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Mughals/ Other Muslim Rulers slashed out of Indian history textbooks

Which one of the nonsense below:

It does not matter. The term Hinduism did not exist during the time of Jesus. India had Shivism, Vaishanvism, Buddhism, Jainism. Hinduism encompasses all dharmic thoughts united to fight the forceful imposition of Islam on dharmic people. We do not consider these various thoughts as separate.

I mean pro Hindu writer

You are mistaken. You have to read the books. These are not authors' views rather the authors have documented the references made by Islamic rulers themselves in their own history texts.

Only Pushtuns can claim that not the Indics of Punjab and Sindh.

no bharati, Pashtuns dont have Mughals, Mughals and those pashtuns who conqured bharat are now majority indic unless you think Mughal aka central Asian and Pashtun aka Afghans who come with great armies left south asia and all their properties, relations after fall of their empires and again moved to mountain barren land of Afghanistan?

Indic Royal Mughal.


on topic, i am perfectly fine with it, that was always our point, bharat belong to hindu sanghi establishment, secularism and tolerance is all fake.. Bharati Muslims should start thinking about their future..
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It does not matter. The term Hinduism did not exist during the time of Jesus. India had Shivism, Vaishanvism, Buddhism, Jainism. Hinduism encompasses all dharmic thoughts united to fight the forceful imposition of Islam on dharmic people. We do not consider these various thoughts as separate.
Good for you. Now, since you took out the time to explain all that, i'll just copy a verse from the Quran to end this .

Chapter 4 verse 163
Indeed, We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], as We revealed to Noah and the prophets after him. And we revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, the Descendants, Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron, and Solomon, and to David We gave the book [of Psalms].
no bharati, Pashtuns dont have Mughals, Mughals and those pashtuns who conqured bharat are now majority indic unless you think Mughal aka central Asian and Pashtun aka Afghans who come with great armies left south asia and all their properties after fall of their empires and again moved to mountain barren land of Afghanistan?


i am perfectly fine with it, that was always our point, bharat belong to hindu sanghi establishment, secularism and tolerance is all fake.. Bharati Muslims should start thinking about their future..

Well you could look at these pictures and decide who has mongol eyes.



I am pathan ... you will have to dig out my old old posts... actually we are Moghal great grandfather from Delhi ...

Well then you surely could claim Mughal legacy but that does not mean every Pakistan could do that. Also, there are many Pushtuns in India who could claim that legacy too like you could.
Well you could look at these pictures and decide who has mongol eyes.

View attachment 417053

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Well then you surely could claim Mughal legacy but that does not mean every Pakistan could do that. Also, there are many Pushtuns in India who could claim that legacy too like you could.

I did mention the same on another thread.

Imran Khan definitely has mongoloid eyes.

Cheers, Doc
After this phyrrhic victory the Sultan's troops entered the fort only to be confronted with ashes and burnt bones of the women whose honour they were going to violate to satisfy their lust.

I always wondered why indian movies from Amitabh, Jackie Shrof, Mithun etc era had to have a rape scene included, why the villain would always try raping the heroine ............ now I understand why.

Thanks for sharing such detailed history on Padmini .......... back then if they had world records on Testosterone levels I am sure Ala Ud Din would have topped the charts ........ and thank God he wasn't born in today's times or else he would have put siege to bollywood for those plastic dolls ....... won't like these plastic dolls burning on big pyre to save their honor ...............
It does not matter. The term Hinduism did not exist during the time of Jesus. India had Shivism, Vaishanvism, Buddhism, Jainism. Hinduism encompasses all dharmic thoughts united to fight the forceful imposition of Islam on dharmic people. We do not consider these various thoughts as separate.

You are mistaken. You have to read the books. These are not authors' views rather the authors have documented the references made by Islamic rulers themselves in their own history texts.

Good for your health, all lies no king were insult their period of ruling:smart::blah:
Well you could look at these pictures and decide who has mongol eyes.

View attachment 417053

View attachment 417055

Imran is Niazai Pathan of Punjab who couldnt speak Pashto. They are Punjabized Pashtuns. nothing to do with mongols, look at his indic sister Aleema Khan or his cousin Ikramullah Niazi, saifullah Niazi and so on you will find him exception in his own famaily..

Nawaz is Kashmiri Punjabi...

None of them claim Mughal heritage..

Why dont you show pic of Nawaz's indic brothers Shahbaz and nephew Hamaza Shahbaz etc even Nawaz's own son look Punjabis, look at maryam, Hassan and Hussain Nawaz...

They both got unique features in their famalies..
No matter how painful it may be, it has to be taught.

The students need to know how cruel these rulers were.

I would like to see history books detail

-- How Akbar massacred over 50,000 Rajputs

-- How Aurangzeb imposed unfair taxes on Hindus

-- How these rulers destroyed temples and built mosques in their places

-- How these tyrants raped Hindu widows and children leading to the tradition of forced sati (self-immolation) in Hindus

-- How Nader Shah butchered 30,000 Hindu businessman in delhi

-- How Timur executed 100,000 Hindus of Punjab & Delhi

I am disappointed that government is removing these important lessons from history.
Are these what the british taught you?

Seems it's so easy for divide and rule with low iq people like this
No matter how painful it may be, it has to be taught.

The students need to know how cruel these rulers were.

I would like to see history books detail

-- How Akbar massacred over 50,000 Rajputs

-- How Aurangzeb imposed unfair taxes on Hindus

-- How these rulers destroyed temples and built mosques in their places

-- How these tyrants raped Hindu widows and children leading to the tradition of forced sati (self-immolation) in Hindus

-- How Nader Shah butchered 30,000 Hindu businessman in delhi

-- How Timur executed 100,000 Hindus of Punjab & Delhi

I am disappointed that government is removing these important lessons from history.

Still whoever writes/studies Indian history has to study the greats, Akbar and Asoka.
About Rajputs, it was blody war, people will die. And you know who assisted Akbar most, the Rajputs.
I support this.

The mughals brought with them foreign culture and traditions to India.

Indian children should only be told history how Indians see it. Not how Muslims would like to sell it

history is what it is. there is no point sugar coating
it is not like the Mughal empire lasted too long after Aurangzeb
All Indian school history texts are written by Indians.

Cheers, Doc

But not History, May be indians should start working on Time Machine to alter Past and save them from constant disgrace they have to endure till the end of Time.
But not History, May be indians should start working on Time Machine to alter Past and save them from constant disgrace they have to endure till the end of Time.

What disgrace have Indians got to love with that Pakistanis do not?

If anything, props to most of them for sticking to their guns and not converting.

But I'll stop short of putting you guys down for the same. Not because of unknowns like you, but the friends I have on the other side. Over the years.

Cheers, Doc
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We are the Mughals ...
Oh common buddy. You're not directly related to the Mughal ruling family are you? You can't claim it on religion alone.

india is a hindu country and hindus hate Muslims.
if they are removing Muslim history references from books.i am not surprised and why will they glorify an enemy which rule them 1000 years.
soon they will change the name of taaj mehal to teja mehal like they did the with some cities.
its their country so i have no objections.
I don't hate Muslims mate. Heck I even celebrate EID every year with my family. What gives you the idea that every Indian is out for Muslim blood?
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