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Most wanted terrorist captured from hotel in Pakistan

What segment would that be , Monsieur ?

The segment that believes learning Arabic is backwards, but learning English is cool; which believes wearing a headscarf is regressive, but wearing a skirt is progressive.

In short, the segment that agrees with Paracha's intellectual dishonesty.
The solution is not rocket science and has been articulated by many people, including Imran Khan.

We address the bulk of the problem through reeducation and negotiation, enforce the writ of the State, and kill only the extreme cases who do not accept the State's writ.

The killing of these people is a surgical operation, not a random massacre to "send a message".

The Saudis figures this problem early(its close to their heart) and hit at it earlier using those techniques.
However, at our later stage of the disease.. will this approach be as effective?
Most probably everyone with an ounce functioning grey matter.

The free thinking mind with a critical approach which isn't ready to blindly accept anything from the God's viceroy ?

Kevin Lomax " What about love? "

John Milton " Overrated. Biochemically no different from eating large quantities of chocolate " .

- The Devil's Advocate

The segment that believes learning Arabic is backwards, but learning English is cool; which believes wearing a headscarf is regressive, but wearing a skirt is progressive.

In short, the segment that agrees with Paracha's intellectual dishonesty.

I really do not think so , seriously . Ai'nt the first time , I am seeing it both in the real and cyber world . Isn't it an extremely easy way to generalize the whole Dawn audience ? Declare them westernized and secular and you are absolved somehow and well they are wrong . :D To each his own unless it doesn't harm others or forces them to do or think , what they think is right , I would say .

What do they say about shooting the message and not the messenger ?
His proposed "technique", or pussyfooting and not implementing my recommendations will further exacerbate the problem...

Good cops (us): Kill that baddy.... be very careful, just him. (1 dead - no message delivered)
Fundo: Oh my son, there wait 72 hooriz in haven, go blow yourself to them. (120 dead - maximum impact)

Declare my method as the preferred one, and then be choosy, if need be.

The Saudis figures this problem early(its close to their heart) and hit at it earlier using those techniques.
However, at our later stage of the disease.. will this approach be as effective?
The Saudis figures this problem early(its close to their heart) and hit at it earlier using those techniques.
However, at our later stage of the disease.. will this approach be as effective?

This problem is similar in some ways to the war on drugs/gangs waged by many western countries. We can learn from their experience.
I really do not think so , seriously . Ai'nt the first time , I am seeing it both in the real and cyber world . Isn't it an extremely easy way to generalize the whole Dawn audience ? Declare them westernized and secular and you are absolved somehow and well they are wrong . :D To each his own unless it doesn't harm others or forces them to do or think , what they think is right , I would say .

These are YOUR words, not mine.

I didn't say it was the whole audience, and I certainly didn't say anything about secularism.

If you think what I wrote above has the remotest connection to secularism, then you haven't the faintest clue about secularism.

Many people who consider themselves westernized and progressive have no understanding of fundamental principles of liberalism. The examples I gave above are directly counter to western liberalism.

Under true liberalism, a Pakistani should be free to learn Arabic or English, wear a headscarf or a skirt. Whenever people try to impose one way or another, then they become extremists, regardless of what label they assign themselves.

What do they say about shooting the message and not the messenger ?

If you read the whole thread, you will see that Paracha's "message" has already been exposed as a formulaic charade.

For example, here: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakist...st-captured-hotel-pakistan-3.html#post4728019
NFP nailed it , a satire telling us the full story on double standards practiced by religious parties , PTI and sectarian parties


Garbage joke!

Make sure Pakistan Army should not allow same kind of mistakes again with this camel raid without detecting them. :pissed:
Already explained the dynamics of the Pakistani readership.

OK it was not there when I replied.

PS. Dawn's Pakistani readership is already in the bag since that segment of Pakistan's population loves anything that degrades Pakistan and elevates them above the unwashed masses. It's the, uh, westernized, "progressive" thing to do.

It's funny although quite expected how you keep changing the goal post as it suits you. You first replied to my TOI post with an insinuation that Paracha's target market($$$$) is Indian readers, then when I rebutted that with numbers(less than <20% Indian readership) you came back with a fairy tale about Paracha's "hopes" of writing for Indian media. Now you are targeting Dawn's Pakistani readership.

So what is your point exactly? All I get from your flip flops that would put even Mitt Romney to shame is that majority of Dawn's readership is Pakistani liberals and they apparently like Paracha. It has not much to do with Indian readers as you initially suggested.
Not at all, many naat's, hamds contain Quranic verses.. yet if heard on the radio by someone who is ignorant may be mistaken for a song. I am witness to this phenomenon as are many others..and quite a few humorous records in writing exist of people indulging in such mistakes.

Point being, it is Pakistanis on a collective who have forsakes study and understanding of their religion for letting priests and Padre's run it. Those that do try , are usually ensnared by extremism or copy/paste material on the internet... this forum is littered with such examples.

P.s my offence is that I expect more astute posts on the subject than just humour.

:) may be my reply offend you more this time but i found it funny that most of such incidents are reported from Punjab also fake blasphemy cases have far higher ration from Punjab.

anyway here in my area i never found people even illiterate women mixing or confusing Arabic songs with holy verses.
Yeah, the camel part was a dead giveaway but I'm surprised you didn't catch it earlier.

I just skimmed through the Article...I didn't read it word for word ! :ashamed:

Shalom brother, whats up ? Hows life treating you ? :)

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