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Muhammad of Ghor and his Companions enter the Indus valley - one of the greatest wars erupts + fountain of wealth

indians use hindu mythologies and gods to name their missiles, why not tipu sultan, atleast india should pay homage to the father of iron cased rockets.
This is the same stupidity Pakistanis followed at the highest level, when we named our missile Prithvi, Pakistanis named their missile Ghauri, in fact, our missiles were named after the five elements. Prithvi meaning earth, Agni meaning Fire, Sagarika meaning water/ocean, Akash meaning sky. As for Tipu, we (especially in south India) name our dogs Tipu since ages.
The Vedic period that these HIndutwa freaks glorify as golden age, was one of the worst periods for India and its majority of people(who happen to OBC SC ST, crushed by caste system and all kinds of social evils). Ironically, Treasury of Kings and Temples of Brahmans were full of gold and wealth.

A nation is not some piece of land or amount of wealth and opulence enjoyed by its upper class. Nation is first and lastly its people. Majority of India's so called Hindu population(80% lower castes) used to live a miserable life of cattle during Vedic period. Vedic period in India was even worse than Dark ages in Europe.

All the Islamic and other invasions were entropic forces of nature, which came to fumigate the filth of Vedism . Majority of people(80% lower castes) in India, lead better lives during Islamic rule. During Aurangazeb's time, Indian economy was 24.4 per cent world GDP share, higher than entire Europe's 23.3 per cent. (one reason for such a high figure was, during that time North/South America, Australia, New Zealand, where sparsely population, European colonization in initial stages, and had almost no share in world economy, So, India will never that share of world economy again).
we know only one thing , spain uprooted the alien religion from their land and returned to their original religion .they progressed and flourished in later stages by searching new lands unlike muslims who kept living in dark middle ages .
That's right. Christianity is a native Spanish religion. In fact, it wasn't brought to Iberia by warring Romans at all. It simply sprouted from an olive tree in Barcelona.
gross over simplification of your history, under the lodhi dynasty, delhi sultanate had already shrunk to a size of a very small kingdom

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who ruled orissa for instance?, who ruled central inda, sindh, punjab etc who built the gwalior fort? who built mehran garh fort.

That's right. The Delhi sultanate was totally insignificant, just a "small kingdom". It wasn't the seat of power sought after by other afghans, timurids etc. They really wanted those mudhuts in Orissa. The Delhi sultanate was a diversion.

Sometimes your excessive revisionist pandering sickens me.
gross over simplification of your history, under the lodhi dynasty, delhi sultanate had already shrunk to a size of a very small kingdom

Though unlike mughals which spent last 100 years of their existance being protectorate of marathas and then British, delhi sultanate till it's last moment was still a petty Formidable power despite of Timurs enormously destructive campaign. They would have squashed babur at panipat had they learnt from history and Familarizied their war elephants to noise and fires, however they didn't and pretty much the same what during timurs invasion, sultanate war elephants panicked at the sound of gun fire and flames and ran back trampling their own troops in the process this ending their rule.
The Vedic period that these HIndutwa freaks glorify as golden age, was one of the worst periods for India and its majority of people(who happen to OBC SC ST, crushed by caste system and all kinds of social evils). Ironically, Treasury of Kings and Temples of Brahmans were full of gold and wealth.

A nation is not some piece of land or amount of wealth and opulence enjoyed by its upper class. Nation is first and lastly its people. Majority of India's so called Hindu population(80% lower castes) used to live a miserable life of cattle during Vedic period. Vedic period in India was even worse than Dark ages in Europe.

All the Islamic and other invasions were entropic forces of nature, which came to fumigate the filth of Vedism . Majority of people(80% lower castes) in India, lead better lives during Islamic rule. During Aurangazeb's time, Indian economy was 24.4 per cent world GDP share, higher than entire Europe's 23.3 per cent. (one reason for such a high figure was, during that time North/South America, Australia, New Zealand, where sparsely population, European colonization in initial stages, and had almost no share in world economy, So, India will never that share of world economy again).
To this day the majority of deluded Indian Hindus wished that their hordes of gold were kept safely stashed away by their brahminist overlords, accumulating interest for use by...well brahmins. It's the perfect slave system - they're WILLING slaves. The white man got slavery totally wrong. If folks give consent, it cannot even be called slavery in a legal sense. It's more like some sadomassachistic fetish.
1st battle of Tarain and followed by the 2nd battle of Tarain. There is 1 year duration between both battles it is continuity of the same battle that happens again 1 year later.

Some background: At this point in History India was largely an unknown territory to the known world except few things written about them but nobody knew anything about them in greater detail until Mohamed of Ghor and his guys ventured into India. It initially started out as an adventure campaign but turned into bitter war and revenge. India had an incredible amount of wealth

1st Battle of Tarain ''91''


2nd Battle of Tarain ''92''
This youtube channel is superb, its doing better job than most history teachers.

Its good see the truth, of what actually happened. These Hindutwa fakers have spread all kinds fake fantasy stories through various media in India.

The following poem claims a Blinded Prithviraj killed Muhamad Ghori with a arrow. Now, I think a lot of their claims of victory and bravery are fake.




They claim Prithviraj only lost because of his forgiving nature, martial bliss etc... But the truth is Rajput army was way outdated in tactics, weapons and logistics.

Ghori's army only lost the first time due to their complacency and indiscipline of some of his commanders.

Strategic leader of an army only decides to invade, when he is very confident of its military superiority over the defender, and sees a good chance of victory. And second invasion attempt is only made when you are sure, that you only lost because of bad luck and complacency.

Privthviraj never dared to recapture the Bathinda fort, even with double the army of Ghori. Shows how much low confidence he had in his and army's capabilities. I bet he and his army were shit scared and only fought because Ghori only gave him two options
1. fight and defend
2. run and lose face and his kingdom
And, I bet someone at his position was too arrogant to see the truth and run.

Even the claim of Rajput army, fighting to the death is doubtful, I bet his slow moving army just couldn't outrun the mounted horse archers in Ghori's army.
Or like FYROM appropriating the house of Alexander.
The number of times I have had my "tyre" punctured over this dumbest of argumants with Indians here and other forums I can't count. But bizzarely it works. The intention behind those who do this is not enter a academic discussion but just to score cheap points. As long aas the name "India" remains in the frame they have won. Since most non South Asian's have already been conditioned to think of India in a certain way I almost always end up losing.

Think of this -

  • Roma gypsies or Romanians telling the Italians Roman heritage belongs to them because they are the "Roma" and the name Italy and country called Italy only was created in 1861 although the final unification took place in 1870 making it only about 70 plus years older then Pakistan.

Maybe the solution is for Pakistan to be rebranded as "Islamic Republic of Asia". The country then would be called "Asia" and people "Asians". Think of all the benefits -

  • Claim all the heritage of China, Japan, Far East as ours because we are "Asian".
  • Claim the heritage of Anatolia because we are "Asian".
  • Pull the rug under the Indians by saying all their heritage is ours since we are "Asian" and Asia has been around for millenia. To prove it find obscure old manuscripts from 2500 years ago where they mention "Asia" and use that to referance our country.
  • Claim all of West Asian food including Shwarama, Falafel etc as our cuisine because it is "Asian".
  • We could claim 3/5 of the world with just a name change.

This is how absurd the argumant Indian use is.
That's right. Christianity is a native Spanish religion. In fact, it wasn't brought to Iberia by warring Romans at all. It simply sprouted from an olive tree in Barcelona.

good news is that they reverted to christianity . spain was saved from jihad .
Though unlike mughals which spent last 100 years of their existance being protectorate of marathas and then British, delhi sultanate till it's last moment was still a petty Formidable power despite of Timurs enormously destructive campaign. They would have squashed babur at panipat had they learnt from history and Familarizied their war elephants to noise and fires, however they didn't and pretty much the same what during timurs invasion, sultanate war elephants panicked at the sound of gun fire and flames and ran back trampling their own troops in the process this ending their rule.

This is just one of the fake revisionism spread by indians today which I find bizarre but the question to ask is would a protectorate call in Ahmed Shah Abdali to crush the Marastas in the third battle of Panipat? the answer is no?

The Marastas lost the opportunity to take central control of India with the defeat of the battle of Panipat in 1761.

Post-1761 period Marastas regained some territories they initially gave up after the Panipat deal but they never gained control of Delhi because they backed out due to political reasons leaving the Mughal to remain in power until the british seized all of the country and I will explain why.

despite the Mughal state being split up in many unites there was still strong muslim presence in India. You had a powerful kingdom bordering the Marastas to the east in the Nizam of Hyderabad, in the north you had ''The Oudh state'' and then there was the ''Nawab of Bengal'', there was also the Rohilla state, Mysore in the south and the Nawab of carnatic.

You had like 7 muslim states inside India that held together a land bigger then the marasthas in 1799 India political map before mysore switch sides and became a princely state.

The Jats and Rajputs also were allies of the Mughal empire which forced the Marastas to avoid a larger conflict and leave the Mughal's in power plus they had succession infighting post Panipat all these things played a factor to why the Marastas never took Delhi. At this point the british themselves were players and desired Delhi for themselves and there was a race for delhi. It meant whoever takes Delhi takes central control the british took the price and they wouldn't have allowed anyone else except them to take the city.

The bigger denger to Marathas were actully the bordering deccan sultanate in Nizam of Hyderabad
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This is just one of the fake revisionism spread by indians today which I find bizarre but the question to ask is would a protectorate call in Ahmed Abdali Shah to crush Marastas in the third battle of Panipat? the answer is no?

The Marastas lost the opportunity to take central control of India with the defeat of the battle of Panipat in 1761.

Post-1761 period Marastas regained some territories they initially gave up after the Panipat deal but they never gained control of Delhi because they backed up due to political reasons leaving the Mughal to remain in power until the british seized all of the country and I will explain why.

despite the Mughal state being split up in many unites there was still strong muslim presence in India. You had a powerful king bordering Marastas to the east in the Nizam of Hyderabad, in the north you had ''The Oudh state'' and then there was the ''Nawab of Bengal'', there was also the Rohilla state, Mysore in the south and the Nawab of carnatic.

You had like 7 muslim states inside India that held together a land bigger then the marasthas in 1799 India political map before mysore switch sides and became a princely state.

The Jats and Rajputs also were allies of the Mughal empire which forced the Marastas to avoid a larger conflict and leave the Mughal's in power plus they had succession infighting post Panipat all these things played a factor to why the Marastas never took Delhi. At this point the british themselves were players and desired Delhi for themselves and there was a race for delhi. It meant whoever takes Delhi takes central control the british took the price and they wouldn't have allowed anyone else except them to take the city.

The bigger denger to them was actully the bordering deccan sultanate in Nizam of Hyderabad
This is essentially true. Both Hindu forces and indeed the British stepped into vacuums of power created between warring Muslim city states.
This is essentially true. Both Hindu forces and indeed the British stepped into vacuums of power created between warring Muslim city states.

I wouldn't say this about the British tho no local powers could stand in their way at this point in history they were logisitcally better armed then their local foes. It would be like bringing a knife to a gun fight not a fair fight. Tho India is much stronger then the UK today
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Afghans laughs at Pakistani Punjabis calling them 'Dal khor Hindustanis' when u celebrate their Afghan kings Gaznavis, Ghoris and Abdalis.
None of the 3 were afghan. Abdali never called himself an afghan.. he was a local Pashtun of present day Pakistan.
None of the 3 were afghan. Abdali never called himself an afghan.. he was a local Pashtun of present day Pakistan.

Afghan is only a new concept, it did not exist in history,
wasn't Afghanistan created in 1747, before that it was just a bunch of tribes and ethnic groups. among them the Pashtuns
There are more Pashtuns in Pakistan than Afghanistan, and Karachi is said t be the largest Pashtun city in the world.
These afghans are just like the Indians, a bunch of nutcases.

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