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MQM - Political Desk

Who need wadaira system when they solve dispute through target killing, earns from bhatta...?:buba_phone: Don't take nation as somnambulist!!! :azn:
PPP wants to impose its own mayor in Karachi, claims Farooq Sattar


Flle photo of Farooq Sattar. PHOTO: AFP/FILE

KARACHI: Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) leader Farooq Sattar and other Raabita Committee members leaders said on Thursday that the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) did not possess a potent mandate in Karachi and was conniving to cover up this reality by orchestrating its own mayor in the metropolis, Express News reported.

Speaking to the media in Karachi, Sattar said that the MQM was already opposed to the provincial government’s new Local Government Act and had challenged it in court.

Sattar claimed that the Local Government Ordinance was a new shenanigan whose imposition would drain the city mayor, or ‘nazim’, of all powers. The Ordinance, Sattar claimed, would reduce elected representatives of the public to impotent dummies begging for approval from the Chief Minister for every move.

The MQM leader said the PPP was deliberately indulging in these mischievous tactics to bring its own mayor to Karachi.

In a separate press conference at ‘Nine-Zero’, MQM Raabita Committee members claimed that the Sindh government had used its majority in the provincial assembly to drive a wedge between Sindh’s rural and urban areas.

They said the structural differences between village and city union councils were intentional attempts to under-represent the city populace and divert urban resources and funds to other areas.

Committee members further said the changes made to Karachi’s districts were also attempts to project PPP’s mandate much more than it actually was in the city.

They said the MQM had tried to stop PPP from this mischief and explain that their tactics would have adverse long-term effects, but the party had disregarded MQM’s concerns and pressed on with their moves.

The MQM has enjoyed strong support in Sindh’s two major urban centres Karachi and Hyderabad during the May elections, where it secured a majority of its 24 seats in the National Assembly.

When local government elections were last held in Karachi, the MQM backed Mustafa Kamal was voted into the mayor’s seat.


Coordination Committee MQM talking to media at the camp of relatives of Balochistan Missing Person Karachi

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Japans Ambassador to Pakistan Hiroshi Inomata visited Khursheed Begum Secretariat Azizabad & met with Dr Farooq Sattar

Isn't MQM one of the only few parties in pakistan that has a stern policy toward TTP?
Isn't MQM one of the only few parties in pakistan that has a stern policy toward TTP?

TTP doesn't accept Pakistani constitution, and they are not willing to lay down weapons

MQM's policy towards TTP is negotiations based on few points

that they surrender weapons unconditionally

that they accept pakistani constitution
Provincial quota in jobs to remain intact for 20 more years - thenews.com.pk


Provincial quota in jobs to remain intact for 20 more years

NA standing committee approves 23rd Constitutional Amendment Bill

Thursday, November 28, 2013
From Print Edition

23 4 16 0

ISLAMABAD: The National Assembly Standing Committee for Law and Justice on Wednesday approved the 23rd Constitutional Amendment Bill with the majority vote, while the MQM opposed the bill. The standing committee met here in the Parliament House under the chair of its Chairman Mehmood Wardagh Bashir and mulled over four bills, including the 23rd Constitutional Amendment Bill.

The committee approved the 23rd Constitutional Amendment bill with majority of vote while three other bills with consensus.Details said as per amendment it has been proposed in the bill to extend the quota of provinces in jobs of federal government for next 20 years, which will benefit small and backward provinces. During the meeting, the committee chairman stated that approval of amendment at this time will be most beneficial for Balochistan, while Punjab will be most affected. He said, “Approval of this amendment is necessary to end the sense of deprivation among small provinces, however it could be included in the bill that no extension should be made in it in future.” The duration of provincial quota in the federal government jobs has ended since August 13, 2013, and till now this matter has been running through an ordinance.

MQM member SA Iqbal Qadri raised the point that there should be same merit for all Pakistanis and no one should be given priority on the basis of quota, this system should end because it affects deserving people. The committee also approved the bill of awarding representation to Islamabad High Court (IHC) in National Judicial Committee, while Ministry for Law and Justice failed to present the details regarding salaries and privileges of Supreme and high courts judges before the committee due to shortage of time. The committee approved the Amendment Bill 2013 for giving representation to IHC in the National Judicial Committee with consensus.

Earlier, the committee chairman said that rules of Supreme Court were made clear in 1980 so the bill of eliminating the federal court should be approved which was made under the regulations of 1976. After that, committee approved the Elimination of Federal Court Bill 2013 with majority. Other than that committee also approved the Amendment Bill 2013 regarding Legal Practitioners and Bar Councils. This amendment will provide the legal security to the decisions taken by disciplinary committees of Bar Councils.

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