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Most Indians feel infidelity not a sin, survey shows

acha phone pe puchte hain :o:.......hum to unknown no se phone uthate hi nahin darr lagta hai ki company wale na ho :D :lol:
to kya gher gher a ker pochty hain ?:lol: may be they called you per tum ne samjha koi qarzy sala ho ga :P
to kya gher gher a ker pochty hain ?:lol: may be they called you per tum ne samjha koi qarzy sala ho ga :P
hahaha!!! no wese seriousl i think they donnot call as people dont respond to suck calls they do a survey by contacting a group of people from company or something..
Not everything ancient is golden. Perhaps @Trawllu wants us to re-practice sati system since it was also a part of ancient India. Ancient India too like modern India went through phases of atheism and experimentation with exotic and erotic. Could also be one of the reasons it weakened India and made it susceptible to invasions.

come on sati system was never a part of the culture


there was something called SWAYAMWAR

where the girl had the choice to choose the husband

today we have so called love marriges - essentially the word or choice of the girl in chosing her life partner matters

in many ways we are becoming MODERN or also adopting the Ancient ways or we can say ancient indians were more MODERN

come on sati system was never a part of the culture


there was something called SWAYAMWAR

where the girl had the choice to choose the husband

today we have so called love marriges - essentially the word or choice of the girl in chosing her life partner matters

in many ways we are becoming MODERN or also adopting the Ancient ways or we can say ancient indians were more MODERN


I know about swayamwar. I am not against "love" marriages. You cannot equate freedom to choose with freedom to betray. Betrayal was not part of culture. We are talking about infidelity here.
A culture which celebrates and places premium on betrayals, backstabbing, and lack of integrity is a culture leading the society to its destruction.

I totally agree with you. A service that promotes and encourages such behaviour must be banned. May be this survey was concocted to promote this company's product - infidelity.
I totally agree with you. A service that promotes and encourages such behaviour must be banned. May be this survey was concocted to promote this company's product - infidelity.

It is a culture which the liberals and the seculars were trying to promote in this country. TOI is their flagship for such exercises.
Infidelity is soul destroying, and I know full well the damage it does, and this is from White liberal households. The damage to Asian communities is far worse, with extended families torn apart, children left in the lurch, long time unions finished in a wink of an eye and so on.

The bottom line is you can't make anything a success, without the core element of trust. Infidelity is the polar opposite to trust.
A culture which celebrates and places premium on betrayals, backstabbing, and lack of integrity is a culture leading the society to its destruction.
& this has been promoted without any hindrance! If you try to question such opinions you are being conservative & taking away the democratic rights such as freedom of speech & expression. & this works only one way. Try to utter conservative culture... all hell will break lose & conservative thinking class has no right or recourse to freedom of speech or expression in democratic India! It's all one way traffic. We have seen in enough occasions how media & civil society go hammer & tongs if someone tries to advocate something which slightly out of date. There is no space for any debate or arguments..& voices which doesn't reflect liberal or modern mindset has no right or freedom to justify their views!
Can confirm. Arab girls are the wildest in bed. Don't see why that would change once married.
there is a reason why they say ,Egyptians, Moroccan & Lebanese pastries !
They were simply in a relationship although my friend was going to propose her,so yeah she seemed to make her choice but the problem is that she could have done that after breaking off with my friend.Instead she carried on both relationships simultaneously for quite a long time.You know the funniest thing is that,her present boyfriend also don't know about her stint with my friend and my friend being a good man chose not to expose her in front of that guy.

But mate think of the person who gets betrayed by this type of infidelity.He/she gets punished for someone else's crime.Now thing can happen to anybody including us at any time(although i am lucky i haven't experienced one until now),it's basically a crime.You are playing with the sentiment of some innocent person who loves you,this is simply unacceptable as far as i am concerned:rolleyes:.

I understand bro, been there myself , & learned my lessons the hard way , that's why I decided never again will I let my heart fall in the wrong hand

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