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Muhammad Cartoonist Attacked

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Muslims didn't get pissed off at the joke, the main reason was the cartoonist showed prophet Mohammad's face. Muslims don't take it lightly if some one if a cartoon or a portrait is made of Mohammad (PBUH), because no one knows how he looked like.

If you see any Islamic movies based on Islam, you will find they will not show Mohammad (PBUH) or have a voice for him, the camera is used as Mohammad and some one else portrays messages of Mohamad.
One thing which i really dont understand that why jews and christians of the West in particular are adamant to draw images of Prophet & Messenger Muhammed Peace Be Upon Him? which always instigates the emotions of a whole muslim world.

Is that necessary? or is their any profit they getting out of drawing a holy personality? or is it their business? or more above is it any hidden agenda?

To be honest with you all folks i think the christians and jews world have never stoped chasing their past from crusades (christians). And the way of expressing their bias and hatred towards muslim world has been transforming uniquely by every day! Or to be more precise then i could say that they are regulary inventing new ways to display their commitment of annoying and hurting muslims at large.

And this is happening on every front from laurete level to military scale. Thou muslims cannot retialate by doing the same as reciprocal, and also neither christians and jews have such emotions for their prophets so they could react the same as muslims are?

But the question is how should muslim respond to this jews or christian call?

I am sorry but the truth is always bitter.

Pakistan Ideology
Unfortunately, freedom of speech has manifested into a freedom to insult; as usual, man will always sink to the lowest level if left unregulated.

Something that is irresponsible should be prevented; quite simply, human beings should behave better. Moreover, the double standards are truly shocking.

If for example, a newspaper were to publish an article mocking the holocaust, Jews or ones biological mother; I very much doubt that the champions of freedom of speech, on this thread, would express the same sentiments.

However, the Muslims of today are pathetic simpletons and as such succumb to provocation; it is they who make it worthwhile for the scoffers to begin with. They are as much, if not more blameworthy.
The movie 2012 did not have destruction of the main structure in Mecca. Producer/Director Roland Emmerich says: "We have to all, in the western world, think about this. You can actually let Christian symbols fall apart, but if you would do this with [an] Arab symbol, you would have ... a fatwa, and that sounds a little bit like what the state of this world is. So it's just something which I kind of didn't [think] was [an] important element, anyway, in the film, so I kind of left it out."

Emmerich has no qualms about wrecking other major landmarks, however. The massive dome of St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican rolls on top of a crowd of churchgoers. The huge Christ the Redeemer statue that looms over Rio de Janeiro disintegrates. And, of course, the White House gets crushed when a wave drops the aircraft carrier John F. Kennedy on top of it.

Movie Talk: The One Place on Earth Not Destroyed in '2012'

Our request is: If it isn't positive, keep us out of it. [At least our Prophet.]

And its not like the director left out the 'main structure in Mecca' which he doesn't even know what it's called. There was a scene in the movie showing it but, nothing happening to it. Thats acceptable.
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Thats the point, they do not have laws that prohibit making fun of a certain religion. They have made fun of Jesus thousands of time without any consequences. U cannot dictate them ur view, hey i find the spaghetti monster or queen Elizabeth offensive so no pictures of him/her.

Family Guy makes fun of religion (particularly Jesus Christ) in the worst possible way, and that was an example to ur statement suggesting they only make fun of Islam.

Then they should and they will if there are enough people to protest about it and seeing the 48 million Muslims in Europe, its inevitable. Family Guy can continue doing what it wants as long as it keeps our Prophet out of it. We dont care if you reference 'Muslims' to some joke or something but the Prophet thing is going to far. And the cartoonist knows it.
Then they should and they will if there are enough people to protest about it and seeing the 48 million Muslims in Europe, its inevitable. Family Guy can continue doing what it wants as long as it keeps our Prophet out of it. We dont care if you reference 'Muslims' to some joke or something but the Prophet thing is going to far. And the cartoonist knows it.

There is absolutely NOTHING you can do about it dear.

Nothing whatsoever, your demands are frivolous and it's time you stop making them.

They will do whatever they wan't.

Best option for Muslims is to focus on ourselves; Ignore the provocations. And as a few other have said, they don't actually respect Jesus either, so why would anyone expect them to respect our prophet (ASWS)?
Tollerance is something which people have to learn..!! love your family.. die for your family.. don't die for religion..!!!! You can't go on killing people who makes fun of what you believe in..!!! thats the most primitive thing to do..!!! That is what most people in the west are afraid of islam.. radical and extreme belief in a religion.. is always not good..!!!! Well but since he is from other religion he should have done that along with the other prophets of the other religion.. singling out one religion is not right..!!! but that still is not a good enough reason to kill some one..!!! If you dont like it protest it.. and don't get provoked by it.. coz you know what you believe in is right.. and nobodys cartoon can take away that fact..!!!!
It seems to me ridiculous the muslims' position that you will respect the sacred status of a mythical figure -- Jesus -- but sees nothing wrong with violating the sanctity of a human life in the worst possible way -- murder -- when said mythical figure demanded that all of us pay such respect.

That 'mythical' figure the cartoonist drew a bomb on is of extreme importance. There is nothing that tells a Muslim to 'violate the sanctity of a human life' over the cartoon so thats just out of the question. The cartoonist knows exactly what he is doing because he did not stop at that cartoon, he drew more and said it himself that he did.

I mean ffs, if your going to use your 'freedom of speech' to piss people off in the excuse that it's a 'joke', then just DONT do it.
Tollerance is something which people have to learn..!! love your family.. die for your family.. don't die for religion..!!!! You can't go on killing people who makes fun of what you believe in..!!! thats the most primitive thing to do..!!! That is what most people in the west are afraid of islam.. radical and extreme belief in a religion.. is always not good..!!!! Well but since he is from other religion he should have done that along with the other prophets of the other religion.. singling out one religion is not right..!!! but that still is not a good enough reason to kill some one..!!! If you dont like it protest it.. and don't get provoked by it.. coz you know what you believe in is right.. and nobodys cartoon can take away that fact..!!!!

We are protesting it, the problem is theirs so many of us that anger takes over them.
there are weeds everywhere, in all relgiions , all country , all cultures, all societies. from micro to macro level all groups.

but that doesn't mean you can blame all for one.

and even if someone - did disrespect - the god , how does it mean you have stoop to their level ?????
and more over if you spit on mighty - sun or moon it will only come back on your own face.

but if you attack someone for their ignorance and mental disability that's insane. this guy needed some good help he had some psychological issues. but now the things have turned sour.
One of the cartoonists burned alive in a fire. It's a rumor but sounds like an 'accident.'
i pray next time they suceed in killing him... I am using my freedom of speech so to hell with u USA and Hindu BS people...

Ok now dont u guy get angry it was just freedom of speech....

Yeah just tell Cartoonist.. Get well soon..!!!! :) That will not only bring in more people to islam rather than giving an image of an intolerant religion..!!!!
^^^then how can be india bashing done

be it a any religion nobody has the right to insult any other religion
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