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Most Americans see Pakistan as enemy

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So they were born with the knowledge of how to fire different weapons, dismantle & clean the guns, assemble IEDs ?

No, they were trained to do that by Pakistan. They were indoctrinated to sacrifice their lives by Saudi Madrassahs though through Salafi ideology, & that's what made them the Mujahideen.

And the idealogy automatically flowed in from Saudi Arabia and went into the heads of the Pakistani & Afghan fighters directly ?

No, Saudis like Osama bin Laden, who was in the favor of the US those days along with other Arab fighters, came to Pakistan as well, & got the local people indoctrinated with Salafi ideology.
Dont know about world, but in UK americans are considered simpletons but good hearted. America is considered a land of milk and honey in UK even now.
In India, america is increasingly seen positive(except the communists who dont like anything from west) from 1990 onwards(barring the sanction period)

When you said world, you meant pakistan I guess.

are they not indian who barked and bash at amrikan every time when we get any thing from usa , are u drunk or realy you indian have had changed your bapo ( russia to amrika )
No, they were trained to do that by Pakistan. They were indoctrinated to sacrifice their lives by Saudi Madrassahs though through Salafi ideology, & that's what made them the Mujahideen.

I was asking about the 'gun firing', 'dismantling & cleaning the guns', 'assembling IEDs', 'organizing ambushes' part. Or was that also done by the evil Salafists ?

No, Saudis like Osama bin Laden, who was in the favor of the US those days along with other Arab fighters, came to Pakistan as well, & got the local people indoctrinated with Salafi ideology.

Wrong. Some were Saudi/Egyptian. Most were Pakistani/Afghan mullahs.

Also will it come as a shock to you that the most famous Mujaheddin - Ahmad Shah Massoud rejected the Salafi idealogy which you so rabidly claim 'created' the Mujaheddin ?
I was asking about the 'gun firing', 'dismantling & cleaning the guns', 'assembling IEDs', 'organizing ambushes' part. Or was that also done by the evil Salafists ?

That was the training part. Indoctrinating them by Salafism to lay down their lives for that cause made them the Mujahideen.

Wrong. Some were Saudi/Egyptian.

What don't you understand in this sentence?
Saudis like Osama bin Laden, who was in the favor of the US those days along with other Arab fighters

Did I say anywhere that all the fighters were Saudi?

Most were Pakistani/Afghan mullahs.

Salafism is foreign to the land of Pakistan & South Asia. Pakistan has Barelvism & Deobandism. There is a hell lot of difference between the Deobandi school of thought, & the Salafi school of thought. I can explain it to you from a theological point of view as well, as well as a historical point of view. Read up who Abdul Wahab was if you want to understand the origins of Salafism, & how it is foreign to Pakistan & the land of Pakistan. The Afghan/Pakistani mullahs were indoctrinated by Salafism, in Madrassahs that indoctrinated people with Salafism.
The important point to note in the thread above is that “the relationship between the United States and Pakistan had been up and down over the past years”. Given the current circumstances, one could certainly understand the unfavorable results that are deriving from people’s reactions. With that said, let’s not forget that during the recent past, our cooperation has led to the capturing or killing of some of the top terrorist leaders, who posed a threat to both of our nations. The US military fully understands the importance of its relationship with the Pakistani military and has always signified Pakistan’s role in winning the WOT, while appreciating all of its efforts and sacrifices. This latest “tragic incident” has once again forced a crack in our relationship and deepened the doubt among many over the viability of our alliance. The current situation cautions us to take into account the complexities associated with this WOT and reminds us that past events have similarly made the US question our alliance in the heat of the moment. As the anger, understandably red-hot now, inevitably cools, the importance of eliminating the common threat for the sake of keeping our nations safer must prevail. We have had our share of ups and down in this WOT, but no two other nations could understand each other’s sacrifices better. At the moment, our spirits might be down and our emotions may be running high, but rest assured that our common enemies will not provide us with an opportunity to regroup, as evident by the ongoing suicidal attacks throughout Pakistan. We hope that our nations will once again place the safety of our nations above all and press on together with the mission of eliminating terrorism from the region.

MAJ Nevers,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

Oh! Sir, shold not be so naive that U don't know what is the ruling elite doing in ure country. The globalists want to capture the whole world by hook or by crook . They created terrorists and secretly sending and funding them on the ideology of different religions and mostly as Islamists. They also planning planning false flag Nuklear attack on US soil so that they can blame on Pakistan or the Pakistani soil....U sholdn't be so naive if U don't know all these things...These Globalists or neocon/zionist US/European ruling eite is planning to reduce the worlds population by 90%. We all common pplz come into that population. cuz we don't belong to that ruling elite circles. We work hard to live our lives like labors. Some ppl are illeterate labors and some are educated/technical labors...Sir! U need to be vigilant and watch over ure evil ruling elite who is planning against the humanity. Many many America pplz are exposing their evil agendas....After all we all are humans and we care for humans sholdn't get decieved by these evil minded warmongorer evil elite there or in Europe cuz they all are the pplz of Anti-Christ.I have request for U , if in U ever get a chance plz do save the innocent humans from these evils.Create a free world for everybody, all races or religions...I hope U got my point....and I didn't waste ure time.....:)

Oh! Sir, shold not be so naive that U don't know what is the ruling elite doing in ure country. The globalists want to capture the whole world by hook or by crook . They created terrorists and secretly sending and funding them on the ideology of different religions and mostly as Islamists. They also planning planning false flag Nuklear attack on US soil so that they can blame on Pakistan or the Pakistani soil....U sholdn't be so naive if U don't know all these things...These Globalists or neocon/zionist US/European ruling eite is planning to reduce the worlds population by 90%. We all common pplz come into that population. cuz we don't belong to that ruling elite circles. We work hard to live our lives like labors. Some ppl are illeterate labors and some are educated/technical labors...Sir! U need to be vigilant and watch over ure evil ruling elite who is planning against the humanity. Many many America pplz are exposing their evil agendas....After all we all are humans and we care for humans sholdn't get decieved by these evil minded warmongorer evil elite there or in Europe cuz they all are the pplz of Anti-Christ.I have request for U , if in U ever get a chance plz do save the innocent humans from these evils.Create a free world for everybody, all races or religions...I hope U got my point....and I didn't waste ure time.....:)

regular...u r a funny guy...I totally dis-agree with your posts but I still like reading them :)
This survey is BS. It suppose to be 100% of the people who were surveyed that claimed Pakistan is the enemy not only half. This was rigged. It be like saying only 50% Pakistanis considered America as an enemy and we all know its a lie.
This survey is BS. It suppose to be 100% of the people who were surveyed that claimed Pakistan is the enemy not only half. This was rigged. It be like saying only 50% Pakistanis considered America as an enemy and we all know its a lie.

Like we give a tuck! 99.99% Pakistanis hate usa thts for sure!
I wonder what Pakistanis think of Americans after they murdered our troops. Herp Derp.
I wonder what Pakistanis think of Americans after they murdered our troops. Herp Derp.

You already murdered one of ours before unless you forgot? No outrage there eh?
Like we give a tuck! 99.99% Pakistanis hate usa thts for sure!

No no 99.99 is not enough because you multiply to the population of Pakistan .01 is still many. If the American population needs to hate Pakistan it has to be more than 50%. 50% of more than 300 million is too low.

---------- Post added at 06:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:10 AM ----------

You must be smokin some bad a... afghan kush!

Umm okay do some research before you accuse me of lying. Otherwise you'll just look really dumb if you have never heard of the ambush of U.S. and Afghan force that came to Pakistan for a meeting and were ambushed by the Pakistani forces.
Umm okay do some research before you accuse me of lying. Otherwise you'll just look really dumb if you have never heard of the ambush of U.S. and Afghan force that came to Pakistan for a meeting and were ambushed by the Pakistani forces.

I haven't heard of this incident oldman. Can you post some links so that I read about the issue?
pretty certain they still see you as the enemy...

maybe if u guys were more serious (and competent?) in tackling the issue of terrorism things would change...

until then, i wouldnt expect much sympathy from anyone..im just saying...

Pakistan has contributed more to the fight against terror than any other country. Prove me wrong.
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