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Mughal policy of marrying enemy daughters

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ahmed barelvi is the father of deobandis :omghaha:

So you are not a deobandi?

No. Shaykh Sirhindi wrote 18 letters to Aurangzeb.
Listen man, i would side with right and would go against wrong. A sunni can be sinful or righteous, unlike you i am not a bigot mureed. And unlike my bigot deobandis, i dont blindly follow ulemas. Deoband also needs reformations and updating, they are stuck in 19th century. You can call me deobandi as i refer to deobandi mufti for problems , issues and questions and that i occasionally go to tabligh for spirtual refreshment even though i am aware that this whole concept could be bid'ah.
Syed ahmad bareilwi's idea was not bad, but it seems he was too ambitious and was ignorant about pashtuns like you. He was inspired by abdul wahab and like wahabis he acted in extreme.
I am aware of the fact that deoband was inspired from wahabi movement, and like them they wanted to present clean version of islam free from bid'a but fundamentally they are hanafis as they are muqalid and have concept of tasawuf (though unlike you bareilwis, tasawuf is topic of khawas not awam in deoband)
When people will stop seeing History from the eyes of Religion then it will be clearly evident that there were many practices were there which was started by Mughals may not feel suitable for either religions. Akbar was the one such ambitious Mughal who actually supported this process when he married to Jodha and that too for stopping war between Rajput and Mughals. He also started new Deen (Call it religion or practicies) i.e Deen-e-ilahi which was seen as violation by some Islamist but accepted by Sufis.

Darashikoh was an "artistic" Mughal and was very much interested in other religion and literatures while Aurangzeb was not Sufi as mentioned but hardcore radical Islamist, who went ahead and broke many temples in eastern UP and even tried to Burn "Hindu Holy Tree" Akshay Vat in Allahabad (Akbar's Fort). There are still those marks in that Tree. Then, he moved to further down in India to Fight with Maratha regime which was seen as again religious wars rather than Kingdom expansion wars by Historians. Aurangzeb was the one who actually broke all idols in Ellora Caves which is still there for Hinduism/Buddhism/Jainism.

So one can not stereotype Mughals in any religious or sectarian flavors. Everyone was handling their kingdom in his own way.

Ontopic: It was not culture or practice but winning enemies' lady was ill practice for considering them as winning trophy. It was done even before Mughals. Marriage to enemy's daughter was just a mere political peace making process between enemies.

I agree with your statement. Aurengzeb was not Sufi or a religious person. I rate him very low person because he used religion for his greedy desires. This is simply playing with God. Gen. Zia had used religion to hang Bhutto and later prolonging his rule. Aurengzeb played with God and ultimately God played with him and destroyed his whole kingdom, and gave shame and disgrace to his clan. Gen. Zia played with God and ultimately God played back with him and resulted in his tragic death and later his country fell to terrorists.
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Listen man, i would side with right and would go against wrong. A sunni can be sinful or righteous, unlike you i am not a bigot mureed. And unlike my bigot deobandis, i dont blindly follow ulemas. Deoband also needs reformations and updating, they are stuck in 19th century. You can call me deobandi as i refer to deobandi mufti for problems , issues and questions and that i occasionally go to tabligh for spirtual refreshment even though i am aware that this whole concept could be bid'ah.
Syed ahmad bareilwi's idea was not bad, but it seems he was too ambitious and was ignorant about pashtuns like you. He was inspired by abdul wahab and like wahabis he acted in extreme.
I am aware of the fact that deoband was inspired from wahabi movement, and like them they wanted to present clean version of islam free from bid'a but fundamentally they are hanafis as they are muqalid and have concept of tasawuf (though unlike you bareilwis, tasawuf is topic of khawas not awam in deoband)

Are you saying the whole concept of tabligh for spiritual refreshment is bid'ah?

Only wahabis would call it bid'ah. But I thought you were against wahabis as you just bashed Ahmad Barelvi for being a wahabi.

First you insulted ahmad barelvi, calling him a bastard, and now all of a sudden he is a syed, and you are giving his some respect?

This is the way people manipulate the history. The things which are obvious should not be defended with religion or logic.

There is no doubt, this was the bloodiest war of succession. A whole male clan of Shah Jehan except Aurengzen was killed. There is no religion in it. Ultimately, after Aurengzeb, whole Moghul empire fell.

you cannot come after centuries and try to interpret history as you see fit

we can only rely on confirmed sources of authenticated written works like the 18 letters of Shaykh Ahmad Srhindi RA

It is not conjecture. But what you are doing is conjecture.

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I agree with your statement. Aurengzeb was not Sufi or a religious person. I rate him very low person because he used religion for his greedy desires. This is simply playing with God. Gen. Zia had used religion to hang Bhutto and later prolonging his rule. Aurengzeb played with God and ultimately God played with him and destroyed his whole kingdom, and gave shame and disgrace to his clan. Gen. Zia played with God and ultimately God played back with him and resulted in his tragic death and later on fell his country to terrorists.

Exactly! When we will start seeing history from individual's perspective and not stereotyping based on religion, I think we will have more acceptance towards everyone. Also, we need to understand that religion was only for practice by mass but considered as tool by Rulers.

Just to quote apart from Mughals, Selucus married his daughter to Chandragupta Maurya in 300 BC.
I agree with your statement. Aurengzeb was not Sufi or a religious person. I rate him very low person because he used religion for his greedy desires. This is simply playing with God. Gen. Zia had used religion to hang Bhutto and later prolonging his rule. Aurengzeb played with God and ultimately God played with him and destroyed his whole kingdom, and gave shame and disgrace to his clan. Gen. Zia played with God and ultimately God played back with him and resulted in his tragic death and later on fell his country to terrorists.

Hazrat Aurangzeb RA was a Sufi. Muslim scholars throughout the Sub Continent know this as a fact.

He is the collector of Fataw e Alamgiri. Each of the scholars was sufi chosen by him

I agree with your statement. Aurengzeb was not Sufi or a religious person. I rate him very low person because he used religion for his greedy desires. This is simply playing with God. Gen. Zia had used religion to hang Bhutto and later prolonging his rule. Aurengzeb played with God and ultimately God played with him and destroyed his whole kingdom, and gave shame and disgrace to his clan. Gen. Zia played with God and ultimately God played back with him and resulted in his tragic death and later on fell his country to terrorists.

Playing is the habit of humans. God is free from this anthropomorphism that you are suggesting.

No one can play with God. He Wills and Decides and it happens.

When people will stop seeing History from the eyes of Religion then it will be clearly evident that there were many practices were there which was started by Mughals may not feel suitable for either religions. Akbar was the one such ambitious Mughal who actually supported this process when he married to Jodha and that too for stopping war between Rajput and Mughals. He also started new Deen (Call it religion or practicies) i.e Deen-e-ilahi which was seen as violation by some Islamist but accepted by Sufis.

Darashikoh was an "artistic" Mughal and was very much interested in other religion and literatures while Aurangzeb was not Sufi as mentioned but hardcore radical Islamist, who went ahead and broke many temples in eastern UP and even tried to Burn "Hindu Holy Tree" Akshay Vat in Allahabad (Akbar's Fort). There are still those marks in that Tree. Then, he moved to further down in India to Fight with Maratha regime which was seen as again religious wars rather than Kingdom expansion wars by Historians. Aurangzeb was the one who actually broke all idols in Ellora Caves which is still there for Hinduism/Buddhism/Jainism.

So one can not stereotype Mughals in any religious or sectarian flavors. Everyone was handling their kingdom in his own way.

Ontopic: It was not culture or practice but winning enemies' lady was ill practice for considering them as winning trophy. It was done even before Mughals. Marriage to enemy's daughter was just a mere political peace making process between enemies.

Deen e Elahi is known as Perennialism.

ALL Muslim scholars and Sufis have rejected it. Because it rejects the core belief of Islam. This is reality. It is only orientalists, hindus, Sikhs, and perennialists who say Sufis accept deen e elahi

A sufi will no longer be a Muslim if he/she accepts deen e elahi.
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So in this thread we will discuss historical accounts of Mughals taking daughters of enemy kings and either marrying them in best case scenario or you know what in worst case. Why Mughals used to do that? In this thread we will list instances of Mughal taking daughters of enemy and reasons for it.
I believe to bring blood related ties into politics

Prophet Muhammad married women from different tribes to unite them under the blood bond...Prob Moghul took that and blew it out of proportion?

History is crazy my friend. The Mughals did a lot of funny things....never allowed Mughal princesses to marry, kept minor royals almost permanently imprisoned in slum like conditions (when not killed) or even more interestingly Mughal wives would offer their breast milk (not directly :P) to the top commanders (both Hindu & Muslim)...Crazy lot.....but history is like that...
disgusting ...do you have this written somewhere or just your fantasy?
Are you saying the whole concept of tabligh for spiritual refreshment is bid'ah?

Only wahabis would call it bid'ah. But I thought you were against wahabis as you just bashed Ahmad Barelvi for being a wahabi.

First you insulted ahmad barelvi, calling him a bastard, and now all of a sudden he is a syed, and you are giving his some respect?

you cannot come after centuries and try to interpret history as you see fit

we can only rely on confirmed sources of authenticated written works like the 18 letters of Shaykh Ahmad Srhindi RA

It is not conjecture. But what you are doing is conjecture.

It will be difficult for bigot mureed to understand person like me. There was nothing wrong with declaration of jihad against sikhs, but later he became obsessed with power and rule and started war against his political rivals in the region, ignoring the fact that sikhs are at the door steps. Instead of concenctrating on sikhs, he started disturbing local pakhtuns.
And i am not saying that tabligh is bid'at. I am not a mufiti. But it could be, also their fazail e amaal is full of fabricated stories like your bareilwi stuff. My intention is to take break from world and wordly things, for few days.
And dude come out of your bareilwism, start thinking on right and wrong lines. In case you dont know, i am a supporter of bareilwi ansar ul islam against deobandi ghunda mangal bagh, even though i dont agree with religous views of bareilwis. Even though i am anti-shia, i am against deobandi lashkar e jangvi and their madness. As for as taliban are concerned, i know about their negatives as well as positives.
Mughals banged a lot of Rajput chicks

and you are the product who is a bastard! :)

I have been seeing that you guys ban Indian members according to your convenience past few months. I will not mind if I get permanently banned for answering trolls with trolls and personal comments. Either you make these threads taboo or keep a strict watch on these threads.

There is always a limit to any troll! Rest who cares
Deen e Elahi is known as Perennialism.

ALL Muslim scholars and Sufis have rejected it. Because it rejects the core belief of Islam. This is reality. It is only orientalists, hindus, Sikhs, and perennialists who say Sufis accept deen e elahi

A sufi will no longer be a Muslim if he/she accepts deen e elahi.

If Deen e Elahi is Perennialism then so do Sufism by radicals. Also, It all depends what Sufi meaning you are looking for, Are you talking about Mystical way of Islam like Baba Bulle Shah or are you looking it as rules and practices followed as In Turkey? I understand Sufism by its first definition.

Sufism does not agree on radicalism but love among Human and other creature. Saying Aurangzeb was Sufi while he was the first one who was imposing Sharia does not go well all together when while he was disrespecting other religion as well. Fatwa e Alamgiri was an example for that which was used by Ottoman and other Middle eastern empires but not by Current India, Pak, AF etc.

Deen e Elahi was not accepted by any religion so your points are invalid that other religion supported it. If you consider Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi as only Sufi at that time then he surely considered it as Blasphemy but there were other believers of Sufism, who agreed that it is great practice to stop fight between different faiths by assimilating them but it was miserably failed and rejected by all religion and only 19 follower confirms that.
Mughals mostly married with Rajpout princess to make alliances with certain rajpout clans but apart from their legal wives, the Mughal emperors and prince had a number of concubines.

Kaam tu kohe kia nhi lakin Bare maze lotey hein Mughloomn ne

Mughals banged a lot of Rajput chicks
Your father also banged your mother so whats wrong if husband bang his wife even if they both come from two different race?
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If Deen e Elahi is Perennialism then so do Sufism by radicals. Also, It all depends what Sufi meaning you are looking for, Are you talking about Mystical way of Islam like Baba Bulle Shah or are you looking it as rules and practices followed as In Turkey? I understand Sufism by its first definition.

Baba Bulleh Shah [ Shaykh Sayyid AbdAllah Shah Qadiri RA] was a sufi of the Islamic Qadiri Silsila. He was also a Hanafi Sharia Scholar [ of Hanafi jurisprudence ].
Read BBC urdu. They interviewed IDPs and many were complaining that "foreighn terrorists fled before army operation".Now now. If they knew foreign terrorists are living among them,why the locals didnt kick them out?
Why dont you go there and kill some terrorists by yourself?
Or your papa is a soldier?
Where is my milk bottle

I dont know why you are getting angry. It is the truth, for all their false show of bravery Rajputs turned out to be wimps, Rajput women became mughal concubines and men became obedient slaves.

No doubt about that, Rajput gave away daughters to become allies of Mughal.

In retur Mughal didn't even allow their own daughters to marry anyone let alone these rajputs. I am looking for more Mughal allies, i am pretty sure every one of them gave away daughters to Mughals.
No doubt about that, Rajput gave away daughters to become allies of Mughal.

In retur Mughal didn't even allow their own daughters to marry anyone let alone these rajputs. I am looking for more Mughal allies, i am pretty sure every one of them gave away daughters to Mughals.

I dont know why you are getting angry. It is the truth, for all their false show of bravery Rajputs turned out to be wimps, Rajput women became mughal concubines and men became obedient slaves.
lagta hai tum dono ko tareekh yaad dilani parhegi .. sunn abb

Babar's sister was hijacked by Afghans.when Aurangzeb killed his own brother Dara shiko.Dara shikos' family escaped to Kashmir and then to Asam. raja of Asam raped his wife and daughter.And then after rape raja killed all his family. when Hamayu was defeated by sher shah suri and escaped to Iran.his wife and family took refuge in umerkot fort.Akbar was born there and was breast feed by rajput women and look after by the rajput of umerkot(Sindh)and moughal chughtai sardars ran away and left Hamayu alone.that time Hamayu changed his policy towards moughals.Akbar was considered as a son by Rana of umerkot.after this happened With Akbars' father Hamayu,Akbar was not happy with moughal chughtai sardars too.Akbar had too many wifes and 6 sons and 5 daughters.his two daughters were married with Rajputs .when Hamayu was defeated by sher shah suri ,moughal women were raped by afghan soldiers and same when afghans were defeated by moughals.Maharaja ranjit singh had too many Muslim women in his herm too.when Marathas came in power,they did the same thing.if rajput woman married in a respected way to Akbar.(a adopted son of Rana of umerkot).history knows Akbar was not a Muslim even.he started Deen a Alahi.(a new relgion).moughal married with rajput and rajput married with a moughal.
From that day how many moughal women are married with Rajputs.thanks to Akbar.
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