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Mughals/ Other Muslim Rulers slashed out of Indian history textbooks

Yes then a Sultan.

While your whole family, your grandparents, their parents, and your cousins and their cousins and your race was a slave for 800 years.
mian babbin is from afghanistan who has deep seeded hate for Pakistan.
Turks fought winston churchill while indians begged him for some of their own food.
I'm a pure Turk with a glorious history.

There is a massive difference between you and me. It can be a master-slave relationship.

Not very hard to guess who is the slave.

Brother It's OK These RSS Indians Suffer From A Strange Inferiority Complex.We Have To Put Up With Their Trash All The Time On This Forum.

Trust Me You Don't Need Their Certificate

It is always amazing and astonishing to see Pakistanis not only defending their fake history but also want to impose their fake glorified history on Indians.

It is like we have submitted and accepted foreign rulers you should also do that, otherwise it hurts us.

Taj Mahal was built by using the riches of India not Pakistan.

An Indian Should Be The Last Person On Earth To Talk About Fake History
Yes then a Sultan.

And he had to sleep with his owner/master when he was a young boy. Former slaves were looked down upon for such reasons. And i dont need to remind you that slaves had lowest social status in the societies of medieval period. They were owned like pet animals and they were auctioned in slave markets like some commodity.
mian babbin is from afghanistan who has deep seeded hate for Pakistan.
Turks fought winston churchill while indians begged him for some of their own food.

Im not talking about Pakistan when I quote mian babbin, I know he dont like Pakistan and he wants it to split because he claims hes race should have parts of Pakistan or something.

And he had to sleep with his owner/master when he was a young boy. Former slaves were looked down upon for such reasons. And i dont need to remind you that slaves had lowest social status in the societies of medieval period. They were owned like pet animals and they were auctioned in slave markets like some commodity.

Who are you talking about precisely? An individual? As I said, you are desciribing your people exactly.

Our history is clear, you can check a map from any century and you will see my people have been independent and have had many powerful states at once, while you was a dog for thousands of years.
And he had to sleep with his owner/master when he was a young boy. Former slaves were looked down upon for such reasons. And i dont need to remind you that slaves had lowest social status in the societies of medieval period. They were owned like pet animals and they were auctioned in slave markets like some commodity.

Just like you have young Afghani boys as Bacha Bereesht in Afghanistan today.
Im not talking about Pakistan when I quote mian babbin, I know he dont like Pakistan and he wants it to split because he claims hes race should have parts of Pakistan or something.

Who are you talking about precisely? An individual? As I said, you are desciribing your people exactly.

Our history is clear, you can check a map from any century and you will see my people have been independent and have had many powerful states at once, while you was a dog for thousands of years.
Brother don't waste your time on these trolls,They are jealous of Turks and their history.
I have nothing against Turks, i am merely stating historical facts. Its a fact of history that Turks were auctioned and sold as slaves in the markets from Afghanistan to Egypt.
I have nothing against Turks, i am merely stating historical facts. Its a fact of history that Turks were auctioned and sold as slaves in the markets from Afghanistan to Egypt.

Yep..... what slaves.... Slaves that had countless powerful nations that used to piss on your people.
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I could go on till 2017 or back. Your people did not have a nation and don't have the ability of nation building because your weak and stupid and have been ruled while as you can see with the facts above (you can check other maps if you dont believe them) where the Turks were and have been and there countries.
Yep..... what slaves.... Slaves that had countless powerful nations that used to piss on your people.
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I could go on till 2017 or back. Your people did not have a nation and don't have the ability of nation building because your weak and stupid and have been ruled while as you can see with the facts above (you can check other maps if you dont believe them) where the Turks were and have been and there countries.
Why you are so uncomfortable and hesitant in accepting the fact that Turk kids, men and women were sold as slaves in the slave markets across the Muslim world?. You were laughing at the Indians (and at Pakistanis as well) that they were slaves of British but fact of the matter is they were merely subjects of the British. Turks on the other hand have been associated with slave status and were legal property of owners at some point in the past. For example the Turks who ruled India were mamluk/slaves of Ghurids. Other people who like Turks were associated with slave status, were Ethiopians.
Why you are so uncomfortable and hesitant in accepting the fact that Turk kids, men and women were sold as slaves in the slave markets across the Muslim world?. You were laughing at the Indians (and at Pakistanis as well) that they were slaves of British but fact of the matter is they were merely subjects of the British. Turks on the other hand have been associated with slave status and were legal property of owners at some point in the past. For example the Turks who ruled India were mamluk/slaves of Ghurids. Other people who like Turks were associated with slave status, were Ethiopians.
why are you wasting your time on wannabe Turk/Antolian ? I am sure you know different between an Turkified Greko-Armenian convert(wannabe Turk) and a Real Turk from Central Asia.

laugh at turkified slaves and move on or thank your Ancestors who fought against invaders instead of adopting their Culture and language. nobody considers them real Turks, not even Turkmens and Uzbeks.
Why you are so uncomfortable and hesitant in accepting the fact that Turk kids, men and women were sold as slaves in the slave markets across the Muslim world?. You were laughing at the Indians (and at Pakistanis as well) that they were slaves of British but fact of the matter is they were merely subjects of the British. Turks on the other hand have been associated with slave status and were legal property of owners at some point in the past. For example the Turks who ruled India were mamluk/slaves of Ghurids. Other people who like Turks were associated with slave status, were Ethiopians.

Hahahah. Slaves that rule other countries.


What a contradiction.
I just showed you clear, factual evidence... Sorry kid, your ancestors was slayed like rats. Can't change facts and history.

why are you wasting your time on wannabe Turk/Antolian ? I am sure you know different between an Turkified Greko-Armenian convert(wannabe Turk) and a Real Turk from Central Asia.

laugh at turkified slaves and move on or thank your Ancestors who fought against invaders instead of adopting their Culture and language. nobody considers them real Turks, not even Turkmens and Uzbeks.

ohh come on. Seriously? An indian talking to me about slaves and stuff??? That is pure comedy.
Naturally they do not want the generations to know that they were battered by Muslims
Did you forgot about Bappa Rawal,Marathas,Mewar etc.......who battered the Ummayid mullah caliphate. You are the of the rape product of some mullah kings .
History is the narration of facts. All facts should be taught in right perspective so that future generations may take lesson from it. When I studied history in high school, It was all bout Mughal and English era only. I never studied bout vijaynagar. We studied Maurya history in very brief. History need to be taught as it is so that coming generations may take a lesson from it and act wisely with the wisdom we got.
Its called hindutva revisionism where the alleged secular republic tries to whitewash the greatest ruling dynasty india has ever had

This is more a slap in the faces of indian muslims where the only option at school is to learn about hindus

There is internet and many libraries and not to mention madrasas if they are interested in foreign invaders.
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