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Muhammad of Ghor and his Companions enter the Indus valley - one of the greatest wars erupts + fountain of wealth


Stop the propaganda. The leader of Karnataka has commited crimes and genocide against the people of his Allies in the five deccan states. There was no killings as per say in India since shariah was the rule and it doesn't support unsanctioned killings at all. History books never lie the only people who treated minorities well were the muslims. They had mercy in their hearts. The kids, women, elders and non-combatants were unharmed since it was strictly forbidden. Life just continued as usual there was no demand of changing faith since islam practices freedom of religion.

The Deccan states only sacked the city in revenge but they never killed civilians were as Rama Raya actully killed civilians such as children, women and mass of non-combatant civilians. He burned some and commited true atrocities in situations that didn't even call for it.

Rama Raya's atrocities is well recorded whereas the 5 Deccan states have no records of commiting genocide. They sacked the city but no genocide because they had a moral code that they follow and couldn't act like an animal due to that and basically that is the main difference

Dude! The invaders THEMSELVES bragged about their killings!?

Historian Professor K.S. Lal estimated that (even before the Mughal dynasty was founded by Jahiruddin Shah Babur in 1526), the Hindu population in India had decreased by 80 million between 1000 AD and 1525 AD – an unparalleled annihilation of humanity in the World history.

By way of example: the invasion of Afghanistan in 1000 AD was followed by the annihilation of the entire Hindu population; the region is still called the Hindu Kush, i.e. “Hindu slaughter.” There were instances when even middle rank officials had set and fulfilled the targets of slaughtering 50,000 to 100,000 Hindus!

Spain went back to Christianity after 500 years of Arab Muslim invasion and wiped out all sign of Muslim rule from Spain.
Because Muslims didn't force people to Islam.
That's why you are still ugly and Hindu low cast. Had you used your brain you would be our equal not not drinking cow urine and talking cow Shyte. Have some shame everyone is laughing at your drivel
Some background: At this point in History India was largely an unknown territory to the known world except few things written about them but nobody knew anything about them in greater detail until Mohamed of Ghor and his guys ventured into India. It initially started out as an adventure campaign but turned into bitter war and revenge. India had an incredible amount of wealth

what a load of BS, what's known world and which people are known exactly?

what's exactly was so great about this rajputs, gujjars to celebrate about,, they were relentlessly subjugated n humiliated by anyone n everyone with a sword on horseback.

you have a weaker grasp on history, the invasions from south asia almost happened the other way around, it were people from present day punjab who ruled the ppresent day areas of afghanistan since very very ancient times, you cn read abt shortugai indus city from bronze ages to hindu shahis before ghaznavid invasion.

But pakistan celebrate Turkic central asian invaders in their missiles.

indians use hindu mythologies and gods to name their missiles, why not tipu sultan, atleast india should pay homage to the father of iron cased rockets.

Natural barriers like Sea on one side, mountains on two sides,, fertile plains, flowing rivers, huge population,,,, despite all these advantages ,the apparently "martial" people cudnt help but get sacked, humiliated n subjugated by smaller invading armies.
Not once, not twice but over n over again for milleniums.

smaller and bigger armies dont matter, strategies matter, it also matters how well the kingdoms are peaceful and not facing turmoil, India when ghaurids invaded were fragmented into smaller states by then, powerful empires had vanished.

Imo,the invasion of India by Islamic forces was a global disaster! Til today its pre Muslim era wealth,technology and living standard is UNMATCHED.

BS conclusion based on what exactly?

Afghans laughs at Pakistani Punjabis calling them 'Dal khor Hindustanis' when u celebrate their Afghan kings Gaznavis, Ghoris and Abdalis.

why does it matter to hard cores hindus what pakistanis name their missiles? ghaznavi (defeated prithvi raj), ghauri (captured delhi), abdali (defeated marathas) probably gives nightmares to hard core hindutvas, so its all well and good.

1000s of rulers and sultans + tales breached out from one root that is Muhammed of Ghor and in total 665 years rule of sultanates in the Hindustan until it was ended by the british in 1857.

what a BS, british largely defeated localized hindu and muslim kingdoms, for instance they defeated bengal sultanate, marathas, nizams, tipu sultan, wo were all infighting, mughals were at that period were nothing but puppets and received stipends from the british rulers.

Poor Indus nationalists..

Still trying to live vicariously by coopting foreign invader lineages. Must hurt when they don't have anything indigenous of their own. Stockholm syndrome. Today Abdali's my ancestor, tomorrow Porus, day after tomorrow Timur Lane.

invader history of indus valley is taught but its not taught how many periods the indus people ruled in the west esp afghanistan, they established colonies near oxus in the bronze ages for God's sake.

Interesting, ghori and ghaznavi spent much of their time killing and enslaving khokars and janjuas.Infact ghori was assasinated by a khokar whose tribe he had decimated.No prizes for guessing where you will find the desecendants of khokars and janjuas.Not in india.

Ghauri's family were still Buddhist converts to Islam of an Iranic background. There's a reason there are still Sur Pashtuns in Pakistan today. Ghaznavi's family were also assimilated into the Pashtun fold, as is to be expected considering the composition of their military. He even had a Kashmiri as one of his top generals too.

This whole argument is completely stupid, especially when Lahore acted as the capital during various points in history for both the Ghaznavids and Ghaurids. Indians need to stop crying. These people are primarily adored for spreading Islam and destroying idolatry anyway, do you really think most Pakistanis would suddenly be ok with it even if our parents tomorrow decided to become Hindu? :lol:
what a BS, british largely defeated localized hindu and muslim kingdoms, for instance they defeated bengal sultanate, marathas, nizams, tipu sultan, wo were all infighting, mughals were at that period were nothing but puppets and received stipends from the british rulers.

Where did I lie? I said that Ghori gave birth to the following sultanates - Delhi sultanate, The Bahmani sultanate and it's five splinter states, Sur sultanate, Bengal sultanate, Madurai sultanate, Mysore empire and the Mughal that came later. That is aprox almost 700 years until the british came and dethrone them plus the hindus who were also on the rise in that exact period
Ghauri's family were still Buddhist converts to Islam of an Iranic background

Turks actually, both ghaznavi and gharids were turkic dynasties along with the mughals.

Where did I lie? I said that Ghori gave birth to the following sultanates - Delhi sultanate, The Bahmani sultanate and it's five splinter states, Sur sultanate, Bengal sultanate, Madurai sultanate, Mysore empire and the Mughal that came later. That is aprox almost 700 years until the british came and dethrone them plus the hindus who were also on the rise in that exact period

You are wrong in generalising it, the splinter kingdoms ruled tiny portions of India and that doesnt mean 700 years of rule, the delhi sultanate reached its peak under the tughluqs and as soon as they died, the sultanate shrunk badly and thats when delhi rulers peaded help from the mughals, the muslim and hindu kingdoms ruled side by side and in many cases displacing one after the other for instance, myrose was ruled by both muslim and hindu dynasties. Muslims and hindus took turns in ruling bengal as well. Thats nt to mention local indian muslim kingdoms for instance gujarat sultanate etc

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Turks actually, both ghaznavi and gharids were turkic dynasties along with the mughals.


You are wrong in generalising it, the splinter kingdoms ruled tiny portions of India and that doesnt mean 700 years of rule, the delhi sultanate reached its peak under the tughluqs and as soon as they died, the sultanate shrunk badly and thats when delhi rulers peaded help from the mughals, the muslim and hindu kingdoms ruled side by side and in many cases displacing one after the other for instance, myrose was ruled by both muslim and hindu dynasties. Muslims and hindus took turns in ruling bengal as well. Thats nt to mention local indian muslim kingdoms for instance gujarat sultanate etc


Your history lesson went perhaps wrong. The only relevant hindu kingdom post the invasion was Vijayanagara Empire. The others were very tiny I am talking about fiefdoms like Pandyas, Yandvas etc etc these were also tributories kindgoms of the Delhi Sultanate.

Vijayanagara empire had borders with the Deccan sultanates first it was Bahmani sultanate and later on it was the 5 splinter states and Viyanagara was ended by the 5 splinter states in 1565 and all these times post Tughlaq the Delhi sultanate still existed under 2 different houses such as the House of Sayyid and the house of Lodhi that came after the house of Sayyid. The delhi Sultanate existed almost 120 years post Tughlaq dynesty.

As for the 5 splinter states they existed until Aurangzeb conquered them in late 16 century.

Bahmani sultanate lasted alone for almost 170 years and if you add the 5 splinter states they lasted longer then that approx 300-350 years. The last two of the 5 splinter states that fell were Bijabur and Golconda they fell respectivelly in 1686 and 1687 to Aurangzeb of the Mughal thru military conflict.

The remaining relevant hindu state during that 700 years was Marastas and they made an appearance during mid 17-century with alot of conflicts and it was sort of the fight back era but outside of Marasthas there was no relevant hindu rival to the various muslim sultanates thru out the country in these 7 centuries. They was more rivalry within them and more internal wars then an outside war from 1400s until 1565s where the Talikota battle took place but before that they were busy against each other and after Viyanganara was demolished they turned on each other business as usual
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Your history lesson went perhaps wrong. The only relevant hindu kingdom post the invasion was Vijayanagara Empire. The others were very tiny I am talking about fiefdoms like Pandyas, Yandvas etc etc these were also tributories kindgoms of the Delhi Sultanate.

Vijayanagara empire had borders with the Deccan sultanates first it was Bahmani sultanate and later on it was the 5 splinter states and Viyanagara was ended by the 5 splinter states in 1565 and all these times post Tughlaq the Delhi sultanate still existed under 2 different houses such as the House of Sayyid and the house of Lodhi that came after the house of Sayyid. The delhi Sultanate existed almost 120 years post Tughlaq dynesty.

As for the 5 splinter states they existed until Aurangzeb conquered them in late 16 century.

Bahmani sultanate lasted alone for almost 170 years and if you add the 5 splinter states they lasted longer then that approx 300-350 years. The last two of the 5 splinter states that fell were Bijabur and Golconda they fell respectivelly in 1686 and 1687 to Aurangzeb of the Mughal thru military conflict.

The remaining relevant hindu state during that 700 years was Marastas and they made an appearance during mid 17-century with alot of conflicts and it was sort of the fight back era but outside of Marasthas there was no relevant hindu rival to the various muslim sultanates thru out the country in these 7 centuries. They was more rivalry within them and more internal wars then an outside war from 1400s until 1565s where the Talikota battle took place but before that they were busy against each other and after Viyanganara was demolished they turned on each other business as usual

gross over simplification of your history, under the lodhi dynasty, delhi sultanate had already shrunk to a size of a very small kingdom


who ruled orissa for instance?, who ruled central inda, sindh, punjab etc who built the gwalior fort? who built mehran garh fort.

gross over simplification of your history, under the lodhi dynasty, delhi sultanate had already shrunk to a size of a very small kingdom

View attachment 715710

who ruled orissa for instance?, who ruled central inda, sindh, punjab etc who built the gwalior fort? who built mehran garh fort.


It was delhi's later days but they still ruled both Punjabs and a sizable territory of north India.

Central India was ruled by Deccan sultanates in this time of time. while the south was ruled by Vijayanagara while Bengal Sultanate ruled the bengal lands and Gujarat Sultanate ruled Gujarat areas.

What happened is that other states just split from the delhi in this time of history and they all desired their own kingdoms which weakened the Delhi sultanate and when the Mughal empire came along they couldn't chellenge them
Pakistan should be celebrating local Rajput-Gujjar Kshtriyas including Janjua Maharaja Jaypal of empire known as Hindu Shahi which ruled today's Pakistani punjab and Afghanistan Kabul for two hundred years till 1026AD rather than foreign origin Tajik and Turkic Ghoris and Gaznavis.

Hindu Shahi - WikiMili, The Best Wikipedia Reader

We celebrate porus. And even Raja Ranjeet Singh on government level
Turks actually

The Turkic theory of Ghaurid origin isn't taken seriously in academia anymore. As for the Ghaznavids, again, they mixed with Indo-Iranians and were eventually absorbed into the Pashtun ethnic group.
Ever been to Spain, hindu? It is chock full of it's former Muslim glory, Spanish language to this day has loan words paying homage to Arabic, Muslim architecture still survives in its magnificence, it was after all Al Andalusia where Europeans found enlightenment, where the last time three Abrahamic faiths lived in peace and where Jews after the longest while had someone like Maimonides.
After all that Spain abolished catholicism!
So, though you run your mouth before even comprehending the larger picture, know that you are a byproduct of civilizations at loggerheads and not a protagonist.
we know only one thing , spain uprooted the alien religion from their land and returned to their original religion .they progressed and flourished in later stages by searching new lands unlike muslims who kept living in dark middle ages .

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