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Mr. Ashraf Ghani the man for Afghanistan

@nangyale : Your nickname suggests that you are a Pakhtoon, and I can also deduce that you are Pakhtoon of the Pakistani side of the border since your tone towards President Karzai and Ashraf Ghani is full of venom.

A quick question, since you consider Ashraf Ghani a puppet who do you consider as real Afghan? Probably the Haqqanis who are on the ISI payroll for the last 3 decades now!

Speaking of puppets I recommend that you read Hussain Haqqanis latest book :Magnificent Delusions where he clearly states as to which states and its statesmen tried their very best to be the lackeys of the United States over the last 4-5 decades now. Read 1960-U2 Spy flights from Pakistani territory.

Yes President Najibullah was martyred by the Taliban rats in collusion with your intelligence agencies but have you seen the video where Colonel Imam the dear uncle of Taliban who some say was responsible for the death of Dr Najib being shot, you as a Pakhtoon do understand how Hakimullah taunts him, so there you go crime never pays :P

As for the future, the US is here to stay, ANSF will be rebuilt, wish all you want but real patriots i.e. Ashraf Ghani will be in power to lead a prosperous Afghanistan while your assets i.e. rats such as the Haqqanis and the Quetta Shura will die like pigs everyday.

Might I humbly remind you your highness:

1. His Highness Amanullah Khan who was deposed by Sardar Daud Khan Shaheed was actually by ISI rats -- NOT
2. Sardar Daud Khan Shaheed and 20+ members of his family, including women, children and an infant were executed by ISI rats -- NOT
3. Thousands of innocent intellectuals, farmers, teachers and others were executed in the 70s by ISI rats (death list episode) -- NOT
4. Nur Muhammad Taraki was killed by ISI rats -- NOT
5. Hafizullah Amin was killed by ISI rats -- NOT
6. The Soviet Union was invited to invade Afghanistan by ISI rats -- NOT
7. Mullah Omar refused to hand of Osama Bin Laden because of the ISI rats -- NOT
8. The Kabul bank scandal was engineered by the ISI rats -- NOT
9. The human rights abuses and war crimes (including rape) committed by Abdul Rashid Dostum's forces were actually by ISI rats -- NOT
10. The human rights abuses and war crimes (including rape) committed by the Mujahadeen government's forces were actually by ISI rats -- NOT
11. The human rights abuses and war crimes (including rape) committed by the Abdul Rasul Sayyaf's forces were actually by ISI rats -- NOT
12. The human rights abuses and war crimes (including rape) committed by the Ostad Barhanuddin's forces were actually by ISI rats -- NOT
13. Allowing Abdul Rasul Sayyaf, a mentor to international terrorist groups, to run for election in 2014 was actually by ISI rats -- NOT

Grave crimes and excesses have been committed against the Afghan people, sadly by themselves.

Marg bar Pokiston !!! Najibullah Saheed Zendabod !!!
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@nangyale : Your nickname suggests that you are a Pakhtoon, and I can also deduce that you are Pakhtoon of the Pakistani side of the border since your tone towards President Karzai and Ashraf Ghani is full of venom.

I haven't said anything personal against either Karzai or Ghani, all I stated was the ground reality. Mr Ghani here was paddled by @Afghan-India as the answer to all the ills of Afghanistan, also as someone who wanted good relationship with Afghanistan neighbors and someone who is supported by majority of Afghans. It turns out that none of that is true and the polls that he was quoting from, were actually propaganda by American and British PsychologicalOps teams. I haven't called anybody rats or pigs, so I would say it's actually you who being unable to prove a point is starting name calling.
You don't need to speculate about who and where I am, let's stick to the topic. I am no national or international leader neither am I standing in any elections. LOL

A quick question, since you consider Ashraf Ghani a puppet who do you consider as real Afghan? Probably the Haqqanis who are on the ISI payroll for the last 3 decades now!

I haven't called the Haqqanis being the true Afghans or not, don't try to put words in my mouth. But just to answer your post. If you think that the Haqqanis are doing there fighting because of the money that they will get from Pakistan then just think how much Pakistan can afford to spend on their Afghan missions, considering that the whole Pakistan military budget is somewhere in the range of 6-7 billion USD per year, while US is spending about a 100 billion USD on there Afghan missions per year. If you do the calculations, if the Haqqanis are fighting because of ISI money, then they can earn 100 times more being on the American payroll. Think again

As for the future, the US is here to stay, ANSF will be rebuilt, wish all you want but real patriots i.e. Ashraf Ghani will be in power to lead a prosperous Afghanistan while your assets i.e. rats such as the Haqqanis and the Quetta Shura will die like pigs everyday.

So your strategy is to surrender Afghan sovereignty, dignity and resources to the Americans. What kind of self-respecting nation would do that? Again the American have their own agenda and their own enemies, if you become their pawn, get ready to be squashed by the Russians, Chinese and Iranians. Pakistan and Quetta Shura will then be the least of your worries.
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Dr Ghani is a capable man, very experianced and highly educated.

I hope he wins and serves the Afghan people well.

Does he carry an US passport?

He does....He studied at Harvard, Standford, Jon Hopkins and Columbia...he was also an ideal replacement for Kofi anan. But he resigned and went to Afghanistan.
what does he think of india?

India will under his role remain our most important and closest ally.

Russians, Chinese and Iranians.

1. Stop your propaganda bs.

2. No US is the ultimate superpower in the world, and China will not in another 50 years become that powerful.

3. Your Haqqani friend will be gunned down, just like your "Good Taliban" amigos in Quetta.

4. No, the strategy is to put a Hellfire on every "Good Taliban" head.

Everybody knows that your country is a sponsor of terrorism.

So spare us from your brainfarts, When US says NO, then the whole world know what that means including your Russia, China & Iran.

Btw. Russia & China is for the US presence in the region and specially in Afghanistan.
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India will under his role remain our most important and closest ally.

1. Stop your propaganda bs.

2. No US is the ultimate superpower in the world, and China will not in another 50 years become that powerful.

3. Your Haqqani friend will be gunned down, just like your "Good Taliban" amigos in Quetta.

4. No, the strategy is to put a Hellfire on every "Good Taliban" head.

Everybody knows that your country is a sponsor of terrorism.

So spare us from your brainfarts, When US says NO, then the whole world know what that means including your Russia, China & Iran.

Btw. Russia & China is for the US presence in the region and specially in Afghanistan.

Mate, in your blind worship of the US you are forgetting that they are abandoning you next year. The following is an excerpt from an article that I have already posted in this section.
"At present there are some 87,000 Western troops in the country, down from 150,000 last year. By next spring there will be fewer than 40,000 and at the end of the year 2014, zero - except for the tiny training force that the US is expected to leave behind."
"Equally lacking is an economic transition. Despite the $100bn ($61.1bn, 72.4bn euros) spent on social services in the country since 2001, the West has failed to build an indigenous economy that can provide jobs for the youth and revenue for the state.

The thousands of educated and pro-democracy Afghans who have worked for foreign forces will be out on the street with no prospects. Many of them will flee abroad and become illegal migrants.

There is inadequate focus by Washington or Kabul on preparing for possible economic chaos once Western forces leave and aid packages are cut back.

That US and Nato promise of providing $8bn (£4.9bn, 5.8bn euros) a year for the army and the economy may well dry up within a year as few in the US and Europe are in a mood to foot more bills, especially if the civil war continues."

Do you want a link for the local kacha akbar to get you out of the shit hole, when your arse is put on fire.

Also they are selling Afghanistan and that too to Pakistan. Here is a link again from PDF

US approves 40 km advance by Pakistani Military into Afghanistan | Pakistan Defence

I hate to be the one who wakes you up from your sweet dreams. But dude it's 2014 and the West is on it's way out, better for you to start running now, before the doors are closed shut.
Mate, in your blind worship of the US you are forgetting that they are abandoning you next year. The following is an excerpt from an article that I have already posted in this section.
"At present there are some 87,000 Western troops in the country, down from 150,000 last year. By next spring there will be fewer than 40,000 and at the end of the year 2014, zero - except for the tiny training force that the US is expected to leave behind."
"Equally lacking is an economic transition. Despite the $100bn ($61.1bn, 72.4bn euros) spent on social services in the country since 2001, the West has failed to build an indigenous economy that can provide jobs for the youth and revenue for the state.

The thousands of educated and pro-democracy Afghans who have worked for foreign forces will be out on the street with no prospects. Many of them will flee abroad and become illegal migrants.

There is inadequate focus by Washington or Kabul on preparing for possible economic chaos once Western forces leave and aid packages are cut back.

That US and Nato promise of providing $8bn (£4.9bn, 5.8bn euros) a year for the army and the economy may well dry up within a year as few in the US and Europe are in a mood to foot more bills, especially if the civil war continues."

Do you want a link for the local kacha akbar to get you out of the shit hole, when your arse is put on fire.

Also they are selling Afghanistan and that too to Pakistan. Here is a link again from PDF

US approves 40 km advance by Pakistani Military into Afghanistan | Pakistan Defence

I hate to be the one who wakes you up from your sweet dreams. But dude it's 2014 and the West is on it's way out, better for you to start running now, before the doors are closed shut.
Your whole post is build on lies and brainfarts.

your army tried to advance 1 km into Goshta, and we blew several of your post up, and sent 3 of your soldiers to the handicap center, so come with valid arguments or GTFO.
Well if you want me to keep on posting about your hapless situation, then it's not a problem. Here's some more for your impotent hunters.
"Afghanistan’s defence minister Abdul Rahim Wardak has resigned after parliament called for him to go, along with Interior Minister Bismillah Khan Mohammadi.

Wardak’s announcement on July 7 came four days after legislators passed a vote of no confidence in him and Mohammadi, whose ministry controls the Afghan National Police"

Kunar provincial governor Fazlullah Wahedi said nearly 2,000 rockets had landed in recent months. As well as killing civilians, the attacks had displaced hundreds of families.

“The central government should address this issue seriously. The bombardment has made the public very anxious,” Wahedi told local media."

Your whole post is build on lies and brainfarts.

your army tried to advance 1 km into Goshta, and we blew several of your post up, and sent 3 of your soldiers to the handicap center, so come with valid arguments or GTFO.

Any link for all the posts that you blew up. Or you just managed to do that with artillery fire from your backside.
Kunar provincial governor Fazlullah Wahedi said nearly 2,000 rockets had landed in recent months. As well as killing civilians, the attacks had displaced hundreds of families.

humanity has reached a new stupidity level...

Are you really happy that your artillery have killed civilians?

And don't you think that your aggression has been answered with artillery bombardment, which have also in some case unfortunately led to civilian casualties.There are plenty medias reporting the Goshta incident, from west to east, look it up on Google.

A slightly correction to what i said before "Our border forces didn't blow your post up, they torched them after your border forces fled"

But i understand that you are one of those Pakistanis thinking (hoping) that Afghanistan will fall back to trouble in 2014, am i right?
If that's the matter, i have several times explained to many of your fellow countrymen why it would not happen, and forget your strategic depth ideas.
humanity has reached a new stupidity level...

Are you really happy that your artillery have killed civilians?

And don't you think that your aggression has been answered with artillery bombardment, which have also in some case unfortunately led to civilian casualties.There are plenty medias reporting the Goshta incident, from west to east, look it up on Google.

A slightly correction to what i said before "Our border forces didn't blow your post up, they torched them after your border forces fled"

But i understand that you are one of those Pakistanis thinking (hoping) that Afghanistan will fall back to trouble in 2014, am i right?
If that's the matter, i have several times explained to many of your fellow countrymen why it would not happen, and forget your strategic depth ideas.

I didn't post that news to say what happened was or is good. What I am saying is that your idols are in no shape or form going to protect you, if you keep on creating mischief you will suffer.
I understand your admiration and worship of the west, that's were your bread and butter come from you, isn't it. But you have got to understand the reality of your neighborhood, Afghanistan is not an island.
Afghanistan has to find peace and that doesn't mean having some sham elections, what is really needed is an agreement between all the different groups on a way forward. This also means no control from outside powers.
By the way I am still waiting on the link for the Pak Army posts that you destroyed.
I didn't post that news to say what happened was or is good. What I am saying is that your idols are in no shape or form going to protect you, if you keep on creating mischief you will suffer.
I understand your admiration and worship of the west, that's were your bread and butter come from you, isn't it. But you have got to understand the reality of your neighborhood, Afghanistan is not an island.
Afghanistan has to find peace and that doesn't mean having some sham elections, what is really needed is an agreement between all the different groups on a way forward. This also means no control from outside powers.
By the way I am still waiting on the link for the Pak Army posts that you destroyed.
I told you to look it up with Google.

Seems like you don't understand things, told to you the first time.

Again nothing else than brainfarts, keep going you are amusing me.

You have nothing to say about how Afghanistan should plan it policy, better concentrate on Pakistan, you guys have enough problems.
I told you to look it up with Google.

Seems like you don't understand things, told to you the first time.

Again nothing else than brainfarts, keep going you are amusing me.

You have nothing to say about how Afghanistan should plan it policy, better concentrate on Pakistan, you guys have enough problems.

I don't need to search it. Just in this thread, I could see your previous links, your half truths and straight lies.
You might be able to paddle your snake oil, in the Afghan bazaar but here, when one can check what you say, you bull-shit is clear for all to see.
As far Afghan future is concerned that's thankfully not in the hands of western lackeys like you.
So keep your bullshit to yourself and keep on worshiping your idols, maybe they will throw some crumbs.
@Afghan-India : Dude stop wasting your time on him he is not worth it. On a separate note
you should check out the book Magnificent Delusions by Hussian Haqqani, he bares it all about the duplicity of Pakistan.
@Afghan-India : Dude stop wasting your time on him he is not worth it. On a separate note
you should check out the book Magnificent Delusions by Hussian Haqqani, he bares it all about the duplicity of Pakistan.

I have met few Pakistanis worth to talk to, but this one sets new standards.

I will look at your suggestion soon :yay:
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