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Muhammad Cartoonist Attacked

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I am not telling you what to do. I was only asking on why would you merely 'pray' for the man's death instead of doing something other than talk and rant about it. You make bellicose noises and represent yourself with violent icons but do nothing else. Prayers are not unique to Islam. But so far the efficacy of prayers have been dubious at best. No mater how much a religious leader exhort the believers to pray, the religion's deity have always needed a human agent to execute a supposedly directive from heaven. Why is that?

Originally Posted by mkiyani
i pray next time they suceed in killing him... I am using my freedom of speech so to hell with u USA and Hindu BS people...

Ok now dont u guys get angry it was just freedom of speech....


Read my post again I was making my "freedom of speech" point... I wasnt actually praying 4 him to die... Second time dont tell me what i should do... And I am not representing my self with these icons ... i never knew that i can represent my self by using any icons... and thank god i didnt use these devil icon... :devil::chilli::taz:
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It is relevant in the perspective that prosecutions for criticisms of the Holocaust is not broadly applied. We have no such laws in the US. It is relevant in the perspective that said prosecution, when it exist, is narrow in scope. It is the Holocaust but not Judaism. The muslims' right to call Jews 'apes and pigs' are not taken away.

I realize what you're saying in that it's not really religion being ridiculed but the holocaust in these papers. But it was the freedom of speech and freedom of expression that was invoked when defending those who made the cartoons. And I mean fair enough, people shouldn't get so worked up for those things with people who are trying to create controversy and get attention and I personally didn't care at all about this whole cartoon story.

But these holocaust denial laws contradict the freedom of speech and freedom of expression that is imprinted in pretty much most western countries' consitutition. This is where the double standard comes in. It's hypocritical to invoke freedom of speech/expression when concerning primarily one group and and removing it when concering the other. That's why I really think it's not relevent whether they are insulting the jewish religion or not.
I realize what you're saying in that it's not really religion being ridiculed but the holocaust in these papers. But it was the freedom of speech and freedom of expression that was invoked when defending those who made the cartoons. And I mean fair enough, people shouldn't get so worked up for those things with people who are trying to create controversy and get attention and I personally didn't care at all about this whole cartoon story.

But these holocaust denial laws contradict the freedom of speech and freedom of expression that is imprinted in pretty much most western countries' consitutition. This is where the double standard comes in. It's hypocritical to invoke freedom of speech/expression when concerning primarily one group and and removing it when concering the other. That's why I really think it's not relevent whether they are insulting the jewish religion or not.
In general principle, there is nothing hypocritical about restricting some speech and some forms of speech when we establish a community. Libel and slander laws are examples but we would not argue that they 'contradict' our basic stance in the principle 'freedom of speech'. The laws protecting the Holocaust, or rather prosecuting criticisms of the Holocaust, falls under this category. Should it be in the same restricting class as 'libel' and 'slander'? For US we say 'No' and even many Jews in Europe do not like those laws. But this is about religion and the Western stance, unlike the ME, is that no religion should have the protection of the state.
I realize what you're saying in that it's not really religion being ridiculed but the holocaust in these papers. But it was the freedom of speech and freedom of expression that was invoked when defending those who made the cartoons. And I mean fair enough, people shouldn't get so worked up for those things with people who are trying to create controversy and get attention and I personally didn't care at all about this whole cartoon story.

But these holocaust denial laws contradict the freedom of speech and freedom of expression that is imprinted in pretty much most western countries' consitutition. This is where the double standard comes in. It's hypocritical to invoke freedom of speech/expression when concerning primarily one group and and removing it when concering the other. That's why I really think it's not relevent whether they are insulting the jewish religion or not.

Its not groups, its a historical event, simple as that. You can call it hypocritical by a thousand examples like the fire in the theater as suggested earlier. Irrespective, its how the courts of Holland consider it and thats what is important.

When you live in a particular country, you have to abide by its law and what the court says, not whack people who do not agree with you.
We restrict freedom of speech when it is harmful and will end up with bad results. Example of such is the fire in a theater which is a fair one. But the same argument cannot be made for holocaust denial laws - that is if you want to be consistent with your implementation and enforcement of freedom of speech/expression. From what I understand, laws against holocaust denial are meant to prevent resurgence of nazism. But I don't see how this will have any slightest bit of effect. It seems more so to protect jewish feelings over the event rather than to prevent nazism. And yes, I say these laws are concerning a group, not just event, because holocaust is associated with pretty much jews only.

And again, I repeat, it is irrelevent whether the holocaust denial laws are protecting religion or not. It is also irrelevent whether it has to do with an event - and even that is not a good argument because the event is primarily associated with one group only.
This is supposedly for Jews in regard to the Holocaust. This is not about protecting Judaism as a religion.
There you see, your freedom of speech mantra fails here. Holocaust or not, its the Arabs right to say whatever, make fun of the holocaust its all good. That is true freedom of speech.
gambit: The point is: What/Who is preventing you from doing so?

Ah...So you are saying: Islam is a religion of peace, and we will kill you to prove it.

Part 1 gambit Islam doesn't allow to disrespect any Prophets since christians and jews go the other way around killing and making fun of Prophets the question is who allowed you guys to make fun and kill as history speaks for itself Jews killed prophets for they rejected them to be prophets similarly christians have that tingling jewish part in them to reject as well stretching more further..
God, Prophets, Islam and Quran prevents and enforce us not to disrespect of what your asking for..
for the second part go ask that guy who attack that ***..le cartoonist since he has nothing better to do in but draw.

Thirdly you are an educated guy rule of thumb is you do not call everyone a terrorist and violent brain-washed as according to christians about rest of the religions because you can't label the 1.5 billion tagged as terrorists for a few black-sheeps in their community other wise if i start working on bible you'll have rest of 2010 to read wonderful stuff inside.
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Danish police shoot intruder at cartoonist's home

Danish police have shot and wounded a man at the home of Kurt Westergaard, whose cartoon depicting the Prophet Muhammad sparked an international row.

Mr Westergaard was at home in Aarhus when a man broke in armed with a knife. Police arrived and shot the man after Mr Westergaard pressed a panic alarm.

Danish officials said the intruder was a 28-year-old Somali linked to the radical Islamist al-Shabab militia.

The cartoon, printed in 2005, prompted violent protests the following year.

One of 12 cartoons published in the Danish newspaper Jyllands Posten, it depicted the Prophet Muhammad with a bomb in his turban.

In 2006 the paper apologised for the cartoons, but other European media reprinted them.

Danish embassies were then attacked by Muslims around the world and dozens killed in riots.

Mr Westergaard went into hiding amid threats to his life, but emerged last year saying he wanted to live as normal a life as possible.

His house has been heavily fortified and is under close police protection.


so the person who tried misadventure is shot --- now this idiot deserved that - for trying to take the life of a unaware person.
duhastmish go to post number 1 for this thread when you read it come back and think why you posted it again. and since you posted it for the purpose of flaming so now away form this thread's subject but relevant to ur flaming comments each indian soldier deserves to be shot in the head in held Kashmir for trying to take lives of civilians and for 80,000+ civilians precisely...happy? over and out!
duhastmish go to post number 1 for this thread when you read it come back and think why you posted it again. and since you posted it for the purpose of flaming so now away form this thread's subject but relevant to ur flaming comments each indian soldier deserves to be shot in the head in held Kashmir for trying to take lives of civilians and for 80,000+ civilians precisely...happy? over and out!

hiya luftwaffe,

lool chill mate , it wasn't for flame - it was just that this person got shot , thas what the latest news was.

secondly he is not a soldier, he is just somebody - an extremist who tried to kill some idiot for making a derogatory comment by his cartoon post.

now he have no right to take life of a human for something wrong he said - You can not hurt anybody physically.

and to that post of your -
each indian soldier deserves to be shot

that's called making everything generic that just prove the wrold right - because one muslin is a terrorist all are terrorist. dont make things generic.

just reread the posts. you just lost the cool here, but i seen your past post so i think you got me wrogn here. rest is fine :cheers:
duhas i am chilled you need to chill read your post next time read thread right form 1st post..over and out!
One simple question to everyone....that ask yourserlf, what if someone start bullying your mother or father or family....what will be your immediate repond? Be honest with your answer, and when you get that then rethink about the whole scenario again. There is a famous saying that "Who stand for nothing will fall for anything"

Pakistan Ideology
good question everyone shall follow first you answer
People like this cartoonist must be killed. They have no right to live after making fun of prophet of God.
As a muslim I can't dare to make fun of Jesus or Moses and other known prophets of God or of Ram, Krishna or Buddha etc who might be prophets of God.
Shame on such freedom of speech!!!!!!
Shame on so called Christians who even not sparing Jesus!!!!!!!
Death for fun makers of prophets and prophethood!!!
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