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Moulana? Abdul Aziz Refuse Condemn Pehawer Incident

The fact is our PA is not carrying out Military operation with complete honesty, they have ignored the rented terrorists in Balochistan province & people like fake mullah Abdul Aziz. With the launch of military operation Zarb e Azb, all the rented terrorists should had been targeted through out the Pakistan & this is what Gen. Raheel had been saying in his past, that they will not leave any terrorists in Pakistan, it looks like these are only words, the fact is rented terrorists from NWA region have dispersed through out Pakistan & NWA is the only concentrated place for operation not whole of Pakistan.

Karachi is full of rented terrorists & political terrorists, Balochistan province is full rented terrorists, foreign NGO's are given permission to carry out their spying & planning work against Pakistan by corrupt & traitor politicians, Khawaja Saad's recently exposed treachery against Pakistan was openly exposed on how Indian weapons, drugs, alcohol & etc are smuggled through out Pakistan by trains, there are endless terrorist activities carried through out Pakistan PA & Intel agencies knows them all yet they are quiet.
Is there no ghairat mand left in the whole of Islamabad who can rid God's earth of this abomination? How can you just sit there and let him spit on the bodies of the children martyred by his ape cousins? We will never defeat terrorism if we continue to turn a blind eye to their facilitators inside our main Cities.
What about imran khan. He doesn't name them.

He is the only leader who names them.. !!
Why the hell this bast*** is still living....
Declare this filthy creature a convicted felon and shoot him with the other terrorists....
One thing I understand about Pakistan is that both the ones with the beards and the ones in slick suits and uniforms have done a lot of damage to the region in the past. But if this goat effer is being insensitive towards the children who died in this present incident, I would lynch him and anyone who looked like him.
Each one of us is willing to go to wazirstan and fight against taliban but no one really wants to fight with these terrorists who are sitting in the heart of islamabad.
mushy why why why you left this moron alive
and cheap judiciary acquitted this a~**hole of all 27 charges against him
justice at its finest
mushy why why why you left this moron alive
and cheap judiciary acquitted this a~**hole of all 27 charges against him
justice at its finest

Musharraf's operation against the Lal Masjid terrorists was delayed but was still welcomed. However, the media turned these terrorists into victims in the eyes of some.
I'd say not only the scums of Lal Masjid should face the harshest punishment but the killer of Salman Taseer and his so-called lawyers supporters also need to be punished.

The Litmus Test for a progressive Pakistan should be based on those oppose the Lal Masjid thugs and those who make excuses for these barbarians.
Recently he said he would not allowed operation against TTP. sir, let him speak from his mouth.
first you said he never names them.. when i showed you.. now you are demanding to let him speak from his mouth... if i show a clip to you in which he is taking name of TTP what would your next requirement be.. ??

Musharraf's operation against the Lal Masjid terrorists was delayed but was still welcomed. However, the media turned these terrorists into victims in the eyes of some.
I'd say not only the scums of Lal Masjid should face the harshest punishment but the killer of Salman Taseer and his so-called lawyers supporters also need to be punished.

The Litmus Test for a progressive Pakistan should be based on those oppose the Lal Masjid thugs and those who make excuses for these barbarians.

hamid Mir type media prostitutes were on forefront to show those terrorists as victims..
This mullah is bittcchh jiglooo,,,burqa clad junky
There was a protest other day in front of Lal worship place where protester make slogans again mulla burqa posh, things get tense and law enforcement agencies jump in and spread away protesters.
Meanwhile Burqa posh zankha warn bad happen if some other protest took place in front of place. Police file 100 FIR against protest individuals put by Ahle Sunnat waljamat.
Why exactly was this transvestite left after the Red Mosque seizure? I never got to understand that.

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