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Mossad Killed 6 Own Officers for Links with Iran

Omg hundreds of thousands of shekels of gifts are bribes you silly goof, states of heads of democratically elected officials, his wife his reviled by all right and left, and again supposedly most guarded man in iran but isn’t protected at the same time, that’s Forbes magazine not the New Yorker, Forbes sometimes veers into make believe news or they just copy paste from other organizations. But you can debate the terminator with the other guy getting ready for my second job
Tell me, if they are, and if it happened, why isn't Netanyahu in jail? If it's so clear and obvious?

Read it lol, you'll know better
Tell me, if they are, and if it happened, why isn't Netanyahu in jail? If it's so clear and obvious?

Read it lol, you'll know better
Smh 🤦 honestly the only thing I regret I’m arguing with another silly goof, you make number 3, one his trial is ongoing Israeli trials especially politicians is protracted like hell, unless your Palestinian which you stay in jail without trial freed 3 to 5 years and never actually see the day of court and if you do go to trial your found guilty no matter if you are or aren’t guilty, so why is Netanyahu in jail currently, 1 trial is still going, and if he gets re-elected again change the law like he wanted several years ago, because he was so worried he was innocent that he wanted to change the law so he had immunity.

@Beny Karachun also just for reference how long it takes to for an Israeli politician to go to jail ehud Olmert bribery investigation started 2008 he went to jail 2014, again he wasn’t even as dirty as bibi. Ok Beny going to work
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EHRAN (Tasnim) – Mossad, the intelligence agency of the Zionist regime, has eliminated at least six senior officers at its Iran desk after the Iranian Intelligence Ministry thwarted an act of sabotage at an industrial center in the central city of Isfahan.​

The Iranian Intelligence Ministry forces have detected a complicated security operation for an act of sabotage that Mossad was planning at an industrial center in Isfahan, arresting all operational elements involved in the plot.
Thereafter, Mossad discharged the head of its Iran desk and killed, with various methods, at least six senior officers working at the desk on a charge of links with Iranian intelligence forces.

Tomer Eikes, Ayalon Shapira, Sharon Small, Shaili Westland, Ofek Aharon, and Itamar Elhara were the six ranking officers who have been killed by Mossad during an interrogation process on a charge of links with Iran’s security service. The Zionist regime has confirmed the deaths of those six persons.


According to the report, apart from these six officers, a number of other officers have also been eliminated by the counter-espionage department of Mossad in various ways, such as through car accidents. The exact number and the fate of the victims remain unknown.

Mossad claims that ‘Sharon Small’, 42, and 21-year-old ‘Shaili Westland’ have had a stroke (after having a fall), alleging that ‘Ofek Aharon’, 26, and ‘Itamar Elharar’, 28, have been shot dead in a clash.




Mossad considered the exposure of its complicated act of sabotage as a big defeat and scandal, so it was forced to eliminate all officers in order to fix the breach of security and links with the Iranian security service in an attempt to protect other persons and their connections.

Considering Iran’s full dominance over Mossad’s activities in the West and Southeast Asia, it is not clear whether or not the recent thwarting of Mossad’s operation in Malaysia and the arrest of all of its agents in that country had taken place as part of cooperation between the intelligence services of Malaysia and Iran.

An informed security source has confirmed Tasnim’s report, saying, “Mossad could never imagine that the counter-espionage service of Iran’s security organization had been informed of their moves for the act of sabotage in Isfahan since the operation was being planned, and had maintained such (intelligence) dominance from when the plot was created until the arrest of the operational forces.

They (Mossad) have even discharged the head of Iran desk to prevent the infiltration by the anonymous soldiers of Imam Zaman (AS) (Iranian Intelligence Ministry forces), but the dominance of the anonymous soldiers of Imam Zaman (AS) is beyond their (Mossad’s) control over their forces.”

The source also pointed to Mossad’s leading role in the riots in Iran, adding, “Mossad has direct responsibility amid the recent riots (in Iran) and thinks that it can pursue its sabotage activities through a number of nuisance raid operations and in cooperation with the regional (espionage) services by provoking the artists and athletes indirectly. However, one can definitely say that all measures and plots of the Mossad’s officers are being controlled and dominated by the anonymous soldiers of Imam Zaman (AS), as blows have been dealt to some of those activities while some others will receive blows in due time.”


Mossad had recruited few agents from Komala terrorist organization in northern Iraq and had trained them for several months to arrange a massive explosion in the production line of Iran's aircraft manufacturing company during work hours. the plan was to kill as many Iranian engineers and scientists as possible to practically close the production line forever.

After success of Iran's intelligence ministry in thwarting their plot in Isfahan, the entire staff of Iran desk in Mossad were replaced, the the head of Iran's desk plus the Head of Mossad David Barnea who had even met these terrorists personally to increase their morale were discharged and replaced with two women (afraid of their men!)

The following magnificent documentary contains details of the failed Mossad operation in Iran, their equipment, training and places:
فیلم| جزییات عملیات بزرگ دستگیری خرابکاران در ایران و زلزله در موساد | خبرگزاری فارس

I truly believe that Mossad is the best agency in the world.

They are having a very rich history.
Smh 🤦 honestly the only thing I regret I’m arguing with another silly goof, you make number 3, one his trial is ongoing Israeli trials especially politicians is protracted like hell, unless your Palestinian which you stay in jail without trial freed 3 to 5 years and never actually see the day of court and if you do go to trial your found guilty no matter if you are or aren’t guilty, so why is Netanyahu in jail currently, 1 trial is still going, and if he gets re-elected again change the law like he wanted several years ago, because he was so worried he was innocent that he wanted to change the law so he had immunity.

@Beny Karachun also just for reference how long it takes to for an Israeli politician to go to jail ehud Olmert bribery investigation started 2008 he went to jail 2014, again he wasn’t even as dirty as bibi. Ok Beny going to work
That's wrong lol, the investigations prior to 2012 were all dismissed. In 2012 Hollyland case started, and in 2014 he got jailed.

There is absolutely 0 proof Netanyahu is corrupt, it is merely an attempt to stop him from getting elected, people are innocent until proven otherwise, but the leftists are leading 0 brain celled people with no self thinking capability to think he is already guilty even though he isn't, allegations can be made against anyone, same thing happened with Trump.
That's wrong lol, the investigations prior to 2012 were all dismissed. In 2012 Hollyland case started, and in 2014 he got jailed.

There is absolutely 0 proof Netanyahu is corrupt, it is merely an attempt to stop him from getting elected, people are innocent until proven otherwise, but the leftists are leading 0 brain celled people with no self thinking capability to think he is already guilty even though he isn't, allegations can be made against anyone, same thing happened with Trump.
Okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy little buddy,you definitely ona different level, I always hate starting a conversation with people who might be delusional, and trust me your the number 3, but dude you sprinkle a little fact with a whole lot of delusional.
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Next Intifada, the Palestinian problem will be dealt with.
you guys tell that each year

A nuclear physicist by profession, one of the most heavily guarded men in Iran, and you want me to believe he stopped working on the nuclear program? He was the head of this program, stop believing the nonsense Iran spews, they also claim Iran's nuclear program isn't a military one.
what was his security detail at the assassination time ?
Okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy little buddy,you definitely ona different level, I always hate starting a conversation with people who might be delusional, and trust me your the number 3, but dude you sprinkle a little fact with a whole lot of delusional.
So over half of Israel that like Netanyahu and don't believe he is corrupt are delusional and only you are not because Netanyahu not being corrupt doesn't fit your agenda lol

you guys tell that each year

what was his security detail at the assassination time ?
Hard to tell since Iran says he had an armored car while clearly he didn't, Iran said he had guards but no guard cars were seen around him in the limited pictures that gotten out, Iran first claimed he was killed by gunmen in motorcycles and that a few of the perpetrators were killed but then changed versions to the remote controlled weapon station theory, if anyone is not reliable it's Iran.

All in all, one of the most important men in Iran got assassinated in Iran's calital in broad daylight.
So over half of Israel that like Netanyahu and don't believe he is corrupt are delusional and only you are not because Netanyahu not being corrupt doesn't fit your agenda lol

Hard to tell since Iran says he had an armored car while clearly he didn't, Iran said he had guards but no guard cars were seen around him in the limited pictures that gotten out, Iran first claimed he was killed by gunmen in motorcycles and that a few of the perpetrators were killed but then changed versions to the remote controlled weapon station theory, if anyone is not reliable it's Iran.

All in all, one of the most important men in Iran got assassinated in Iran's calital in broad daylight.
Yes I truly believe those people are delusional like Trump supporters, so yes I believe you are delusional, parrot will be repeat the same lines his master says does that mean that parrot is more than intelligent enough to repeat a script he hears over and over again, I don’t agree or disagree with what the American government says, I find out what the truth is myself, I definitely don’t agree with the current Palestinian leadership says because 90% are corrupt, I don’t listen to what the Iranian government, I listen to thing in the back of my head called a conscience.
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Yes I truly believe those people are delusional like Trump supporters, so yes I believe you are delusional.
Ah yes, the average "the one that does not believe my subjective point of view on things is delusional" person
I definitely don’t agree with the current Palestinian leadership says because 90% are corrupt, I don’t listen to what the Iranian government, I listen to thing in the back of my head called a conscience.
Okay so you don't believe what Iran says, don't believe what the Palestinians say, that's good enough for me, I really don't care what people that can't vote have to say about Netanyahu. I don't even vote for him lol, I just know he's not corrupt, he doesn't need to be either, he is rich as hell. It's all a scheme to stop his 12 years of leadership.
But you
Ah yes, the average "the one that does not believe my subjective point of view on things is delusional" person
But you are, your own law enforcement believes Netanyahu is corrupt, Im sorry they’re corrupt and out to get Netanyahu because he’s the peoples people, drinking expensive wine, cigars and eating dinners but I forgot all of those gifts, instead of fighting rising housing costs an average citizen of your state can’t afford, but I’m sure that bottle of wine and Kobe steak helps to ease his conscience.

Okay so you don't believe what Iran says, don't believe what the Palestinians say, that's good enough for me, I really don't care what people that can't vote have to say about Netanyahu. I don't even vote for him lol, I just know he's not corrupt, he doesn't need to be either, he is rich as hell. It's all a scheme to stop his 12 years of leadership.
No silly goof I actually believe what the people say, leadership will lie all the time, they tell you whatever you want to hear to stay in power.
But you

But you are, your own law enforcement believes Netanyahu is corrupt, Im sorry they’re corrupt and out to get Netanyahu because he’s the peoples people, drinking expensive wine, cigars and eating dinners but I forgot all of those gifts, instead of fighting rising housing costs an average citizen of your state can’t afford, but I’m sure that bottle of wine and Kobe steak helps to ease his conscience.
A rich person that's also the prime minister of a rather wealthy country,ex commander in one of the best special forces units in the world, has two SB and SM degrees in MIT, could call any president whenever he wants on dial up, deserves to drink wine, eat expensive beef and smoke expensive cigars.

Say what you want about Israel's housing prices, they are high because people got a lot of money and began buying houses faster than they could be built. Netanyahu made Israel a free market economy in 2000, opened it to foreign investments, the whole high tech sector is purely thanks to Netanyahu.

The only solution to the housing prices is to build massive amounts of apartments. Israel's growth rate is way higher than Western nations, combined with huge amount of immigrants, it's natural to have housing prices problems.

Liberman, one of Netanyahu's opposers, today's minister of economy, is responsible for the highest price increases in every sector in Israel's history. And don't blame Russia or COVID, those are excuses.
So over half of Israel that like Netanyahu and don't believe he is corrupt are delusional and only you are not because Netanyahu not being corrupt doesn't fit your agenda lol

Hard to tell since Iran says he had an armored car while clearly he didn't, Iran said he had guards but no guard cars were seen around him in the limited pictures that gotten out, Iran first claimed he was killed by gunmen in motorcycles and that a few of the perpetrators were killed but then changed versions to the remote controlled weapon station theory, if anyone is not reliable it's Iran.

All in all, one of the most important men in Iran got assassinated in Iran's calital in broad daylight.
not hard a Peugeot was his car and his security was the driver . and he was outside the car at the time of assassination
so goes your theory of the most protected person in Iran
No silly goof I actually believe what the people say, leadership will lie all the time, they tell you whatever you want to hear to stay in power.
The words of the people of Iran or the words of the Palestinians don't matter in Iran, the PA or Hamas.

They tell me what I want to hear to stay in power, yes, those are politicians, they do what the people want them to do, unlike in Iran or in the Palestinian territories
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