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Mughals/ Other Muslim Rulers slashed out of Indian history textbooks

little? Calm down slave, don't be so happy with a country the british gave to you. You was my ancestors slave and that is the max you will be. A poor state with an embarrasing history.
Don't know enough about Turkey to even counter this - it is is so little, it is irrelevant. I don't know much about Sierra Leone either. I know a few years ago they were begging to join the EU - did that ever happen?
Don't know enough about Turkey to even counter this - it is is so little, it is irrelevant. I don't know much about Sierra Leone either. I know a few years ago they were begging to join the EU - did that ever happen?

:woot: Hahaha. Check the map before 1947 and we can see who is relevant and who is not.

I cant lower myself by talking to an indian about relevance in the world stage, considering your relevance came to existence only in 1947, before that a slave, and currently one of the worlds poorest, dirtiest, and uncivilized countries in the world.
Good because no one will see the muslim invaders as real by rulers only the traitors
History should be all inclusive it's so sad people are denying their own rich history and culture. The nationalists in india ignoring the mughals are just as ridiculous as the islamist pakistanis who think history in the sub-continent only started in 711 AD.
I'm a pure Turk with a glorious history.

There is a massive difference between you and me. It can be a master-slave relationship.

Not very hard to guess who is the slave.

Timur killed people..... what is that supposed to mean? We are talking about 14-15th century. Obviously you have to kill people to be able to conquer.

The french killed a million algerians, mind you this is mid 20th century.
What I am saying is, there's nothing to be proud of such people. I am sure you have had good ancestors who have greatly helped your society as well.
Why are you giving away our secrets?
Well, I was clearing his gross misguided assumptions,he thinks we don't know about our land and may be we all claim ourselves as Arabs.

History should be all inclusive it's so sad people are denying their own rich history and culture. The nationalists in india ignoring the mughals are just as ridiculous as the islamist pakistanis who think history in the sub-continent only started in 711 AD.
We never voted an Islamist to Parliament,but they did.
So whatever, our Islamist thinks has no value but what a Sanghis thinks has value because they can shove down it into others throats.
Hahaha, Ghurids. Kid your stupid. Your actually stupid and you talk like you have knowledge. The Ghurids used to clean the Great Seljuks balls and we used to use them as dogs. They were an insignificant people or little country that was nothing but vassals of Seljuks and then the harzemsahs came after that and raped them too.

About the arabs, lol kid where do you read history. After the oğuz yabgu state, the seljuks came and just ran over everyone. If it wasn't for the seljuks, crusades would have rampaged all the weak nations and people there. Seljuks and Turks stopped most crusades.

I bet your like a kurd who don't have a country for 20,000 years that became a nationalist because of British policies that created a nationality out of you.
Ghurids were never enslaved , and were never "mamluk" and sold like commodities in slave markets. The "Baybars" after whom you have named yourself, was a slave.....these mamluk boys had terrible life before puberty, they were sexually molested
Lolzzzz.... At that time it was 'Hindustan' ,invaded by Muslims, what a lame reason and useless reason, but we can expect everything lame from indians.

And your ancestors were living in those regions! Thank you for accepting that you are all Hindustanis subdued by foreign invaders :lol:
We never voted an Islamist to Parliament,but they did.
So whatever, our Islamist thinks has no value but what a Sanghis thinks has value because they can shove down it into others throats.
few days back when new indian president took oath and his supporters were shouting "jai shri raam", for your people this was proof of hindutva rule but every one in your parliament starts with " ur rehmar ur rahim" and its not Islamist.. BJP no where has Hindus anywhere in its name or motto whereas M In PMNL stands for muslim.
The thing is for you people a practicing hindu is proof of rising "Hindu terrorism " whereas in 99% of terrorist attacks in this world, "terrorism has no religion ".
:woot: Hahaha. Check the map before 1947 and we can see who is relevant and who is not.

I cant lower myself by talking to an indian about relevance in the world stage, considering your relevance came to existence only in 1947, before that a slave, and currently one of the worlds poorest, dirtiest, and uncivilized countries in the world.
So I take it - you guys still waiting with a begging bowl waiting to be admitted to the EU. Lol. Little Turkey - historic beggar no one really cares about. I am not going to bother looking it up - but I reckon even your GDP is currently lower than India's. Best of luck with the begging. Nice fetish about the slavery - must be hard sucking up to the EU leaders and acting like their slave. haha - little Turkey comparing itself to India. What a clown.
Ghurids were never enslaved , and were never "mamluk" and sold like commodities in slave markets. The "Baybars" after whom you have named yourself, was a slave.....these mamluk boys had terrible life before puberty, they were sexually molested
In next 20 years children of Arab Migrants in Turkey will start claiming that their Ancestors have migrated from central Asia as well. :lol:

What a fake Nation full of fake People....
Ghurids were never enslaved , and were never "mamluk" and sold like commodities in slave markets. The "Baybars" after whom you have named yourself, was a slave.....these mamluk boys had terrible life before puberty, they were sexually molested
Ghurids was a small weak state, that was bound to Seljuks and they were nothing. There were shortly destroyed by the Harzemşah another Turkish empire.

Mamluks were slaves that then become kings and sultans, great fighters that stopped mongols.

Talking about slaves, wr are talking about individuals here, and the 12th century, assuming you claim to know some history, there was slaves from every people. Seljuks had arab slaves, persian slaves or everyone that was useful.

The sad thing is you are still slaves in the 21st century, muhahahah. That's embarrassing.
Lol I'm done this this thread, funny to see nationalistic indians.

People are usually nationalistic over sometjing but what makes these people nationalistic is what makes me laugh, there country is a no go zone, basically rats won't live, there dirtier than nearly every people, their history is slavery and being ruled and their country is created by the british of people who are stitched together.
Ghurids was a small weak state, that was bound to Seljuks and they were nothing. There were shortly destroyed by the Harzemşah another Turkish empire.

Mamluks were slaves that then become kings and sultans, great fighters that stopped mongols.

Talking about slaves, wr are talking about individuals here, and the 12th century, assuming you claim to know some history, there was slaves from every people. Seljuks had arab slaves, persian slaves or everyone that was useful.

The sad thing is you are still slaves in the 21st century, muhahahah. That's embarrassing.
Baybars was a slave
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