in our education system to make our children and youth futureready. Specifically, we must expeditiously build world-class universities and research centres and also upgrade existing institutions to serve India’s 21st century needs.

Fourth. We need to change our understanding of wealth and the ways to pursue it and bring them in alignment with India’s ancient wisdom rooted in the primacy of empathy. For too long, we have been measuring wealth only in personal and financial terms. We have neglected the truth that India’s true wealth lies in achieving ‘Education for All’, ‘Health for All’, ‘Employment for All’, ‘Good Housing for All’, ‘Environmental Safety for All’, ‘Sports, Culture and Arts for All’ and ‘Opportunities for Self-Development for All’ — in short, ‘Happiness for All’. To attain these redefined parameters of prosperity, we have to bring care and empathy to the core of everything we do in business and society.

Furthermore, our concept of prosperity of the people has to be extended to prosperity of our planet. After all, India is called upon to play a leading role in realising the daunting 2050 Climate Action goals. Therefore, at Reliance our newest and most ambitious business initiative is aimed at offering ‘Affordable Green Energy’ solutions to India and the global market.

Fifth, the Indian model of wealth creation requires reconceptualisation of entrepreneurship itself. Tomorrow’s successful businesses will be partnerships and platforms, which promote both healthy competition and fruitful collaboration. Moreover, running enterprises of the future cannot be a solo play. At Reliance, we see it as orchestration of professionals and employees with an ‘ownership mindset’, joined by partners, and investors, all working for the common goal of what Mahatma Gandhi called Antyodaya’ (welfare and wellbeing of the last man).

Having begun my own business career when India was still in the pre-reforms era, I am supremely hopeful and confident about the Rise of New India. I can see that the spirit of India is more resurgent than ever before.

Let us accelerate our nation’s forward march with positivity, purpose and passion. True, the road ahead is not easy. But let us not be deterred by unexpected and temporary problems, such as the pandemic, or distracted by unimportant issues that dissipate our energies. We have the opportunity, also a responsibility towards our children and youth, to make the next 30 years the best ever in independent India’s history.

- Mukesh D Ambani
Chairman & managing director, Reliance Industries

damn it. This is third time they changed the year. first was 2012, then 2021 and now 2047. Can anyone link it with math and tell us in 2047, which year they will give then?
The richest guy from the country with the biggest poverty and hunger problem in the world is talking about equality. Amazing!! Simply amazing!!

Richest guy from a country shich eleminated poverty at an unpresidented rate, whose company's market capitalization is much more than the toatal market value of many nation and his company's export is more than many nation.
How eill china be at par with US or India a decade and half old population on an average? By 2047, China will be a country with majority old population.
This is the beach right near Shah Rukh Khan's house

You talk about Ambani being the richest person

Look at his surroundings though

View attachment 765854

He literally built the richest house in India surrounded in filth and residue in a bunch of slums.
Photoshop image.

Here is the sorroundind of Antilia.


This is the beach right near Shah Rukh Khan's house

You talk about Ambani being the richest person

Look at his surroundings though

View attachment 765854

He literally built the richest house in India surrounded in filth and residue in a bunch of slums.
Photoshop image.

Here is the sorroundind of Antilia.

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