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Most likely no NSG membership today

There was news yesterday that South Korea, Russia and one another country has assured Pakistan of their support for NSG. Let me see if i can find a link to that.

Pakistan steps up efforts to join NSG

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has intensified efforts to secure the membership of Nuclear Suppliers Group, a 34-nation body concerned with reducing nuclear proliferation by controlling the export and re-transfer of materials that may be applicable to nuclear weapon development and by improving safeguards and protection on existing material.

he Ministry of Foreign Affairs arranged a briefing session for the diplomats based in Islamabad for mobilizing support for Pakistan’s membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG).

As part of the ongoing diplomatic efforts, the envoys from NSG countries were urged to adopt objective and non-discriminatory criteria for the membership of non-NPT states.

Additional Foreign Secretary (United Nations and Economic Coordination) Ambassador Tasnim Aslam in her briefing cautioned against any country’s specific exemptions, which she said would negatively impact strategic stability in South Asia.

The Additional Secretary highlighted the factors which placed Pakistan’s application for NSG membership on solid grounds, including Pakistan’s technical experience, capability and well-established commitment to non-proliferation and nuclear safety and security.

The briefing was attended by a large number of ambassadors and other senior-level representatives.
“Pakistan has met all the conditions required to apply for the membership of Nuclear Suppliers Group,” she said.

Separately, Adviser to Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz called the foreign ministers of

Russia, South Korea and New Zealand and sought their support for Pakistan’s entry into the NSG group.
Sources say that the foreign ministers assured their support to Pakistan in this regard. – SAMAA


There are a lot of place where caste is absolutely necessary, like applying for certificates or govt jobs. I know all about your stupid religion and your country. Why aren't you telling your caste? Why are you so ashamed of your caste?? :( Caste is a good thing. It separates you from the untouchables. Tell me your caste!!

Stop bringing religion to everything, rated negative....
I'm afraid Modi is busy burning money as jet fuel for his pleasure trips across the world every month to care about the welfare of this people.
You pakistani people should care more about your noora miya's money burning rather than what modi does with INDIAN TAX PAYERS money ...........

We all who is doing what at london
Only someone who is blind, or is the same religion as Modi can defend him.
What is your caste?
Why would caste is needed to defend modi ???
I know all about your stupid religion

Is your religion is stupid one ?...
Keep religion and caste away from discussion and focus on topic....... @GURU DUTT Ignore the troll post and move on
I'm not bringing religion, I'm just saying what is going on in your country. All I'm asking is your caste. What is your caste?
Who are you to decide a religion is stupid or not???? and What is that you gonna do with my caste???? By the way my caste is well known in this forum....

By the way i have no issue in discussing what goes on in my country
You pakistani people should care more about your noora miya's money burning rather than what modi does with INDIAN TAX PAYERS money ...........

We all who is doing what at london

Why would caste is needed to defend modi ???

Is your religion is stupid one ?...
Well if he is the same caste, then those caste people will defend his more than other castes. Castes are so wonderful.

so you are doint this trolling on purpose after you were unable to talk on facts so to save from further embarresment you started trolling about caste and religion so the thread gets derailed and locked ... how convinient

@WebMaster @waz @Irfan Baloch @Horus

Please take care here
I'm not trolling man. I'm just saying what is going on in your country.
You are the one who is scared of not telling me your caste. Why? :( I still cant find your private message with your caste in it. Please send it. :(
That's okay yaar. Everyone has to make money. Poor scientist has a family to feed. People need to be considerate.:D
Tomorrow if the nuclear bomb is stolen you will say OK yaar,he is terrorist it his job.:(.He has target to achieve.

However i am optimistic that India will entry into NSG.
So talking about castes makes me a terrorist? Does this mean all Indians are terrorists? :(
You seem like a cool guy, what is your caste?

Unfortunately Islam doesnt have castes/sects as one of its doctrines you see. Those are invented by racial and geographical leaders. But Hinduism has castes built into its very structure, which is a wonderful thing. No other religion in the world has this. You should be proud!!

What? You want to laugh at the untouchables and other lower castes outside the temples? That's so Hindu! Way to go, spoken like a true Brahmin!

Why only IM? You are ashamed to talk publicly of your caste? :(
Dear Riaz.

My message was to someone else and not for you.You have wrongly quoted me.

I think you are in very hurry to reply all the message,i believe your purpose is to derail the thread.

Please take care of yourself.
Not Pakistan, just a rouge scientist. Pakistan has learned for its mistakes, and according to international NGOs has a better control regime than India does.

This is nothing more than cherry picking.

As long as Pakistan doesn't get it, India will not either.
A para of American report
"proliferation by air routes from North Korea to Pakistan. It is believed that Pakistan, in
the late 1990s or later, used C-130 transport aircraft to transport centrifugal separator-related
parts to North Korea. And in July 2002, a C-130 transport aircraft belonging to the Pakistan Air
Force apparently flew to North Korea, transporting missile-related parts.76
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Dear ravi, thank you clearing that up. :D
What is your caste ravi?
My caste and religion is INDIAN.

But i doubt you are Pakistani staying abroad.

Have seen many sane Pakistani, including some very close friend of me.
As for the Westinghouse nuclear reactors, NSG is inconsequential because India is covered with 1-2-3 agreement with the US. So no NSG also means US reactors for India
I meant India should not go for US reactors until US gets India membership. No benefit for us no business for them in short no free lunches.

Opposing countries other than china who have grudge against India are nothing but sore losers.
There was news yesterday that South Korea, Russia and one another country has assured Pakistan of their support for NSG. Let me see if i can find a link to that.

Pakistan steps up efforts to join NSG

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has intensified efforts to secure the membership of Nuclear Suppliers Group, a 34-nation body concerned with reducing nuclear proliferation by controlling the export and re-transfer of materials that may be applicable to nuclear weapon development and by improving safeguards and protection on existing material.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs arranged a briefing session for the diplomats based in Islamabad for mobilizing support for Pakistan’s membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG).

As part of the ongoing diplomatic efforts, the envoys from NSG countries were urged to adopt objective and non-discriminatory criteria for the membership of non-NPT states.

Additional Foreign Secretary (United Nations and Economic Coordination) Ambassador Tasnim Aslam in her briefing cautioned against any country’s specific exemptions, which she said would negatively impact strategic stability in South Asia.

The Additional Secretary highlighted the factors which placed Pakistan’s application for NSG membership on solid grounds, including Pakistan’s technical experience, capability and well-established commitment to non-proliferation and nuclear safety and security.

The briefing was attended by a large number of ambassadors and other senior-level representatives.
“Pakistan has met all the conditions required to apply for the membership of Nuclear Suppliers Group,” she said.

Separately, Adviser to Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz called the foreign ministers of

Russia, South Korea and New Zealand and sought their support for Pakistan’s entry into the NSG group.
Sources say that the foreign ministers assured their support to Pakistan in this regard. – SAMAA

Apart from China no ones supports Pakistan's case. South Korea, Russia and South Africa didn't supported you, you misread the news, your country asked for support from them. Today Aziz was asking for US support. Cheers!!
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