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Most technologically advanced European country

Which one?

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The best way to determine it is non oil export per capita. Thats Germany quite obvious.

OECD Factbook 2013-Google Public Data Explorer

Thos is the silliest thing ive ever heard. By your criteria, China is the most technologically advanced country in the world. Silly premise.

And here a second valid point.....oil money can either pay for golden toilets if your an idiot like the saud family or it can pay for ALOT OF R&D if youre geniuses like the Russians.


Exactly. While germany gets the soccer moms to practice in style, Russia get cosmonauts to the ISS in one piece.


You must be more precise.

In military sector,Russia is leader.

In civilian,Germany by far.
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Thos is the silliest thing ive ever heard. By your criteria, China is the most technologically advanced country in the world. Silly premise.
I said non oil export PER CAPITA.

China export per capita is 1,630 $
Germany export per capita is 18,433 $
I have voted for Sweden...just because of their girls :smokin:..but in real it's Germany by far.
I have voted for Sweden...just because of their girls :smokin:..but in real it's Germany by far.
Sweden is very close to Germany. 9 mln country which makes own submarines and jets!
It's France IMO. Aircrafts, SSBNs, SSNs, Nuclear aircraft carriers, SSKs, Mistral LHDs, AESA radars based on GaN tech, Nuclear reactors, etc. They build it all on their own mostly.
Oh I didn't see Russia initially. I will rate Russia above France any day.
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I had half a mind to say it's none of them as Andorra is the true tech leader in Europe.....but because it's Superboy (one of the few truly dumb posters here. I swear on DSI intakes!) who's asking this, I decided to state the truth.:coffee:
Sweden is very close to Germany. 9 mln country which makes own submarines and jets!

They are alike so. Indeed, godland and soderman subs are pretty good. My crush is on Vispy class corvettes. SAAB's SFX and Griben..etc. But I think they lack at experience against Germany.
Russia may be more advanced regarding military & space related technologies, but partially because Germany doesn't sees them nearly as important as Russia (or France) does.
And despite this, we still make Tanks & Subs that are some of the best in the world.
If Germany would get serious regarding this, like in the past, the rest of Europe would shake in fear.
Germany..Apart from civilian tech, it is the German millitary technology only that everyone copied post WWII and is using world over...
At least youre being honest about military and space tech. And Russia was a failed state not less than 15 years ago. Just imagine where it will be a decade from now.

The mightiest nations in europe in just about any category are Russia and then Germany. All other countries are really bit players. And if either country would truly rise up in anger, not only Europe but the entire world would quake. Its amazing that Germany and Russia dont unite. They would be unstoppable. Add Eurasia into the union and there would be 1000 years of prosperity. But for petty personal ambitions. Smh.

I still cant believe Germany fell for nato. As has always been said about NATO

" At its origin, the organization's goal, as famously stated by Lord Ismay, the first NATO Secretary General, was "to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down.”

Russia may be more advanced regarding military & space related technologies, but partially because Germany doesn't sees them nearly as important as Russia (or France) does.
And despite this, we still make Tanks & Subs that are some of the best in the world.
If Germany would get serious regarding this, like in the past, the rest of Europe would shake in fear.
You must be more precise.

In military sector,Russia is leader.

In civilian,Germany by far.

We know they invented AK47 which is responsible for god knows how many deaths in third world countries, but did the Russians ever produce anything useful humanity benefitted from?

The following clip sums it up quite nicely.

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