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Most likely no NSG membership today

Apart from China no ones supports Pakistan's case. South Korea, Russia and South Africa didn't supported you, you misread the news, your country asked for support from them. Today Aziz was asking for US support. Cheers!!
lolz at no support .You will see what will happen with all these nations.By the way Pak case is more credible than India`s as India histor of nucleur related mishaps and missing stocks ,fail to seperate civil and Mil programe .So at the time its not diplomacy its the blue eye child .On merit China is rejecting your so called ambitious since on the one hand you are trying to lead into South China and other disputes ,arming China`s enemies so good luck
Apart from China no ones supports Pakistan's case. South Korea, Russia and South Africa didn't supported you, you misread the news, your country asked for support from them. Today Aziz was asking for US support. Cheers!!

No it is you who has missed the news. Here

Separately, Adviser to Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz called the foreign ministers of

Russia, South Korea and New Zealand and sought their support for Pakistan’s entry into the NSG group.
Sources say that the foreign ministers assured their support to Pakistan in this regard. – SAMAA


Although i still think our foreign policy is pretty pathetic thanks to Nawaz and we should have been more active considering how active India is.
lolz at no support .You will see what will happen with all these nations.By the way Pak case is more credible than India`s as India histor of nucleur related mishaps and missing stocks ,fail to seperate civil and Mil programe .So at the time its not diplomacy its the blue eye child .On merit China is rejecting your so called ambitious since on the one hand you are trying to lead into South China and other disputes ,arming China`s enemies so good luck

Pak case is as credible as laden was not in Pakistan and I Q khan not selling sensitive technology to Iran and Nkorea, as far as China is concerned, don't worry, kab tak chipey ga pardey ki aad main, kabhi to aayega bhindi bazaar main.
India suggested that they would not oppose Pakistan into NSG if China does not oppose them into NSG.
Truth is India does not need to do the opposition.
We should be happy with MTCR and don't feel saddened by our efforts for NSG position. If and when it comes we should take it positively.

The present government needs to strengthen our PHWR, fast breeders,and thorium based reactor by focusing on building smaller units which are more affordable in nature for export markets say like africa, Mauritius, Vietnam, South Africa, etc.

Of course such grand scheme s would also need finanacial asssitance so EXIM bank credit lines needs to be expanded and also capitalisation should increase to accommodate ultra long term loans of 30-50 years in libor+x format. Perhaps take help of World Bank and other big financial bodies help for such structuring.

The focus should be to mass industrialise the safer models with proven track records and commission such projects in such export market. Of course for fuel the tie up can be done with other notable Uranium contributors and international bodies can.monitor the end usage part as well.

The internal focus should be to complete home grown projects in next decade quickly by parallel construction instead of serial way of building one unit at a time.

When we do all that there is a chance that a new body in parallel to NSG will be borne and we will be original members of the same. The other chance is NSG accommodates us themselves without much bickering.

In the meantime with MTCR, Vietnam should get small boats with 2-4 brahmos and perhaps 2-5 medium ships for 8-16 brahmos per ship type. Makes sense to give them a couple of brahmos land version batteries as well.

The reactors and brahmos can open up a new market for us and we can position ourselves very well for energy solutions
When we do all that there is a chance that a new body in parallel to NSG will be borne and we will be original members of the same.

You know, I was thinking along this line earlier today as well. Make a group outside of the NSG minus the NSG members that dont want India in it.

People should stop thinking the NSG is the be-all end-all of nuclear technology agreements.
umm now i think of why F16 and 350 mill funds were stopped. May be bargaining chip for india's NSG membership. i may be wrong but its a possibility
and yes we may not get due to 1 reason (china) but u r membership has 47 reasons to be rejected :cheesy:
I predict that turkey and China will hold out this time. Rest of the Nsg countries will Stand behind India
No it is you who has missed the news. Here

Separately, Adviser to Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz called the foreign ministers of


Although i still think our foreign policy is pretty pathetic thanks to Nawaz and we should have been more active considering how active India is.
Sorry sir, you may want to believe that, but sources, isn't something that I will really care. Also, apart from NZ it will be tough for you to get any support.
A para of American report
"proliferation by air routes from North Korea to Pakistan. It is believed that Pakistan, in
the late 1990s or later, used C-130 transport aircraft to transport centrifugal separator-related
parts to North Korea. And in July 2002, a C-130 transport aircraft belonging to the Pakistan Air
Force apparently flew to North Korea, transporting missile-related parts.76
No evidence of such a thing.
Not Pakistan, just a rouge scientist. Pakistan has learned for its mistakes, and according to international NGOs has a better control regime than India does.

This is nothing more than cherry picking.

As long as Pakistan doesn't get it, India will not either.

AQ Khan claims Benazir Bhutto ordered nuclear sale
AQ Khan, Pakistan's renegade nuclear scientist, claims he was ordered to sell nuclear secrets by Benazir Bhutto, the country's former prime minister.


Pakistani lawyers shout slogans as they burn a US flag and an effigy of US President Barack Obama and Florida pastor Terry Jones during a protest against an anti-Islam movie in Multan, Pakistan Photo: AFP

By Rob Crilly, Islamabad

2:27PM BST 17 Sep 2012

Mrs Bhutto's allies have rubbished the claim but, if true, his revelations raises fresh questions about Pakistan's role in the spread of nuclear weapons and brings the threat of sanctions.

Dr Khan is known as the father of Pakistan's atom bomb but was also at the centre of a proliferation network that sold secret technology to rogue states around the world, including Libya and Iran.

In 2004 he signed a confession claiming that he acted without the consent of the government and was pardoned the following day, an account he has now contradicted.

"The then Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto summoned me and named the two countries which were to be assisted," Dr Khan said in an interview with the Jang media group, without naming the two nations.

He said he had no option but to obey Mrs Bhutto, who was prime minister from 1988 until 1990 and 1993 to 1996. She died in a suicide attack in 2007.

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"The Prime Minister would have certainly known about the role and co-operation of the two countries, mentioned by her, in our national interest," he claimed, adding that the transfer of nuclear technology was a complex procedure which needed the help of hundreds of people.

He declined to discuss the issue with The Daily Telegraph or explain Mrs Bhutto's motivation and when their conversation took place.

Dr Khan, 76, who was released from house arrest in 2009, remains a national hero for his role in helping develop a nuclear warhead, which was successfully tested in May 1998 – the first in the Islamic World.

The US has repeatedly asked to question him about his role in selling nuclear secrets but has been rebuffed.

He has admitted supplying centrifuge technology to Iran, North Korea and Libya, in return for cash.

He is also suspected of offering secrets to Iraq, as part of a covert operation that ran for about 10 years until 1999.

Members of Mrs Bhutto's political party and government officials all denied that she – or her government – was involved in nuclear proliferation and criticised Dr Khan for making allegations against a woman who could not defend herself.

A government statement said the matter had been investigated thoroughly.

"It had been clearly established that the proliferation activity was an individual act, and did not carry authorisation of any Pakistani Government, at any stage," it said

Do our Indian friends really really really think that the US is behind India's bid to become a member of the Group?

The US is supportive only because it knows that China will not allow India into the org before Pakistan is also admitted.

Don't be fooled by the Americans.
Do our Indian friends really really really think that the US is behind India's bid to become a member of the Group?

The US is supportive only because it knows that China will not allow India into the org before Pakistan is alsomitted.

Don't be fooled by the Americans.

Do you think India would have been here without US' support?

US is the big boss. When the big boss talks people listen.

China would complain and extract some concessions but it is not going to veto.
Do our Indian friends really really really think that the US is behind India's bid to become a member of the Group?

The US is supportive only because it knows that China will not allow India into the org before Pakistan is also admitted.

Don't be fooled by the Americans.
If this incident cant tell who is real friend of India, but surely this incident tell us who is real enemy of India.
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