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MQM Sold theirselves again.

After reading many posts on this thread; think there is a need to repeat my views.

Whether you like it or not, MQM is a political force in the unrban Sindh and to deny this fact is being an ostrich who buries her head in the sand when a storm approaches.

MQM is the 4th largest party ( after PPP nad the two ML's) in the NA and their vote matters. In the spirit of democracy, one must listen to the second largest party in Sindh.

I personally dont like MQM as they are a bunch of thugs but I would prefer them any day to MMA or JI; mainly because MQM is a secular party and I believe that most parties forming MMA have a pan Islamic agenda and care nothing about Pakistan; a country I hold very dear.

Brother Niaz.
Am I not right in saying that there is no party in Pakistani or any political setup which is not a bunch of thugs? I believe you have been around long enough to know what Jamiat and Jamaat e Islami did in Karachi and who were the thugs of PPP and PML. The fact remains that you can not survive in a political system without having a thug or 2 under the wraps. It is what they do when in power that matters. If MQM took Bhatta so did PPP,Jeay Sindh and Nawaz League. Iknow it does not make it right but the political maturity comes with time and a few kicks up the back side----if you know what i mean!! Ithink MQM has had a lesson in humility and has come back a little bit better.I hope Ishould be able to say the same for the others!!!
Liyari always kick MQM out its ok, if an MQM voter kicks other party out than its rigging.

What would u call it?

This is double standard.
LOL again I am not saying if they are rite all I am saying is you guys can not WIN many seats without being in the GOVT. Infact you were the ones who were allied with PML-N, PPPP and PML-Q in the past. WHY??

When someone is in the govt you guys say o hes rite lets follow democracy lol cant live without POWER simple as that.

In other words your party is always available to be SOLD in the market for the highest BIDDER and that is always the GOVT party. PROVE ME WRONG LOL
LOL again I am not saying if they are rite all I am saying is you guys can not WIN many seats without being in the GOVT. Infact you were the ones who were allied with PML-N, PPPP and PML-Q in the past. WHY??

When someone is in the govt you guys say o hes rite lets follow democracy lol cant live without POWER simple as that.

Any party who has the representation of most of the Pakistanis in Karachi (considering the population) would like to contribute to the government in a sense to not let down the people who voted for them. This in the long run helps the people who voted for them, and they get elected once more.

This however sadly is not the case with most of the parties in Pakistan.
LOL again I am not saying if they are rite all I am saying is you guys can not WIN many seats without being in the GOVT. Infact you were the ones who were allied with PML-N, PPPP and PML-Q in the past. WHY??

When someone is in the govt you guys say o hes rite lets follow democracy lol cant live without POWER simple as that.

In other words your party is always available to be SOLD in the market for the highest BIDDER and that is always the GOVT party. PROVE ME WRONG LOL

One could also argue that since there have perhaps only been two widely accepted "free and fair elections" (1970 and 2008), that the smaller parties had no option but to support whoever was in power so that they wouldn't be marginalized by the power brokers.

I would say that the MQM has shown that it has popular support in the Urban areas of Sindh going by these elections, which even the most ardent of Musharraf critics have claimed were possibly the fairest elections in Pakistan's history.

However, smaller parties must coexist with the larger parties in order to have any influence or impact in our form of government, and I would argue that MQM and the PPP are more ideologically similar (secular/liberal) than the PMl-Q, so the current rapprochement between the two makes perfect sense. I think that there is tremendous room for a long term alliance between the two parties, provided the mistakes of the past are not repeated, and bygones become bygones.
One could also argue that since there have perhaps only been two widely accepted "free and fair elections" (1970 and 2008), that the smaller parties had no option but to support whoever was in power so that they wouldn't be marginalized by the power brokers.

I would say that the MQM has shown that it has popular support in the Urban areas of Sindh going by these elections, which even the most ardent of Musharraf critics have claimed were possibly the fairest elections in Pakistan's history.

However, smaller parties must coexist with the larger parties in order to have any influence or impact in our form of government, and I would argue that MQM and the PPP are more ideologically similar (secular/liberal) than the PMl-Q, so the current rapprochement between the two makes perfect sense. I think that there is tremendous room for a long term alliance between the two parties, provided the mistakes of the past are not repeated, and bygones become bygones.

You dont do that always with the govt apposition were stronger too alot of times. opposition had big parties too. WHY only govt is a big party?
Any party who has the representation of most of the Pakistanis in Karachi (considering the population) would like to contribute to the government in a sense to not let down the people who voted for them. This in the long run helps the people who voted for them, and they get elected once more.

This however sadly is not the case with most of the parties in Pakistan.
Are you from Karachi?

If not then please do not assume everything you see, there are alot of areas in karachi who do not support MQM. There are some that they do but the thing is unless you have been through it you dont know hwo it is. So, by saying that in Karachi its always a chaos when MQM is in GOVT. Theres no POLICE cop that is safe, theres no PUNJABI thats is safe, and dont tell me o nothing happened this and that. You dont know nothing unless you were in Karachi. Or you were part of them.

Been through it, done it. ENOUGH SAID!
Are you from Karachi?

If not then please do not assume everything you see, there are alot of areas in karachi who do not support MQM. There are some that they do but the thing is unless you have been through it you dont know hwo it is. So, by saying that in Karachi its always a chaos when MQM is in GOVT. Theres no POLICE cop that is safe, theres no PUNJABI thats is safe, and dont tell me o nothing happened this and that. You dont know nothing unless you were in Karachi. Or you were part of them.

Been through it, done it. ENOUGH SAID!


Could you please tell me a single event of killings of Punjabis during the recent turn of MQM?

If you see the recent election results there was not a clean sweep by MQM and other parties won in their respective areas as well.

This is democracy bro! Throw away so much hatred from your mind.
Are you from Karachi?

If not then please do not assume everything you see, there are alot of areas in karachi who do not support MQM. There are some that they do but the thing is unless you have been through it you dont know hwo it is. So, by saying that in Karachi its always a chaos when MQM is in GOVT. Theres no POLICE cop that is safe, theres no PUNJABI thats is safe, and dont tell me o nothing happened this and that. You dont know nothing unless you were in Karachi. Or you were part of them.

Been through it, done it. ENOUGH SAID!

Actually i went to visit Karachi this summer. It was bright, peaceful, and fun place compare to the time of Bhutto when she went on rampage to kill anybody affiliated with the MQM party.

Talk about eliminating your competitors through genocide! There is no reason to fight. MQM simply cannot be eliminated. It is a regional party with the majority of support.

The MQM government has gotten jobs, developed cities, and contributed to the economy. Thats what the people say!

Then there are others who have a personal hatred for the common party. Your one of them.
You dont do that always with the govt apposition were stronger too alot of times. opposition had big parties too. WHY only govt is a big party?

What are you talking about? What is your point?

Read my previous reply.

Could you please tell me a single event of killings of Punjabis during the recent turn of MQM?

If you see the recent election results there was not a clean sweep by MQM and other parties won in their respective areas as well.

This is democracy bro! Throw away so much hatred from your mind.

PPP won majority in Sindh on its own merits, what MQM has done for construction builds that some people are braggin about is this and it sums it up, one of the PPP leaders was answering a MQM leader and said "the only thing you do is put MQM flags and names on what we designed in our tenures, or you sell our designs for your interests", the KSE the Karachi Steal Mill was designed by PPP Gov in th 70s and sold by Musharraf with the blessing of MQM.
PPP won majority in Sindh on its own merits, what MQM has done for construction builds that some people are braggin about is this and it sums it up, one of the PPP leaders was answering a MQM leader and said "the only thing you do is put MQM flags and names on what we designed in our tenures, or you sell our designs for your interests", the KSE the Karachi Steal Mill was designed by PPP Gov in th 70s and sold by Musharraf with the blessing of MQM.

If the MQM are so bad then why does a perfect party like the PPP want them. The answer is power. Both will have something to gain that they are willing to walk together, and that something we all know what it is.
If the MQM are so bad then why does a perfect party like the PPP want them. The answer is power. Both will have something to gain that they are willing to walk together, and that something we all know what it is.

I dont why you think I said MQM is completly bad I said certain individuals are disrupting the peace, and I gave it way the hint of why the coalition needs MQM for "peace" and to have the senate votes that are needed to amend the constitution to its orginal power. Musharraf has placed road blocks in amending the constitution of Pakistan, one of those road blocks is the senate you need a majority there to amend the constitution.

You know the fact that this is a coalition no one gets majority power not even the PPP, without consulting the other parties as you know the 2/3 majority consists of all coalition partners without one certian partner there is no amendment.
I dont why you think I said MQM is completly bad I said certain individuals are disrupting the peace, and I gave it way the hint of why the coalition needs MQM for "peace" and to have the senate votes that are needed to amend the constitution to its orginal power. Musharraf has placed road blocks in amending the constitution of Pakistan, one of those road blocks is the senate you need a majority there to amend the constitution.
You know the fact that this is a coalition no one gets majority power not even the PPP, without consulting the other parties as you know the 2/3 majority consists of all coalition partners without one certian partner there is no amendment.

In some of your pervious posts you have bashed the MQM.

Could you please tell me a single event of killings of Punjabis during the recent turn of MQM?

If you see the recent election results there was not a clean sweep by MQM and other parties won in their respective areas as well.

This is democracy bro! Throw away so much hatred from your mind.

LOL, I can give you names of many Police men who died. And MQM won where they never won before i mean the turnout was 47 percent it was never in 60Years, now dont give me bs about some democracy this and that.
Actually i went to visit Karachi this summer. It was bright, peaceful, and fun place compare to the time of Bhutto when she went on rampage to kill anybody affiliated with the MQM party.

Talk about eliminating your competitors through genocide! There is no reason to fight. MQM simply cannot be eliminated. It is a regional party with the majority of support.

The MQM government has gotten jobs, developed cities, and contributed to the economy. Thats what the people say!

Then there are others who have a personal hatred for the common party. Your one of them.

LOL you visited i lived 21 Years of my Life in Karachi. I was born there, my dad was born there, my grand dad was born there. But still i was told that this is not Your Karachi "Ye Karachi hamara hai". LOL

Thats why i said the day you live there then talk, without living there just HUSH and leave to the people who belongs to Karachi. You dont even know what are you talking about.
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