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Moroccans killed in Mali: Ridiculous Accusations against Algeria


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Moroccans killed in Mali: Ridiculous Accusations against Algeria

Politics By: Redaction Sep 13, 2021 at 5:09 PM

Nth Moroccan campaign against Algeria. This time, it is the assassination of two Moroccan nationals in Mali by a terrorist group which is taken as a pretext to attack the neighboring country.

The attack took place on Saturday September 11 on a highway 300 kilometers from Bamako. Three Moroccan truck drivers were ambushed. Two lost their lives and one was injured.

For the world press and the Malian authorities, this is a terrorist act as Mali has experienced regularly in recent years. But media close to the Palace and parts of Morocco did not miss the opportunity to accuse Algeria.

This is the case of the president of the Moroccan Transport Federation (FNT), Abdelilah Hifdi, who believes that this attack is directly linked) to Algeria’s decision to sever diplomatic relations with Morocco. The break was announced on August 24 by Algerian Foreign Minister Ramtane Lamamra following a series of "hostile acts" and "provocations" by Morocco.

Moroccan accusations against Algeria and the Polisario
Hifdi goes so far as to directly accuse Algeria. "I accuse Algeria and its puppet the Polisario of being responsible for this cowardly and heinous terrorist attack targeting Moroccan truck drivers," he said in comments reported by Le360.

His argument is of course far-fetched. He firstly underlines that the attack occurs less than a year after the events of Guerguerat, the buffer zone of Western Sahara where the Moroccan army repressed in November of last year Sahrawi demonstrators, causing the breaking of the ceasefire. -the fire between Morocco and the SADR, in force since 1991. He goes on to indicate that after what happened in Guerguerat, what he calls “the coupeurs de routes” only remains the Mali, "a country with a vast surface, confronted with problems of insecurity in certain regions, and especially in the north".

According to him, the sponsors of the attack "are thus trying to intimidate Moroccan carriers and push them to give up serving sub-Saharan Africa, at a time when the African Continental Free Trade Area is being set up. "And want" to break the momentum of intra-African trade, translated into daily reality by a strong presence of Moroccan carriers ".

"Gross campaign of disinformation"
A biased analysis and crude accusations reminiscent of those that followed the 1994 attack on Marrakech, which were themselves made by the official Moroccan authorities. These had imposed the visa on Algerians and Algiers retorted by closing the border between the two countries.

In a statement to TSA, an Algerian diplomatic source familiar with the matter ruled that such remarks "do not deserve to be dwelled on". “The crude campaign of disinformation carried out by the Moroccan services through certain cabbage leaves and other auxiliary sites such as 360.ma is sewn with white thread. These stupid and unfounded accusations are irrelevant and not worth dwelling on, ”she said.
Nice... Now the Israeli and French and arm both then false flag both through their Boko Haram proxies...

And enjoy more Arabs killing Arabs..
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