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MQM is more Pakistani then PPP, PMLN, ANP, PTI

MQM is the only party doing politics of selflessness as compared to others who are only doing politics of selfishness

let me take some examples

1) it was only MQM which presented shadow budget to the federal govt

2) only MQM stood for army when the rest pushed on for peace talks with TTP

3) only MQM is the party which has performed the best and showed good governance in the form of mustafa kamal

4) it was MQM which has called for the women rights when the rest of the parties accepted ignoring women voting in FATA

5) only it was MQM which has called for national anti terrorism policy

6) it is only MQM which is going as far as negotiating with its worst enemies in order to maintain peace not only in Karachi and Sind but in entire Pakistan and does politics of reconciliation

7) only party which doesn't represent elites but middle class people

8) the only party which passed the bill on making FATA a province

9) only party to stress the need for more provinces based on administrative purpose by passing bill on creation of more provinces

10) the only party which runs a huge charity and volunteer organisation nder its umbrella and one of the biggest ambulance service in the largest city of Pakistan and rapidly expanding to other areas of Pakistan, operates charity hospitals, universities, schools, gives monthly stipends to the poor

11) only MQM is doing the real opposition today, rest are all in their respective governments

if they only leave the politics of killing; maybe not anymore but they sure started and perfected it; then they would be all that you claim
they sure started and perfected it

they neither started the politics of killing neither perfected it

the historical context to your claim

All the MqM bhais and ghundas ...

Please tell me , what political philosophy is the MqM based upon that other parties are not offering ?
which terrorist group is more dangerous MQM or TTP ?

well thats hard to judge, the simple fact is that area of operation for both the terrorist groups are different, MQM terrorizes Karachi/hyderabad mainly and TTP in FATA/KP mainly.
which terrorist group is more dangerous MQM or TTP ?

well thats hard to judge, the simple fact is that area of operation for both the terrorist groups are different, MQM terrorizes Karachi/hyderabad mainly and TTP in FATA/KP mainly.
MQM is more capable and clever than Taliban... They have hand grenades, automatic guns, better strategy to kill people and run instead of sacrificing life as Taliban does.... Next target of MQM is Karachi chief police shahid hayat and MQM will succeed in their mission due to better tactics and old experience...
Mods please fix the title, should say British rather than Pakistani.
MQM Zindabad :yahoo:

Gareeba ka sahara, bhai altaf hamara :yahoo::victory:

Mods please fix the title, should say British rather than Pakistani.

How its British :blink:

Even Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif have to remain in asylum.

Watan se alag rehnewala hi, watan ka asli dard janta hai :angel:
they neither started the politics of killing neither perfected it

the historical context to your claim


there is a reaction to every action but only in an opposite direction
MQM is more Pakistani than all others and @W.11 is superman.. :lol:
And yet MQM is the only Political Party whose leader is hiding in a foreign country and running his " MAFIA STYLE " Party through " REMOTE CONTROL ". The other four Party leaders are in Pakistan.

Is that your concept of a Patriotic Pakistani Party @W.11....
A typical pakistani mentality is make to show your power to threaten others....this is the mentality of ordinary pakistanis (Punjabis,pathan,balochi,sindhi,mahajirs,kashmiris and others) and this mantality has been shown on every national forum by all parties and power centers.............and our behaviours has become "Show power and threaten other" so that nobody can speak against you but we forget that by doing this we are making enemies for ourselves, i am not a supporter of PLMN or ppp or pti/ mqm or anyother and this is my thinking that by hating MQM (no matter what they have done to others) we are basically hating mhajirs(although i am strictly against this theory that there is any mahajir in pakistan, all are pakistanis) and hence weakning pakistan........we should stop this, if mqm is killing people then ppp and pmln also cannot be given clearence as both of these parties have been involved in extra judicial murders
MQM provides identity and leadership to mohajir people..... giving the shape of a quam to different indian origin communities, ethnicites of U.P, Bihar, delhi, hyderabad, bhopal etc worked like magic just like muslim league's idea of calling all indian muslims a one nation to counter hindu dominance......both mohajir and pakistani quam are artificial identities but are serving their purpose.....altaf bhai is a baba-e-qaum, he came up with mohajir nationalism. Most of the news, programmes, talk shows are about MQM and karachi......credit must be given to altaf bhai.
MQM provides identity and leadership to mohajir people..... giving the shape of a quam to different indian origin communities, ethnicites of U.P, Bihar, delhi, hyderabad, bhopal etc worked like magic just like muslim league's idea of calling all indian muslims a one nation to counter hindu dominance......both mohajir and pakistani quam are artificial identities but are serving their purpose.....altaf bhai is a baba-e-qaum, he came up with mohajir nationalism. Most of the news, programmes, talk shows are about MQM and karachi......credit must be given to altaf bhai.
I agree with you

some bigots who cry for Palestine and Kashmir are unwilling to accept the right of Mohajirs.. the feudal mentality is so sick and disgusting that no government ever dared to bring back the stranded Pakistanis from Bangladesh because it will benefit MQM..

the rise of Taliban is the result of this bigotry. Urdu speaking Mohajirs poked in the eyes of these shameless hypocrites and political dynasties

(now the bigtos will declare that I am a mohajir, just like they "expose" me to be a "shia".. taunt me to be Ahemdi and even a Hindu just because I speak what is right. but in Pakistan, the Islam is that you only speak for your sect, for your religion and only your ethnicity.

which terrorist group is more dangerous MQM or TTP ?.
TTP for sure

it comes after you whether or not you have bothered them. they will behead you and play with your skulls. they will justify every imaginable sick crime with a fatwa and their shariah. they will kill you in a mosque, in a shirine, in a tample, in an imambargah in a bazaar and in the school. ..
I didnt even talk about what happens in KU ...and I agree with the last bit...Mind you with political parties being made of the people of Pakistan are busy in breaking up Pakistan...where the heck are we going to get a united leader?! Heck our politics is corrupted, our justice system is corrupted, our businesses are corrupted, our energy lines are none available!

A no win scenario perhaps , Miss ? :D
1:Muhajir Card
2:Bhatta Parchi's
3:Bhoree band Laashain
5:Every week threatening's of Breaking Pakistan
etc etc
Do i need to say more about the Pakistaniat of this Party
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