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Mr. Ashraf Ghani the man for Afghanistan

Candidate with US node will win there - But anyway, best of luck - hope things move towards peaceful & stable Afghanistan and her friendly relations with her neighbors & world. Afghanistan's geographic location doesn't allow her to exploit her potential by having hostile relation with neighbors.
Candidate with US node will win there - But anyway, best of luck - hope things move towards peaceful & stable Afghanistan and her friendly relations with her neighbors & world. Afghanistan's geographic location doesn't allow her to exploit her potential by having hostile relation with neighbors.

Better relations are the only way forward for Iran - Afghanistan - Pakistan - India.

we all have huge countries, with massive reserves and economic opportunities which we have failed to exploit yet.
It is a fact that they are brothers, but president Karzai is a wise man, and he is neutral in this election.
Even i he wanted to support his brother, it would be difficult.

As for the polls:
Ashraf Ghani emerges as leading candidate in pre-election survey - Khaama Press (KP) | Afghan News Agency

Well well well. Here we go. So the link you gave me is from Khaama Press who is quoting a survey being carried out by Glevum Associates.
After doing a some simple searches I got these points, and I quote.
"Glevum Associates is a subcontractor of the Human Terrain System used by the U.S army among others."
What Glevum Associates does is to provide a human link between army, government and Afghan people.
All of the Glevum Associate's key personnel has links to government defence sector; they have either worked for governmental defence sector directly and/or been employed by a company that has been contracted to do work for this sector."
If you want to read the full article its here Glevum Associates - Powerbase

It turns out that President Karzai isn't wrong when is asking the American to put a leash on their dogs. The dirty tricks have already started as is proven by you.

One final thought please don't dissect what I say. If you want to quote me, please take all the points, rather than half a sentence.
Well well well. Here we go. So the link you gave me is from Khaama Press who is quoting a survey being carried out by Glevum Associates.
After doing a some simple searches I got these points, and I quote.
"Glevum Associates is a subcontractor of the Human Terrain System used by the U.S army among others."
What Glevum Associates does is to provide a human link between army, government and Afghan people.
All of the Glevum Associate's key personnel has links to government defence sector; they have either worked for governmental defence sector directly and/or been employed by a company that has been contracted to do work for this sector."
If you want to read the full article its here Glevum Associates - Powerbase

It turns out that President Karzai isn't wrong when is asking the American to put a leash on their dogs. The dirty tricks have already started as is proven by you.

One final thought please don't dissect what I say. If you want to quote me, please take all the points, rather than half a sentence.

The survey is made by AIRC and Glevum Associates, so there have been some control with fraud here.

And if you look a little around, Abdullah Abdullah was leading for some time ago.

And it is clear that America wants Mr. Ghani as president, because he's a reliable partner, he knows how to develop a country, and because he got Khalilzad in his team which means that after the election Afghanistan will achieve an even closer alliance with USA.
Better relations are the only way forward for Iran - Afghanistan - Pakistan - India.

we all have huge countries, with massive reserves and economic opportunities which we have failed to exploit yet.

Best thing for Afghan people is to remain neutral and balanced relations with all her neighbors and don't let any country to use their soil against anyone and focus on economic, trade and internal security - For example if you don't have good relation with Iran than you will be dependent on Pakistan for your trade & economy, If you don't have good relations with Pakistan than you will be dependent on Iran for your trade & economy, If you don't have good relations with Russia than you will be in trouble, If you don't have good relations with India & China than you will lose big customers. Afghanistan can afford problematic relations with west but still prosper but having troubled relations with regional country will always drag her into proxy wars, assuming that too much dependency on (whoever it maybe) will not be used as leverage to influence your country's polices (which can harm interests of others) is living in delusional world, sooner people of Afghanistan realize it better it will be. This region despite having huge natural & human resources still 3rd world because we still haven't learned to see bigger picture and long term benefits - disappointing this that we are still standing on same place where we were decades ago (infect in worst situation).
The survey is made by AIRC and Glevum Associates, so there have been some control with fraud here.

And if you look a little around, Abdullah Abdullah was leading for some time ago.

And it is clear that America wants Mr. Ghani as president, because he's a reliable partner, he knows how to develop a country, and because he got Khalilzad in his team which means that after the election Afghanistan will achieve an even closer alliance with USA.

Right so what we have here is an American candidate. Atleast you are accepting so much, unlike your post #11, where you started to get a bit too delusional by calling him to be representing Afghan opinion.

To give some more insight into that outstanding polling agency of yours as I am sure you are not going to read from that link. Read this.
"Vice President and owner Andrew Garfield has held senior roles in British military and then as a civilian intelligence officer. He is a visiting lecturer at military academies and universities on PSYOPS (psychological warfare) throughout Europe, and has also been involved in the training of senior US Army and Marine Commanders and their staffs on psychological warfare and ethnographic intelligence gathering. Garfield and Senior PR Advisor Laurie J. Adler are former employees of the Lincoln Group, where they filled similar roles. Lincoln was uncovered to be paying Iraqi newspapers to publish propaganda and articles written by US troops, edited by Lincoln IOs to downplay any negative American involvement in 2005. At Lincoln, Garfield and Adler worked alongside Andrea Jackson, credited by some for devising the HTS. Glevum’s official website makes no mention or association of the pair's involvement with the Lincoln Group or any resultant controversy."
I hope you and any other Afghan reading this will wake up and look beyond the propaganda, and vote on the basis of what's best for Afghanistan rather than what being feed to you by your controllers.
Right so what we have here is an American candidate. Atleast you are accepting so much, unlike your post #11, where you started to get a bit too delusional by calling him to be representing Afghan opinion.

The Afghan opinion is positive towards the BSA and US, so Mr. Ghani can achieve our interest its that simply.
The Afghan opinion is positive towards the BSA and US, so Mr. Ghani can achieve our interest its that simply.
As I told you right from the start that there are two ways to get to the presidential palace in Kabul. It looks as if Mr Ghani has chosen the American way. I don't know but having the might and all the propaganda of USA behind him he might become the next Afghan president.
But that won't bring any benefit to Afghans or Afghanistan. A puppet will always do what the puppeteer tells him to do.
If being controlled is the way forward for you, I will be really scared for the future of Afghanistan. I just hope that their will be more Afghans who will not want to be controlled than ones who do.
Good luck with your controllers, I am outta here.
As I told you right from the start that there are two ways to get to the presidential palace in Kabul. It looks as if Mr Ghani has chosen the American way. I don't know but having the might and all the propaganda of USA behind him he might become the next Afghan president.
But that won't bring any benefit to Afghans or Afghanistan. A puppet will always do what the puppeteer tells him to do.
If being controlled is the way forward for you, I will be really scared for the future of Afghanistan. I just hope that their will be more Afghans who will not want to be controlled than ones who do.
Good luck with your controllers, I am outta here.
You as a Pakistani is afraid of what our ties with US will mean to Pakistan.
He has a 10 year relationship development plan for Afghanistan relations with Pakistan, ending with a creation of a friendly neighbourhood.

In the follow video [staring at 1:52 seconds ] - after two minutes of beating around the bush he threatens Pakistanis with 3 generations of war.

Here in the following video where he's being interviewed by CNN he's even less restrained:
"Pakistan needs to choose he says ..."
" .. we've shown through our history that we're a match for any invader. " -- I guess he believes in Afghans being super-humans too.

This American puppet thinks, that by being slavish to the American designs for the region he will be able to rough-shoulder the regional powers.
What he doesn't understand is that the Karzais are first not willing to vacate the presidential palace and even if he somehow gets there, he won't be able to last much longer. He shouldn't forget what happened to Najibullah. He also thought that he could live off the money and weapons of a super-power. At the end of the day all the superpowers leave and then the real Afghans come knocking on the door.
@nangyale : Your nickname suggests that you are a Pakhtoon, and I can also deduce that you are Pakhtoon of the Pakistani side of the border since your tone towards President Karzai and Ashraf Ghani is full of venom.

A quick question, since you consider Ashraf Ghani a puppet who do you consider as real Afghan? Probably the Haqqanis who are on the ISI payroll for the last 3 decades now!

Speaking of puppets I recommend that you read Hussain Haqqanis latest book :Magnificent Delusions where he clearly states as to which states and its statesmen tried their very best to be the lackeys of the United States over the last 4-5 decades now. Read 1960-U2 Spy flights from Pakistani territory.

Yes President Najibullah was martyred by the Taliban rats in collusion with your intelligence agencies but have you seen the video where Colonel Imam the dear uncle of Taliban who some say was responsible for the death of Dr Najib being shot, you as a Pakhtoon do understand how Hakimullah taunts him, so there you go crime never pays :P

As for the future, the US is here to stay, ANSF will be rebuilt, wish all you want but real patriots i.e. Ashraf Ghani will be in power to lead a prosperous Afghanistan while your assets i.e. rats such as the Haqqanis and the Quetta Shura will die like pigs everyday.
@nangyale : How do this sound to you ?: "There will be in no peace in Pakistan or in particular Khyber Pakhtunkhwa until the real Pakistanis come to power i.e Maulana Fazlullah" or Mangal Bagh Afridi!

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