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Motorway Police official & Army officers scuffle on the Motorway.

No. I think after some time you reach a point where you have said what you wanted to say and after that you find yourself just repeating what you said before - ad nausum. I think I am reaching that point. Although a good discussion with some Chinese members here on CPEC awaits.

I wish. I am a old worn out man.

Excuse me? How old did you say you were? 18, or was it 29? :rofl:

Depends on your point of view!!
No its not too difficult to understand... what is difficult to understand is probably why people are saying that the army man is to blamed.... were you, me, or the rest of us there??? No, we were not.

how can we put the blame on one person based upon 2 piece of paper and what we believe is to be true. I was stopped last month near pindi bhattian while i was crossing in the right most lane at 125... the motor way police guy was arogant and before i could complete my sentence that i was crossing a car he cut me off mid way by saying "dont make excuses, your crying wont help". that still does not make every patrolling officer wrong.

why is it difficult to comprehend that please stop taking sides and that too based upon nothing concrete.

Both you and the army officer broke the law. First. The rest only came after that. Why is it so hard to accept the fine?
I broke the law... I agree ... did I complain about it or try to cover up my speed or to show it as if I was right there?? No I did not..
what you probably missed was what the patrol officer said. Do I need to tell you that once I questioned his attitude the guy sitting with the speed gun accepted my statement and said his junior colleague was used to the excuses ppl tell them so he assumed the same and said what he should not have and which was wrong. After this I simply paid the fine and moved on.
Now since we are discussing the brawl that broke out between two serving servants to the nation let's stay on that topic...

I abhor the way some of the people including (i am sorry to say) yourself are hell bent on accepting the narrative put forth by the motorway police. Why is it that they are pious and the other party claiming to be innocent is guilty??
The patrolling officer did his job... No ifs and buts about it... But did he behave like the way he should have or was he plain arrogant or abusive (as claimed by the major). Why is it so difficult to consider this.
Stopping a car was the right thing... major sb should have been issued a ticked but what prevented that and what led to things blowing out of proportion is what needs to be determined.
Army men or the patrolling officer would never want this to be reflected on their ACRs. They would never want negative comments which can stop their career at the same rank if not end it prematurely. We are talking about grown up men here not toddlers not aware of these consequences. In spite of all this knowledge if a brawl of this magnitude broke out then there has to be something wrong on part of one or most likely both the parties. I refuse to accept or blame one party and not the other. I have not even once said that army men or the motorway police was at fault. It's you who is taking sides by accepting one narrative over the other.
It always takes two to tango... try fighting with a person who is as calm as a cucumber and then try talking sense to a person who is either abusive or has a iron rod in his neck. I hope you get my point.
Let's wait for the investigation to end before we start pointing fingers
The patrolling officer did his job... No ifs and buts about it... But did he behave like the way he should have or was he plain arrogant or abusive (as claimed by the major). Why is it so difficult to consider this.

If there are no "ifs and buts" about doing their assigned duty, then there is no "behave as he should have". It is not a consideration in the course of performing their assigned duties, specially against a evading lawbreaker who then displays a weapon, and obstructs the official act. Where is the speeding ticket?

This is not a "two to tango" situation. The army officer is the lawbreaker and the police are doing their assigned duty.
If there are no "ifs and buts" about doing their assigned duty, then there is no "behave as he should have". It is not a consideration in the course of performing their assigned duties, specially against a evading lawbreaker who then displays a weapon, and obstructs the official act. Where is the speeding ticket?

This is not a "two to tango" situation. The army officer is the lawbreaker and the police are doing their assigned duty.

Again... Ur post is full of assumptions... And saying what has been written in those 2 papers. Tell me please
1) were you there to see the major displaying his weapon?
2) Did you see the whole episode??
3) Did you personally see him preventing a law officer from doing his duty??
The answers to all these questions is no... You were not there. You did not see it. What you are saying is second hand knowledge.
Please stop this uni centric approach of portraying or spreading the narrative of one party. Please try to be neutral.
Again... Ur post is full of assumptions... And saying what has been written in those 2 papers. Tell me please
1) were you there to see the major displaying his weapon?
2) Did you see the whole episode??
3) Did you personally see him preventing a law officer from doing his duty??
The answers to all these questions is no... You were not there. You did not see it. What you are saying is second hand knowledge.
Please stop this uni centric approach of portraying or spreading the narrative of one party. Please try to be neutral.

What I have said is based on facts that are evident.
Facts... Care to share the source of the facts? Are the facts based upon anything other than the narrative or the complaint lodged by one of the two accussed parties? If yes then please share them as I would also like to be enlightened with the true picture. Thanks in advance
Facts... Care to share the source of the facts? Are the facts based upon anything other than the narrative or the complaint lodged by one of the two accessed parties? If yes then please share them as I would also like to be enlightened with the true picture. Thanks in advance

Let's see the true picture:

1. Who was speeding?

2. Did they stop immediately or not?

3. Did they prevent the issuance of a speeding ticket?

4. Was a service weapon displayed and why?

5. Was official backup called over a private matter?

6. Was a police officer abducted to prevent discharge of their duty?

I am sure the investigations needs answers to these questions.
Let's see the true picture:

1. Who was speeding?
Ans: major

2. Did they stop immediately or not?
Ans: we don't know this. Two conflicting statements from either party. Needs to be determined.

3. Did they prevent the issuance of a speeding ticket?
Ans: we don't know this. Major has categorically denied he tried to stop this. It's the claim by patrolling officer.

4. Was a service weapon displayed and why?
Ans: again major denies this. It's the Patrolling officer's claim

5. Was official backup called over a private matter?
Ans: yes major says a distress or a SOS signal was sent.

6. Was a police officer abducted to prevent discharge of their duty?
Ans: Again conflicting statements. Police officers were abducted as they were beating two majors after abusing them.. The alternative argument is what you you have written above as a question.

I am sure the investigations needs answers to these questions.

Please see my possible answers above (in the quote, below ur questions).. The answers are the possible alternative claims.
However please note that I am with you on this post word by word. This can actually be the raw points for a channellised investigation.
Army has gone crazy....out of control. These Pak Army officer should be send behind bars...

this is unlawful and illdiscipline...Army Officer should be arrested for violating citizen rights.
Please see my possible answers above (in the quote, below ur questions).. The answers are the possible alternative claims.
However please note that I am with you on this post word by word. This can actually be the raw points for a channellised investigation.

I can only hope that the results of the investigation are made public to ensure honesty.
Army has gone crazy....out of control. These Pak Army officer should be send behind bars...

this is unlawful and illdiscipline...Army Officer should be arrested for violating citizen rights.

Wow.... U just described the mentality, ethics and working principles of an entire fighting force based upon a few members of that force.
This is exactly what we do... We turn heroes to zeros in a second
Wow.... U just described the mentality, ethics and working principles of an entire fighting force based upon a few members of that force.
This is exactly what we do... We turn heroes to zeros in a second

It is wrong to paint the entire Army with the same brush that taints these officers, but the best way to stop such undeserved generalizations is to show justice being done, clearly, quickly, and unequivocally.
I can only hope that the results of the investigation are made public to ensure honesty.

Both the parties had resolved the issue as the Motorway police group was sitting in the Army mess.

I think the Army apologized

Let's see the true picture:

1. Who was speeding?

2. Did they stop immediately or not?

3. Did they prevent the issuance of a speeding ticket?

4. Was a service weapon displayed and why?

5. Was official backup called over a private matter?

6. Was a police officer abducted to prevent discharge of their duty?

I am sure the investigations needs answers to these questions.

The video clearly shows that all this happened and hence no need of investigation and thus the Army did realized that its officers were at FAULT.
Both the parties had resolved the issue as the Motorway police group was sitting in the Army mess.

I think the Army apologized

The video clearly shows that all this happened and hence no need of investigation and thus the Army did realized that its officers were at FAULT.

Hmmmm. Can you please
Share your source for this news??

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