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Muhammad Cartoonist Attacked

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I live some 5-10 minutes from this man's house.
I understand muslims' anger about these morons repeatedly pissing on us, but this is not the way to do it, although I must admit that if this guy died I won't shed a single tear.
Denmark is a God and Honourless country (generalizing here) and nothing is sacred. You can make fun of about everything, from God to the queen all in the name of freedom of speech. In the danish constitution, the individual has a right for freedom of speech under responsibility, without fearing persecution from the
state. This has somehow turned into the right of demonizing and verbally persecuting minorities (hint: jews in Europe 1930s) in the name of freedom of speech. Top that with the arrogance of danish politicians who before it all exploded felt too important to even meet with muslim diplomats, and hey presto!
I am planning on leaving Denmark, I can't stand it here anymore. You should honestly listen to the things they say about us. Absolutely disgusting. No wonder frustrated individuals do what they do.
Canaan...I'll be the first person to officially declare holocaust as mother of all lies if ever i visit that disgusting country.
After all freedom of speech is my right what'll they do?
the guy made a mistake and i think he said sorry for it then my opinion says that leave him alone
We restrict freedom of speech when it is harmful and will end up with bad results. Example of such is the fire in a theater which is a fair one. But the same argument cannot be made for holocaust denial laws - that is if you want to be consistent with your implementation and enforcement of freedom of speech/expression. From what I understand, laws against holocaust denial are meant to prevent resurgence of nazism. But I don't see how this will have any slightest bit of effect. It seems more so to protect jewish feelings over the event rather than to prevent nazism. And yes, I say these laws are concerning a group, not just event, because holocaust is associated with pretty much jews only.

And again, I repeat, it is irrelevent whether the holocaust denial laws are protecting religion or not. It is also irrelevent whether it has to do with an event - and even that is not a good argument because the event is primarily associated with one group only.
There you see, your freedom of speech mantra fails here. Holocaust or not, its the Arabs right to say whatever, make fun of the holocaust its all good. That is true freedom of speech.

In order for your persecuted muslim victimhood argument to stand regarding this, you must show a consistent pattern of Western governments forbidding the muslims under their governance EVERY forms of expressions. Not just about criticisms of the Holocaust but also about the dominant religion, be it Christianity or Buddhism or Rastafarianism, of that country. Can you show such a pattern? We are not talking about head scarves or the height of the minarets. We are talking about -- Does the muslims have the freedom to practice their faith, criticize other religions (IF they chose), congregate with other muslims, or travel freely? You are taking this Holocaust thing to the absurd, just like how murder as a response to a bunch of cartoons, to us, is the absurd. Britain allowed legal standing for sharia courts and refused to join Continental Europeans with their Holocaust denial laws...But oh-my-god-in-heaven we are sooooo persecuted just because some Euros forbid us to question the Holocaust.
Shame on mindless countries like denmark who have no respect for other religion and cultures may you burn in hell u bastard cartoonist fag.Ameen
Canaan...I'll be the first person to officially declare holocaust as mother of all lies if ever i visit that disgusting country.
After all freedom of speech is my right what'll they do?

hehe see, the thing is that obviously the freedom of speech is only to be used by the majority against muslims and immigrants here and not the other way around. You would in a blink of an eye be labeled, an anti-semite, a terrorist and a threat to the kingdom and hence be kicked out. Muslims who dared criticize the cartoons, were labeled idiots, who don't understand and follow the rules, stone-age mentality, followers of a fantasy religion with a pedophile murder self-proclaimed prophet, and spies and traitors who should be deported or hanged. (this was the mild version).
Even the politicians were busy criticizing Muslims and defending the "freedom of speech" while at the same time, ignoring Muslim's call for meetings and instead inviting well known anti-muslims to the country like Ayaan Hirsi Ali and others to spread their anti-islamic propaganda. Heck, they even offered them homes and full time protection if they would just come here and continue their work! :hitwall:
People like this cartoonist must be killed. They have no right to live after making fun of prophet of God.
As a muslim I can't dare to make fun of Jesus or Moses and other known prophets of God or of Ram, Krishna or Buddha etc who might be prophets of God.
Shame on such freedom of speech!!!!!!
Shame on so called Christians who even not sparing Jesus!!!!!!!
Death for fun makers of prophets and prophethood!!!
I greatly appreciate your candor. Now as I have explained before that since we do not live our daily lives in an intellectual and moral vacuum, can you explain to us ignorant non-believers upon what intellectual and moral foundation that would compel you to the belief that death is the appropriate response to blasphemy? I am asking a fair question.
the guy made a mistake and i think he said sorry for it then my opinion says that leave him alone

they guy clearly said he doesn't want to apologize and do it all over again if he had to!

In order for your persecuted muslim victimhood argument to stand regarding this, you must show a consistent pattern of Western governments forbidding the muslims under their governance EVERY forms of expressions. Not just about criticisms of the Holocaust but also about the dominant religion, be it Christianity or Buddhism or Rastafarianism, of that country. Can you show such a pattern? We are not talking about head scarves or the height of the minarets. We are talking about -- Does the muslims have the freedom to practice their faith, criticize other religions (IF they chose), congregate with other muslims, or travel freely? You are taking this Holocaust thing to the absurd, just like how murder as a response to a bunch of cartoons, to us, is the absurd. Britain allowed legal standing for sharia courts and refused to join Continental Europeans with their Holocaust denial laws...But oh-my-god-in-heaven we are sooooo persecuted just because some Euros forbid us to question the Holocaust.
Look, its simple as this. I just want to piss off Jews so I want to make fun of the holocaust.

According to freedom of speech I should be allowed to do so right? It's my right to piss off people.
Its pathetic to think of it that I would be jailed if I go to most European countries and go like "Yay, 5 million jews died, yayyy!!!!"

The entire western philosophy of freedom of speech dies there, flat.
Look, its simple as this. I just want to piss off Jews so I want to make fun of the holocaust.

According to freedom of speech I should be allowed to do so right? It's my right to piss off people.
True...But 'freedom of speech' is broad while your right to offend people, short of physical contacts, is only a part of that freedom. So before you claim victimhood please show how your other rights are EQUALLY violated.

In order for your persecuted muslim victimhood argument to stand regarding this, you must show a consistent pattern of Western governments forbidding the muslims under their governance EVERY forms of expressions. Not just about criticisms of the Holocaust but also about the dominant religion, be it Christianity or Buddhism or Rastafarianism, of that country. Can you show such a pattern? We are not talking about head scarves or the height of the minarets. We are talking about -- Does the muslims have the freedom to practice their faith, criticize other religions (IF they chose), congregate with other muslims, or travel freely? You are taking this Holocaust thing to the absurd, just like how murder as a response to a bunch of cartoons, to us, is the absurd. Britain allowed legal standing for sharia courts and refused to join Continental Europeans with their Holocaust denial laws...But oh-my-god-in-heaven we are sooooo persecuted just because some Euros forbid us to question the Holocaust.

Your way of putting it is wrong. The constitution gives you in theory the freedom to practice your religion, otherwise we would have had a Taliban state here. In practice, not a day goes without some sort of demonizing of Muslims here either by individuals, politicians or the media. Sort of what was going on in the 1930s back then with jews. On top of that, there are some 250.000 Muslims here and not one single Mosque. Politicians are busy trying to enact laws that are clearly aimed at danish Muslims, prohibiting the head scarfs, forcing the serving of pork in institutions where Muslims are the majority, prohibiting the building of minarets, forced allegiance to the state and danish culture, etc etc etc.
So you don't acknowledge the growing sentiment of anti-islam and persecution of muslims?
Its pathetic to think of it that I would be jailed if I go to most European countries and go like "Yay, 5 million jews died, yayyy!!!!"

The entire western philosophy of freedom of speech dies there, flat.

OFCOURSE ITS- equally pathetic to think of it that I would be jailed if I go to most middle eatern countries and go like "Yay, 5 million muslim died, yayyy!!!!"

or may be i will be shot or no may be the people on street will stone me to death.

pffft asim you know what -- i think i would take my chance in europe.


and people who support killing of this guy- who just lost his brain cell and abused a religious figure, if not then atleast they are equally sick as him. GET WELL SOON YOU GUYS---
Its pathetic to think of it that I would be jailed if I go to most European countries and go like "Yay, 5 million jews died, yayyy!!!!"

The entire western philosophy of freedom of speech dies there, flat.
Would you? What I see here is that you are not denying the Holocaust but applauding it. Perhaps there is a law prohibiting applauding the Holocaust?

But according to publicly available information...

Laws against Holocaust denial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Laws against Holocaust denial have been enforced in most jurisdictions that have them. Notable convictions and sentencings to November 2009 include:
From 1998 to 2009, about ten years, merely a handful have been convicted of Holocaust denial and judging from the names listed, I see no muslims. This tells me that IF this Holocaust denial issue is as existential to the muslims as their victimhood implied, there would be many more muslim names on the list. Martyrdom, right?
gambit do your seriously really mean it what you wrote above? don't mind just as an example..would ya call your mama "***** in serious tone" as your right of freedom of speed and short of physical contact, she'd slap ya right across the face.

"Others" rights are nullified if one party does not finger the other party won't retaliate...simple equation. if you know by saying this and that the other party would gravely mind don't try it out at all? Is that hard enough?Are we clear?Do you get it?
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