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Mountain strike corps formally raised, its 1st division formed

What is a mountain strike corps? Anyway congrats for building a new corps.
Mountain trolls and mountain gorillas. Gotta recruit them too. Very effective in mountainous terrain. :p

Hell; you have plenty of them wandering around your country. With Beards too!
Especially in the border areas. You got what you're looking for at home.
Now check 'em out. :-)
Hell; you have plenty of them wandering around your country. With Beards too!
Especially in the border areas. You got what you're looking for at home.
Now check 'em out. :-)

Lol! I was trying to be one myself too :D
Just reliving some scenes from the hobbit.
Really!? Most interesting story that...

But what's the purpose of raising these Mountain Brigades, if not to hold onto captured land in a possible protracted war?
Indian Army and Airforce has some stratergic area that are marked incase China attacks us.So these mountain strike corps would be tasked to be agressive and take out these targets while the rest would hold.
1. We in BD have always been apprehensive about the true objective in raising this Strike Corps. India will never attain the capability or gather courage to invade Tibet/China. On her part PRC considers India minor irritant undeserving of any serious attention.And eventually when China does move into S Tibet and her territory S of the McMahon Line,we will see a repeat of 1962. India will not mess with Pakistan for fear of nuclear arsenal falling like rain.

2. So how is GOI going to justify this lavish expenditure to its half a billion poor? We believe the true objective of this Corps is BD.
1. We in BD have always been apprehensive about the true objective in raising this Strike Corps. India will never attain the capability or gather courage to invade Tibet/China. On her part PRC considers India minor irritant undeserving of any serious attention.And eventually when China does move into S Tibet and her territory S of the McMahon Line,we will see a repeat of 1962. India will not mess with Pakistan for fear of nuclear arsenal falling like rain.

2. So how is GOI going to justify this lavish expenditure to its half a billion poor? We believe the true objective of this Corps is BD.

2. What will be the true gain of India taking BD? As such the country does stick out like a sore within Indias "completeness" but currently its government is acting as a vassal state of India's in the first place.Moreover, the Mountain Corps with specialist mountain warfare training would be ill suited for the jungles of BD. So I dont think this assumption sounds valid. The Mountain Corps may just be a deterrent rather than anything else. Neither India nor China would like to engage in that territory; India already has its bitter years of combat in Kashmir where you lose 50% of your troops to the enemy and the other 50% to the environment.
2. So how is GOI going to justify this lavish expenditure to its half a billion poor? We believe the true objective of this Corps is BD.
Err,No. Think of geography and climate Sirjee. Your assumption is all wrong. We need a force that is meant to fight at a height of 10,000 fts or more in death cold. Raising such a force thinking Bangladesh in mind is simply waste of money,time and energy. Hope you do not underestimate us to such degree at least.
And you still did not provide any specs to suggest the Z20 will match/exceed the service ceiling of our Helicopters. Your own sources claim a laughable 3000ft altitude! Idiocy much, my Suppaman? :lol:

Presently HAL LCH has a service ceiling of 6500m.It is top in attack helicopter versions.
Black hawk has 5780m only
Presently HAL LCH has a service ceiling of 6500m.It is top in attack helicopter versions.
Black hawk has 5780m only

But our fanboy here isn't knowledgeable on such issues. He merely thinks helicopters like Z20s are going to revolutionize mountain warfare.
But our fanboy here isn't knowledgeable on such issues. He merely thinks helicopters like Z20s are going to revolutionize mountain warfare.

Besides LCH IA also considers Apache helicopter for this mountain strike corps.
I am glad because that chinese guy concede Z-20 is copy of black hawk.
I think our LCH is not a copy of any helicopter.

Yes I said that when India has the chose you will chose western equipment but India don't have the choice, you need to give Russia some face saving and motivate the way that Russia don't make any nasty moves such sell better equipments to China or helping Pakistan...this was done under geo-political considerations...and also when you're heavlily rely on Russia military...will be hard to find an exit.

I don't make any silly statements even from my first post on this thread: I said that Indian mountain strike corps will be tandooris when we form our rapid reaction forces in Tibet with Z-20 in the sense that in any conflict only one will prevail...I just put my bet on PLA...you can bet on your army.

You make this simple statements due to your experience in 1962.But it is long gone my friend.After that our Army fought 2 majors and lot of small wars against Pakistan and china plus lot of small operations against insurgents.You must ask foreign armies trained here to know the real experience of Indian Army.They will told you how it look like.Russian troops was trained is here before they go to operations in chechniya.
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We in BD have always been apprehensive about the true objective in raising this Strike Corps. India will never attain the capability or gather courage to invade Tibet/China. On her part PRC considers India minor irritant undeserving of any serious attention.And eventually when China does move into S Tibet and her territory S of the McMahon Line,we will see a repeat of 1962. India will not mess with Pakistan for fear of nuclear arsenal falling like rain.

When you think about India messing with Pakistan you say that Pakistan has a nuclear arsenal and thus will be protected from such adventures. And just before that you have mentioned that China, whenever it wishes so can come and take away India's land, and here you conveniently forget that India is also a major nuclear power. (Even if your assumption of China enjoying a major conventional military advantage over India can be taken to be true for the moment).

Atleast be consistent in your thought process before trying to take part in a discussion.
When you think about India messing with Pakistan you say that Pakistan has a nuclear arsenal and thus will be protected from such adventures. And just before that you have mentioned that China, whenever it wishes so can come and take away India's land, and here you conveniently forget that India is also a major nuclear power. (Even if your assumption of China enjoying a major conventional military advantage over India can be taken to be true for the moment).

Atleast be consistent in your thought process before trying to take part in a discussion.

China has thermonuclear arsenal. Quantity is sufficient to coverall Indian cities. Indian nukes are of the lowest category,and the number is the lowest among all nuke holders. Indian delivery systems are poor/unreliable.And worst, the lethargy and bureaucracy in taking a decision, conveying and implementing.By the time India readies to launch,the adversaries' arsenal would already be falling on them.
China has thermonuclear arsenal. Quantity is sufficient to coverall Indian cities. Indian nukes are of the lowest category,and the number is the lowest among all nuke holders. Indian delivery systems are poor/unreliable.And worst, the lethargy and bureaucracy in taking a decision, conveying and implementing.By the time India readies to launch,the adversaries' arsenal would already be falling on them.

Yes, India weak, china strong. That's all that bangladeshis need to parrot. Anyway rest assured, India has no desire to annex the glorious bangladesh. It's not like that country is teeming with oil wealth or other riches. Nobody cares about b'desh. Get used to it. Stop overrating your importance all the time. The topic and the strike corps has nothing whatsoever to do with your country, and if we wanted to invade you, our state police forces would suffice. We won't raise a corps to take over puny b'desh. Stop pooping up in every India-china thread to beg for attention.

What is a mountain strike corps? Anyway congrats for building a new corps.
Mountain trolls and mountain gorillas. Gotta recruit them too. Very effective in mountainous terrain. :p

A corps geared purely for offensive mountain warfare.
China has thermonuclear arsenal. Quantity is sufficient to coverall Indian cities. Indian nukes are of the lowest category,and the number is the lowest among all nuke holders. Indian delivery systems are poor/unreliable.And worst, the lethargy and bureaucracy in taking a decision, conveying and implementing.By the time India readies to launch,the adversaries' arsenal would already be falling on them.

India already has operational TN weapons .

What does the bold part even mean ??

The only one who thinks our delivery systems are unreliable are the ones who cannot the digest the fact of Indian nukes .
India already has operational TN weapons .

What does the bold part even mean ??

The only one who thinks our delivery systems are unreliable are the ones who cannot the digest the fact of Indian nukes .

We have several nuke delivery mechanisms, all on proven platforms. Airborne - jaguars, mirages, MKIs. Missilies - no need to elaborate, the entire agni series. Naval - The upcoming boomers, and ship borne missiles.

The fellow you are responding to has a habit of appearing on every india-china thread and talk about his country, because there is no other scope for a country with a puny military to get any attention on a defence website. Attention hog. Yea, everything that happens in the neighbourhood is secretly directed at his poor country, which apparently is very desirable for everybody to take over.

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