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Muhammad Cartoonist Attacked

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If people start getting offended for stupid reasons - and yes, protesting against cartoon strips is stupid - perhaps they should stop reading those strips?

I'm an atheist. I see no reason why i shouldn't be allowed to make fun of Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, etc etc without being afraid of some religious nut job issuing death threats. If there is a god, I'm sure he wouldn't be offended if we make jokes about him/her.
Cartoon should have been killed the moment he attempted to make these cartoons. Everything is not tolerate-able in Islam, even God does not forgive just everything. Got to take fatwa from Imam-e-Kabah and if permitted, ------ !
Look no further than my signature : We are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further.

If u understand the above fact, all religions that you do NOT believe in are what ? Lies ? Their holy books are just tales ? Or you could put them as 'personal belief of others' ...

Essentially, what LEGALLY are you going to prohibit making fun of when it is a personal belief ? If i consider Pandit Nehru as god (lol) does that mean it should be hypocritical to make fun of him ? Or should it be outright illegal ?

A particular religion recommends X kind of meat while another recommends Y, but to a society that barely believes in religion its a personal choice. Since you cannot expect them to follow a particular religious doctrine on diet, neither can you expect them to follow your ideology about a religious prophet, its as simple as that.

FYI, the holocaust was about the systematic murder of ethnic Poles, the Romani, Soviet civilians, Soviet prisoners of war, people with disabilities, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, and other political and religious opponents. There's more to it than just Jews.
Nememis...If people start getting offended for stupid reasons - and yes, protesting against cartoon strips is stupid - perhaps they should stop reading those strips?

Perhaps they should stop making fun got it?
First study who is Muhammad in Islam type google.com than type Muhammad P.B.U.H and you'll get the answer. He is the Prophet of Islam asn for the humanity although u may not agree..Therefore retaliating and protesting to those making fun of prophet of Islam is not a stupid reasons better get that into think blocked skull. Becareful next time atheist does not give you permission to call such a sensitive issue as stupid.

I'm an atheist. I see no reason why i shouldn't be allowed to make fun of Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, etc etc without being afraid of some religious nut job issuing death threats. If there is a god, I'm sure he wouldn't be offended if we make jokes about him.

Ya got certificate from atheist god to abuse, make mockery and fun out of others religions and their Holy figures? You must be insane do you make fun of your parents under the pretext of being an theist? I'm gonna be the first to issue death award to you if you try to abuse make fun of any Religious figure and religion and all its contents on this forum...since you do not believe in God you statement is invalid about God not being offended by people making jokes..and question would be how do you know or would you God won't get offended?
OFCOURSE ITS- equally pathetic to think of it that I would be jailed if I go to most middle eatern countries and go like "Yay, 5 million muslim died, yayyy!!!!"

or may be i will be shot or no may be the people on street will stone me to death.

pffft asim you know what -- i think i would take my chance in europe.


and people who support killing of this guy- who just lost his brain cell and abused a religious figure, if not then atleast they are equally sick as him. GET WELL SOON YOU GUYS---
See then European freedom of speech is probably as good as Al Qaedas? Should I applaud them for it?

I'm a strong proponent of total freedom of speech. We've built the defence.pk platform upon these ideas and are willing to fight and die for free-speech. If I want to, I should be able to say anything about the Holocaust.

I don't agree with holocaust deniers but I do agree with their right to deny it. Wimps who can't take mere words don't deserve to lecture anyone on free speech. That's what they are, wimps who throw people in jail for merely stating a few words.
Ya got certificate from atheist god to abuse, make mockery and fun out of others religions and their Holy figures? You must be insane do you make fun of your parents under the pretext of being an theist? I'm gonna be the first to issue death award to you if you try to abuse make fun of any Religious figure and religion and all its contents on this forum...since you do not believe in God you statement is invalid about God not being offended by people making jokes..and question would be how do you know or would you God won't get offended?


btw Atheism ~ no god, the atheist god is a paradoxical phrase.
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Cartoon should have been killed the moment he attempted to make these cartoons. Everything is not tolerate-able in Islam, even God does not forgive just everything. Got to take fatwa from Imam-e-Kabah and if permitted, ------ !
Thank YOU !!! Now we are getting somewhere. So since it is perceived and believed that there are somethings man do that is unforgivable to God, so should the believers be equally adamant about meting out death sentences to those unforgivable things. Blasphemy qualify?

Who asked for Ireland's blasphemy law? | Padraig Reidy | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
Technically, Ahern is correct that Bunreacht na hÉireann requires that blasphemy be a criminal offence.
See then European freedom of speech is probably as good as Al Qaedas? Should I applaud them for it?

I'm a strong proponent of total freedom of speech. We've built the defence.pk platform upon these ideas and are willing to fight and die for free-speech. If I want to, I should be able to say anything about the Holocaust.

I don't agree with holocaust deniers but I do agree with their right to deny it. Wimps who can't take mere words don't deserve to lecture anyone on free speech. That's what they are, wimps who throw people in jail for merely stating a few words.

U r correct .. the holocaust denial law surely came as a knee jerk reaction since the european societies were primarily full of themselves as the civilized world in the colonial times and then the holocaust was the worst nightmare they could imagine.

It could be that with the passage of time the law could be repelled. I say so because of the gradual liberalization in most societies that occurs with time.
Today there is more work being done in Pakistan to repeal theocratic, blasphemy laws than there is being done in Europe to repeal the Holocaust denial law.
U r correct .. the holocaust denial law surely came as a knee jerk reaction since the european societies were primarily full of themselves as the civilized world in the colonial times and then the holocaust was the worst nightmare they could imagine.

It could be that with the passage of time the law could be repelled. I say so because of the gradual liberalization in most societies that occurs with time.
So we can settle the issue that criminalizing Holocaust denial has NOTHING to do with the muslims but about probably an inappropriate response.
See, I dont like the way some of us Muslims protest against this... violence isn't going to solve anything... .

If there is no other option left for justice.then this is the only way.:sniper:
So we can settle the issue that criminalizing Holocaust denial has NOTHING to do with the muslims but about probably an inappropriate response.

Gotta ask the believers, not an atheist :devil:
If people start getting offended for stupid reasons - and yes, protesting against cartoon strips is stupid - perhaps they should stop reading those strips?

I'm an atheist. I see no reason why i shouldn't be allowed to make fun of Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, etc etc without being afraid of some religious nut job issuing death threats. If there is a god, I'm sure he wouldn't be offended if we make jokes about him/her.
Try telling this to your country fellows.

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Perhaps they should stop making fun got it?
First study who is Muhammad in Islam type google.com than type Muhammad P.B.U.H and you'll get the answer. He is the Prophet of Islam asn for the humanity although u may not agree..

I know who the Prophet Muhammad is, thank you very much.

Therefore retaliating and protesting to those making fun of prophet of Islam is not a stupid reasons better get that into think blocked skull.

So some guy makes a comic strip making fun of the prophet in Denmark, and you sitting in Pakistan is offended? :rolleyes:

Becareful next time atheist does not give you permission to call such a sensitive issue as stupid.

Sensitive to whom? Muslims? It is a stupid issue when a majority of people living in the Islamic world are oppressed every single day. People have far more pressing concerns.

Ya got certificate from atheist god to abuse

Atheists have a god?

, make mockery and fun out of others religions and their Holy figures?

What's wrong with making fun of holy figures? It offends your sensibility? Then don't listen/read it.

You must be insane do you make fun of your parents under the pretext of being an theist?

I make fun of Hinduism all the time. Why can't the same standard be there for Islam or Christianity for that matter?

I'm gonna be the first to issue death award to you


if you try to abuse make fun of any Religious figure and religion and all its contents on this forum

You're only proving to me that only the most foolish get offended at the slightest insult.

...since you do not believe in God you statement is invalid about God not being offended by people making jokes..and question would be how do you know or would you God won't get offended?

Since God is omniscient and an all powerful figure, he would be aware that i would be making jokes about him. If he really cared, he would have done something about it. Hence proved. :P

Coming back to topic, I respect the sentiments of people regarding their own religion. You would not see me making fun of religion on this forum -trust me, i would write pages on why the insipid concept of religion is the bane of mankind - However, these religious types being pious should also respect my sentiments regarding religion. If people don't like what atheists have to say regarding religion, don't listen to us. It's that simple.

Edit -

Try telling this to your country fellows.

What makes you think, i don't tell the exact same thing to my countrymen? I see no distinctions between religious nut jobs of any denomination.
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