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Mujib Refused to Sign UDI: Tajuddins' daughter

Excellent post, it matches with my observations.

Mujib was an opportunist who doomed the future of our masses, because of his opportunism, but he was no puppet.

Hasina is of course no Mujib, she seems more of a puppet of India than anything else, your kind opinion please.

And what about role of KGB of Soviet Union in this breaking of Pakistan?

@ About Sk Hasina ??? She has no idea about politics. She wants to take the revenge for killing her family. India, Russia, USA hardly matters to her.

@ After August 1975 killing RAW quickly brought Sk Hasina from West Germany and gave her political shelter. For near about 5 years and a half months RAW gave her food shelter and what not. So naturally she became out and out pro-Indian. And she will like that till her death. You cannot expect much from her.

@ What was the aim/goal of Socialism/Communism ? To make each an every country of this world to became a Socialist/Communist country by any means. Even if neccessary by arms struggle. In this way, North Korea, initially North Vietnam and then South Vietnam, Loas, etc became Socialist country. The whole Eastern Europe was made Socialist block countries once these areas came under USSR occupation after the defeat of Germany. After 1945 many of the countries of Asia, Latin America and Africa were forced to become a Socialist country under the pressure of USSR.

@ So, USSR once got the oppurtunity they helped India and Bangladesh and disember Pakistan. But she did not helped India till 20 August 1971 when the 25 Year FriendShip agreement was signed with India.
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@ About Sk Hasina ??? She has no idea about politics. He wants to take the revenge for killing her family. India, Russia, USA hardly matters to her.

@ After August 1975 killing RAW quickly brought Sk Hasina from West Germany and gave her political shelter. For near about 5 and a half months RAW gave her food shelter and what not. So naturally she became out and out pro-Indian. And she will like that till her death. You cannot expect much from her.

@ What was the aim/goal of Socialism/Communism ? To make each an every country of this world to became a Socialist/Communist country by any means. Even if neccessary by arms struggle. In this way, North Korea, initially North Vietnam and then South Vietnam, Loas, etc became Socialist country. The whole Eastern Europe was made Socialist block countries once these areas came under USSR occupation after the defeat of Germany. After 1945 many of the countries of Asia, Latin America and Africa were forced to become a Socialist country under the pressure of USSR.

@ So, USSR once got the oppurtunity they helped India and Bangladesh and disember Pakistan. But she did not helped India till 20 August 1971 when the 25 Year FriendShip agreement was signed with India.

Who signed that 25 year Friendship agreement? Tajuddin?
You are either an Ignorant Fool who has no idea of he Politics of Undivided India or an Absolute Troll of the highest order , or both. The Worst Hindu Muslim riots took place not in the Western Parts of India that became West Pakistan but the Eastern Parts, Bengal and Assam to be specific. Read your History before you came here to make an absolute fool of yourself. Gandhi went to Calcutta himself to quell these riots.

@ Around 10,000 muslims were killed at Calcutta riot of 1946 just within a week.

@ Around 50,000 muslim Bihares were killed in Bihar after the Calcutta riot. That is why you find all the Behares in Bangladesh.
You are either an Ignorant Fool who has no idea of he Politics of Undivided India or an Absolute Troll of the highest order , or both. The Worst Hindu Muslim riots took place not in the Western Parts of India that became West Pakistan but the Eastern Parts, Bengal and Assam to be specific. Read your History before you came here to make an absolute fool of yourself. Gandhi went to Calcutta himself to quell these riots.

This is their dream that Bangladesh would be like this (a congenital defect of delusional Indians), lets see how their killing, terrorizing, damming up of all common rivers and desertification ends with the population of Bangladesh and makes Bangladesh a "friend" (or a fiend) of India. Surely they cannot eliminate 90% Bangladeshi's who are opposed to Indian slavery, something has to happen before that.

We resisted it in 1947 and we will resist Indian slavery and domination for as long as we have a landmass that we gained in 1947. Indian tricks, deception and selective killings will not be able to subdue Bangladeshi's spirit.
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Who signed that 25 year Friendship agreement? Tajuddin?

@ This 25 year agreement first signed between India and USSR and they in turn made an agreemnet with the war time cabinet where Tajuddin signed it. After signing the agreement he feinted. It was a very small paper having only 7 clauses but hard to diegest.
He was a visionary not just because he realized that Bangladeshi's could live as free men and women, not under the service of West Pakistani's but also because he and other Bangladeshi's realized that India and Bangladesh have no enmity with each other.

He realized that under Pakistan, Bangladeshis would just be cannon fodder for the visceral hatred West Pakistani's have against Indians and constant warring. Bangladeshi's on the other hand dont have that..and neither do Indians.

India is not interested in any land that Bangladesh has, and BD is not interested in any territory India has. Heck, in the land swap and border finalization deal, India is willing to cede an additional 10,000 acres of land to Bangladesh!

India and Bangladesh dont even share a hostile relation, let alone being close to war. Any capability that India would have or not is utterly irrelevant to Bangladesh.

Bangladesh does its part in helping India remove terrorists and India helps Bangladesh.
Both are partners in development and the sole agenda of both Governments is to develop our poor countries instead of kowtowing to the 'ummah', meddling in Arab affairs and imagining lost glories of Central Asians and Afghans as Pakistani's national focus.

This is the reason why Bangladesh has developed its social indicators faster than Pakistan, it has already exceeded Pakistan in social development and inshallah will also exceed Pakistan in per capita income in a decade!

Sale your sole to gain a little, what a pity
@ About Sk Hasina ??? She has no idea about politics. He wants to take the revenge for killing her family. India, Russia, USA hardly matters to her.

@ After August 1975 killing RAW quickly brought Sk Hasina from West Germany and gave her political shelter. For near about 5 and a half months RAW gave her food shelter and what not. So naturally she became out and out pro-Indian. And she will like that till her death. You cannot expect much from her.


I will be waiting for the day this witch dies and takes India's dream of controlling Bangladesh with her to her grave.

What is your opinion about Joy? Will India be able to install him as replacement of Hasina? What is India's plan B after Hasina is dead?
I will be waiting for the day this witch dies and takes India's dream of controlling Bangladesh with her to her grave.

What is your opinion about Joy? Will India be able to install him as replacement of Hasina? What is India's plan B after Hasina is dead?

@ I think, Joy will not be successful ? As because Joy married to a Jew women which majority of Bengalese cannot tolerate. Joy cannot concentrate on politics. He is a fickle minded. He could have very well contested in the election but he mis the oppurtunity.
I will be waiting for the day this witch dies and takes India's dream of controlling Bangladesh with her to her grave.

What is your opinion about Joy? Will India be able to install him as replacement of Hasina? What is India's plan B after Hasina is dead?
Technically joy can't do shit.its in our constitute, that a foreigner can't participate in BD politics. He has US citizenship, dose not maintain dual citizenship with BD.if he relinquished his US passport, he may well be signing his death sentence. He will be tried for the murder he committed.
You are either an Ignorant Fool who has no idea of the Politics of Undivided India or an Absolute Troll of the highest order , or both. The Worst Hindu Muslim riots took place not in the Western Parts of India that became West Pakistan but the Eastern Parts, Bengal and Assam to be specific. Read your History before you come here to make an absolute fool of yourself. Gandhi went to Calcutta himself to quell those riots.
Yes I am aware of that.
However unlike Pakistani's, Indians and Bangladeshi's are not hostages to the past. Unlike Pakistani's, neither people of West Bengal nor Bangladesh hold on to partition.

Today we have no major issues between us. The last major issues were sharing of teesta & land boundary agreement. India has already assured BD that no action would be taken on teesta that would hurt Bangladeshi's pending the CM of West Bengal agree'ing to the river sharing pact with BD and the land boundary agreement has already been signed between GoI and GoB. The treaty is only to be ratified by the Parliament in India to take effect which shall be done once the new GoI is formed.

In fact, we not only resolved issues together, India went a step ahead and has agreed to give an additional 10,000 acres of land to Bangladesh in the land boundary agreement.

So neither do we have the memory of partition hanging over our heads like in Pakistani punjab nor do we have something of the likes of Kashmir(an interest in each other's land). This is the reason why we share good relations with BD and will continue to do so.
As I said, some Indians and their delusions, they install their puppet dictator in Bangladesh against the will of 90% population and then declare India is friend of Bangladesh. Who are they kidding?

At least most Indians here admit openly and brag about it, that Bangladesh is now their protectorate, another name for slave. And I agree with these Indians because that is the real situation.
Yes I am aware of that.
However unlike Pakistani's, Indians and Bangladeshi's are not hostages to the past. Unlike Pakistani's, neither people of West Bengal nor Bangladesh hold on to partition.

Today we have no major issues between us. The last major issues were sharing of teesta & land boundary agreement. India has already assured BD that no action would be taken on teesta that would hurt Bangladeshi's pending the CM of West Bengal agree'ing to the river sharing pact with BD and the land boundary agreement has already been signed between GoI and GoB. The treaty is only to be ratified by the Parliament in India to take effect which shall be done once the new GoI is formed.

In fact, we not only resolved issues together, India went a step ahead and has agreed to give an additional 10,000 acres of land to Bangladesh in the land boundary agreement.

So neither do we have the memory of partition hanging over our heads like in Pakistani punjab nor do we have something of the likes of Kashmir(an interest in each other's land). This is the reason why we share good relations with BD and will continue to do so.

Pakistanis have no memory of Partition especially anyone below the age of 45.

Most Pakistanis want India to leave us alone.

If it wasn't for the two festering issues of Kashmir and India stealing Pakistan's Water, most Pakistanis would rather not even look at India. Solve these two issues and you will never hear from us and you will effectively cease to exist in our minds.

I also find it hilarious how you totally ignore what the Bangladeshis are saying to you on this Thread. That in itself speaks volumes about your hypocrisy.
Yes I am aware of that.
However unlike Pakistani's, Indians and Bangladeshi's are not hostages to the past. Unlike Pakistani's, neither people of West Bengal nor Bangladesh hold on to partition.

Today we have no major issues between us. The last major issues were sharing of teesta & land boundary agreement. India has already assured BD that no action would be taken on teesta that would hurt Bangladeshi's pending the CM of West Bengal agree'ing to the river sharing pact with BD and the land boundary agreement has already been signed between GoI and GoB. The treaty is only to be ratified by the Parliament in India to take effect which shall be done once the new GoI is formed.

In fact, we not only resolved issues together, India went a step ahead and has agreed to give an additional 10,000 acres of land to Bangladesh in the land boundary agreement.

So neither do we have the memory of partition hanging over our heads like in Pakistani punjab nor do we have something of the likes of Kashmir(an interest in each other's land). This is the reason why we share good relations with BD and will continue to do so.

@ You are in a fool's paradize. No Bengali muslim wants rather believe that India can be their friend ? It had been proved many a times. Your these lose arguments have no impact on us.

@ A historial events have always a tremendous impact on the coming generation. I have not seen the Calcutta riot of 1946 but it is still fresh in my mind as because I heard many things from my father.

@ I heard from father how the local administration mainly Hindus tried to manipulate the general election of 1946 in Bengal but failed drastically. Around 97 % Muslims voted for united Pakistan.

@ I have seen the feeling of Bengali people in 1965 war in East Pakistan. Although there was only a three Brigrades of Pakistan Army stationed in the then East Pakistan but there were ample of "Mujaheeds" and "Ansars" in each village and Thanas.

@ In the last 43 years India has conspired against us in many many aspects including sponsoring 2 decades of insurgency in Chittagong Hill Tracts.

@ After the killing of Mujib in 1975 once the Kader Siddique and his flowers fled to India, India gave them food, shelter, arms and trained to fight against Bangladesh. Even Russians advisers came to help them. Thanks to Janata Party once they came to power in 1977 they stopped all these activities.

@ India made and still making a conspiracy to make a separate country named "Bongo Bhumi" comprising greater Division of Khulna and Barisal in order to solve the refugee problem of 1947.

@ India is also making conspiracy to take away Sylhet from Bangladesh which was ceceded to East Pakistan through a referendum of 1946/47 by the UK.
Bd wake up ..... this independence is false and unislamic ! Acting as colony of west pakistan is ur true destiny !
Pakistanis have no memory of Partition especially anyone below the age of 45.

Most Pakistanis want India to leave us alone.

If it wasn't for the two festering issues of Kashmir and India stealing Pakistan's Water, most Pakistanis would rather not even look at India. Solve these two issues and you will never hear from us and you will effectively cease to exist in our minds.
Good to know Pakistani's below 45 or whatever dont care.
Indians dont give a damn. Punjabis in India are very very prosperous and Punjabis form less than 2% of our population, so we dont suffer the mass hysteria over partition that Pakistan (Punjabis over 50% of Pakistan's population) suffers from.

Yeah, and we are not going to 'solve' anything with Pakistan. Why should we.
I also find it hilarious how you totally ignore what the Bangladeshis are saying to you on this Thread. That in itself speaks volumes about your hypocrisy.
The Bangladeshi's here are an extreme minority in Bangladesh itself. They are razakars, Islamists, the extreme right wingers.
Its ironical how you think that these people are representative of Bangladeshi's when Bangladeshis have over the last 2 elections completely removed them from power.

Even the moderate faction of the right wing - the BNP has been voted out. The jamaati's(the ones here) are being hunted in Bangladesh.

Its your pick whether you wish to take them as representatives of Bangladesh. It wont make a difference in real life to Bangladesh whatsoever.

However we have gone on a tangent..the absolute truth of the situation is that India and BD are not enemies, are not even inimical to each other. Heck India wants Bangladesh to prosper and beat Pakistan in development.

So any difference in military capability that India has vis-a-vis BD is as irrelevant as India's military capability is to Bhutan. Which is to say just as Bhutan does not give a damn whether India becomes more powerful as India and Bhutan are like allies. Its the same way with Bangladesh.

It is your Pakistani demeanor that makes you think that since Bangladesh is less militarily capable compared to India, it is doing something wrong. Or that it should be fighting India.

We have many fundamental problems with Pakistan, we have none with Bangladesh. They help us a lot, we help them a lot. We wish them nothing but blazing economic growth ahead. Cope with it.
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