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More Than Half of Police Killings Are Mislabeled, New Study Says

Nan Yang

May 1, 2010
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More Than Half of Police Killings Are Mislabeled, New Study Says
Researchers comparing information from death certificates with data from organizations that track police killings in the United States identified a startling discrepancy.

Researchers estimated that nearly 31,000 Americans were killed by the police over a four-decade period.

Researchers estimated that nearly 31,000 Americans were killed by the police over a four-decade period.
Credit...Caroline Yang for The New York Times

By Tim Arango and Shaila Dewan
Sept. 30, 2021Updated 6:55 p.m. ET

Police killings in America have been undercounted by more than half over the past four decades, according to a new study that raises pointed questions about racial bias among medical examiners and highlights the lack of reliable national record keeping on what has become a major public health and civil rights issue.

The study, conducted by researchers at the University of Washington and published on Thursday in The Lancet, a major British medical journal, amounts to one of the most comprehensive looks at the scope of police violence in America, and the disproportionate impact on Black people.

Researchers compared information from a federal database known as the National Vital Statistics System, which collects death certificates, with recent data from three organizations that track police killings through news reports and public records requests. When extrapolating and modeling that data back decades, they identified a startling discrepancy: About 55 percent of fatal encounters with the police between 1980 and 2018 were listed as another cause of death.

The findings reflect both the contentious role of medical examiners and coroners in obscuring the real extent of police violence, and the lack of centralized national data on an issue that has caused enormous upheaval. Private nonprofits and journalists have filled the gap by mining news reports and social media.

Police officers arrested demonstrators during a protest against the police killing of Andrew Brown Jr. in Elizabeth City, N.C.

Police officers arrested demonstrators during a protest against the police killing of Andrew Brown Jr. in Elizabeth City, N.C.Credit...Amr Alfiky/The New York Times

“I think the big takeaway is that most people in public health tend to take vital statistics for the U.S. and other countries as the absolute truth, and it turns out, as we show, the vital statistics are missing more than half of the police violence deaths,” said Dr. Christopher Murray, the director of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington, which conducted the study.

He continued: “You have to look for why those deaths that are being picked up by the open-source investigations, looking in the media and elsewhere, aren’t showing up in the official statistics. That does point to the system of medical examiners and the incentives that may exist for them to want to not classify a death as related to police violence.”

Researchers estimated that over the time period they studied, which roughly tracks the era of the war on drugs and the rise of mass incarceration, nearly 31,000 Americans were killed by the police, with more than 17,000 of them going unaccounted for in the official statistics. The study also documented a stark racial gap: Black Americans were 3.5 times as likely to be killed by the police as white Americans were. Data on Asian Americans was not included in the study, but Latinos and Native Americans also suffered higher rates of fatal police violence than white people.

The annual number of deaths in police custody has generally gone upward since 1980, even as crime — notwithstanding a rise in homicides last year amid the dislocations of the coronavirus pandemic — has declined from its peak in the early 1990s.

The states with the highest rates of police killings were Oklahoma, Arizona and Alaska, as well as the District of Columbia, while the states with the lowest rates were Massachusetts, Connecticut and Minnesota, according to the study.

New Yorkers marched in honor of George Floyd, who was killed by the Minneapolis police.

New Yorkers marched in honor of George Floyd, who was killed by the Minneapolis police.Credit...Sarah Blesener for The New York Times

Researchers estimated that about 20 times as many men as women were killed by the police over the past several decades; more American men died in 2019 during police encounters than from Hodgkin lymphoma or testicular cancer.

Unexplained or violent deaths in the United States are investigated by coroners or medical examiners, who use autopsies, toxicology tests and evidence like body camera footage to determine the cause and manner of death. The death certificate does not specifically ask whether the police were involved — which may contribute to the undercount identified by the study — but many medical examiners are trained to include that information.

The system has long been criticized for fostering a cozy relationship with law enforcement — forensic pathologists regularly consult with detectives and prosecutors and in some jurisdictions they are directly employed by police agencies.

Yet pathologists have also complained on occasion that law enforcement does not provide them with all relevant information, that they have been pressured to change their opinions, or that coroners, who are usually elected and are not always required to have a medical degree, can and do overrule their findings.

The researchers found that some of the misclassified deaths occurred because medical examiners failed to mention law enforcement’s involvement on the death certificate, while others were improperly coded in the national database.

While The Lancet study did not mention specific cases, there have been recent examples where the initial findings of coroners or medical examiners downplayed or omitted the role of the police when a Black man was killed: Ronald Greene’s death in Louisiana, for instance, was attributed by the coroner to cardiac arrest and classified as accidental before video emerged of him being stunned, beaten and dragged by state troopers.

A coroner classified Ronald Greene’s death as accidental after he was stunned, beaten and dragged by Louisiana state troopers.

A coroner classified Ronald Greene’s death as accidental after he was stunned, beaten and dragged by Louisiana state troopers.Credit...Louisiana State Police, via Associated Press

In Aurora, Colo., the manner of Elijah McClain’s death was ruled undetermined after the police put him in a chokehold and paramedics injected him with ketamine, a powerful sedative. Almost two years later, three officers and two paramedics were indicted.

Even in the case of George Floyd, whose agonizing last breaths under a Minneapolis police officer’s knee were captured on bystander video, the police and the county medical examiner first pointed to drug use and underlying health conditions.

The National Association of Medical Examiners encourages the classification of deaths caused by law enforcement as homicides, in part to reduce the appearance of a cover-up (a homicide may still be deemed justified). But classification guidelines differ from office to office, and there are no national standards.

Roger Mitchell Jr., a former chief medical examiner of Washington, D.C., and an expert on investigating deaths in custody, has long said that death certificates should include a checkbox indicating whether a death occurred in custody, including arrest-related deaths as well as those in jails and prisons.

As long as medical examiners are not specifically asked to include that information, he said, he would not jump to conclusions about why they do not do so: “If it’s a function of training, a function of bias, a function of institutional and structural racism — all the things we can assume — we can identify that once we have a uniform system.”

A federal law passed in 2014 requiring law enforcement agencies to report deaths in custody has yet to produce any public data.

The paper’s top-line findings are similar to the results of a more narrow study conducted at Harvard in 2017 that examined one year — 2015 — and compared official death statistics in the United States with data on police killings compiled by The Guardian.

“It’s highlighting the persistent problem of undercounting of killings by police in official data sources, one of those being mortality data,” said Justin Feldman, a research fellow at Harvard who conducted the 2017 study and was a peer reviewer on the paper published on Thursday in The Lancet.

“This is an ongoing issue that we are still, after all these years, not doing a very good of keeping track of people killed by police,” he added.

The study lands at a time when America has grappled with one high-profile police killing of a Black man after another. But, as the study showed, there are tens of thousands of other deaths that remain in the shadows.


Gathering at George Floyd Square on the first anniversary of his death.Credit...Aaron Nesheim for The New York Times

Rulings on the cause and manner of death strongly influence whether criminal charges are brought or whether families receive a civil settlement. The death of Mr. Floyd was classified as a homicide and the death certificate cited law enforcement restraint, but the medical examiner still faced criticism after prosecutors made public his preliminary findings that underlying health conditions and drug use had contributed.

The former chief medical examiner of Maryland, Dr. David Fowler, was also criticized after he testified on behalf of the Minneapolis police officer, saying Mr. Floyd’s death was caused by several factors and was not a homicide.

After an open letter by Dr. Mitchell said that Dr. Fowler’s testimony revealed “obvious bias,” Maryland’s attorney general began a review of in-custody deaths that were handled under Dr. Fowler’s tenure.
Dr. Murray of the University of Washington said that one of the starkest findings was that racial disparities in police shootings have widened since 2000.

The trend contrasts, he said, with other health outcomes, such as heart disease, in which the racial gap has narrowed in recent years.

The study, he and other researchers said, points to the need for a centralized clearinghouse for data on police violence, as well as more scrutiny of coroners and medical examiners.

“There’s been an attempt to limit the reality of what is,” said Edwin G. Lindo, a scholar of critical race theory and professor at the University of Washington School of Medicine, who examined the findings of the study but was not involved in putting it together. “And what I would suggest is, when we don’t have good data we can’t actually make good policy decisions, and I don’t know if that’s an accident for it to be so greatly underreported.”

Tim Arango is a Los Angeles correspondent. Before moving to California, he spent seven years as Baghdad bureau chief and also reported on Turkey. He joined The Times in 2007 as a media reporter. @tarangoNYT
Shaila Dewan is a national reporter and editor covering criminal justice issues including prosecution, policing and incarceration. @shailadewan
More than half of US police killings are mislabelled or not reported, Blacks and Hispanic most victim,study finds
Review of 40 years of data shows many fatal police encounters are misclassified, most often when the victim is Black or Hispanic

Fri 1 Oct 2021 15.10 BST


An art installation in Minneapolis, Minnesota, called Say Their Names honors people who were killed by police. Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

More than half of all police-involved killings in the US go unreported with the majority of victims being Black, according to a new study published in the Lancet, a peer reviewed journal.

Research at the University of Washington School of Medicine’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation found that in the US between 1980 and 2018, more than 55% of deaths, over 17,000 in total, from police violence were either misclassified or went unreported.

The study also discovered that Black Americans are more likely than any other group to die from police violence and are 3.5 times more likely to be killed by police than white Americans.

“Recent high-profile police killings of Black people have drawn worldwide attention to this urgent public health crisis, but the magnitude of this problem can’t be fully understood without reliable data,” said Fablina Sharara, a researcher at the University of Washington School of Medicine and co-lead author of the study.

To fully understand the underreporting of police-involved killings, researchers compared data from the US National Vital Statistics System (NVSS), a government database for tracking the US population, with non-governmental, open-source databases that track police brutality including the Guardian’s two-year investigation into police violence The Counted. Open-source databases aggregate information from news reports and public record requests, capturing a wider range of fatal police-involved incidents.

“Open-sourced data is a more reliable and comprehensive resource to help inform policies that can prevent police violence and save lives,” said Sharara.

In total, the NVSS database misclassified nearly 60% of all fatal police encounters involving Black Americans. NVSS also missed approximately 50% of all police-involved deaths of Hispanic people, 56% of all police-involved deaths of non-Hispanic white people, and 33% of deaths involving non-Hispanic people across other races.

“Inaccurately reporting or misclassifying these deaths further obscures the larger issue of systemic racism that is embedded in many US institutions, including law enforcement,” Sharara said.
The paper found that men die from police violence at higher rates than women, with 30,600 police-involved deaths recorded among men and 1,420 among women between 1980 and 2019.

Researchers also noted the large conflict of interests inherent in tracking police-involved deaths. Coroners are often embedded within police departments and can be disincentivized from determining that deaths are caused by police violence.

“The same government responsible for this violence is also responsible for reporting on it,” said Sharara.

Past studies have analyzed underreporting of fatal police incidents and how Black Americans disproportionately die from police violence, but previous research was conducted over much shorter time periods.
The new study published by Lancet is the longest study period to date, though researchers acknowledged that future studies are needed to fully examine the impact of police violence in the US as data collected did not include police officers killed by civilians, police violence in US territories or abroad, and used death certificates that could not identify non-cisgender people, notably masking police violence against trans people.

Overall, an increased use of open-source data collection is needed to document and understand disparities in police brutality by race, ethnicity, and gender, the researchers said, allowing for more targeted changes to policing and public safety protocols. The authors also acknowledged that more needs to be done to combat police-involved violence.

“As a community we need to do more. Efforts to prevent police violence and address systemic racism in the USA, including body cameras that record interactions of police with civilians along with de-escalation training and implicit bias training for police officers, for example, have largely been ineffective,” said co-lead author Eve Wool.

More than half of US police killings are mislabelled or not reported, Blacks and Hispanic most victim,study finds
Review of 40 years of data shows many fatal police encounters are misclassified, most often when the victim is Black or Hispanic

Fri 1 Oct 2021 15.10 BST

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An art installation in Minneapolis, Minnesota, called Say Their Names honors people who were killed by police. Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

More than half of all police-involved killings in the US go unreported with the majority of victims being Black, according to a new study published in the Lancet, a peer reviewed journal.

Research at the University of Washington School of Medicine’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation found that in the US between 1980 and 2018, more than 55% of deaths, over 17,000 in total, from police violence were either misclassified or went unreported.

The study also discovered that Black Americans are more likely than any other group to die from police violence and are 3.5 times more likely to be killed by police than white Americans.

“Recent high-profile police killings of Black people have drawn worldwide attention to this urgent public health crisis, but the magnitude of this problem can’t be fully understood without reliable data,” said Fablina Sharara, a researcher at the University of Washington School of Medicine and co-lead author of the study.

To fully understand the underreporting of police-involved killings, researchers compared data from the US National Vital Statistics System (NVSS), a government database for tracking the US population, with non-governmental, open-source databases that track police brutality including the Guardian’s two-year investigation into police violence The Counted. Open-source databases aggregate information from news reports and public record requests, capturing a wider range of fatal police-involved incidents.

“Open-sourced data is a more reliable and comprehensive resource to help inform policies that can prevent police violence and save lives,” said Sharara.

In total, the NVSS database misclassified nearly 60% of all fatal police encounters involving Black Americans. NVSS also missed approximately 50% of all police-involved deaths of Hispanic people, 56% of all police-involved deaths of non-Hispanic white people, and 33% of deaths involving non-Hispanic people across other races.

“Inaccurately reporting or misclassifying these deaths further obscures the larger issue of systemic racism that is embedded in many US institutions, including law enforcement,” Sharara said.
The paper found that men die from police violence at higher rates than women, with 30,600 police-involved deaths recorded among men and 1,420 among women between 1980 and 2019.

Researchers also noted the large conflict of interests inherent in tracking police-involved deaths. Coroners are often embedded within police departments and can be disincentivized from determining that deaths are caused by police violence.

“The same government responsible for this violence is also responsible for reporting on it,” said Sharara.

Past studies have analyzed underreporting of fatal police incidents and how Black Americans disproportionately die from police violence, but previous research was conducted over much shorter time periods.
The new study published by Lancet is the longest study period to date, though researchers acknowledged that future studies are needed to fully examine the impact of police violence in the US as data collected did not include police officers killed by civilians, police violence in US territories or abroad, and used death certificates that could not identify non-cisgender people, notably masking police violence against trans people.

Overall, an increased use of open-source data collection is needed to document and understand disparities in police brutality by race, ethnicity, and gender, the researchers said, allowing for more targeted changes to policing and public safety protocols. The authors also acknowledged that more needs to be done to combat police-involved violence.

“As a community we need to do more. Efforts to prevent police violence and address systemic racism in the USA, including body cameras that record interactions of police with civilians along with de-escalation training and implicit bias training for police officers, for example, have largely been ineffective,” said co-lead author Eve Wool.

Do people really believe in this type of conspiracy theories and propaganda?
Do people really believe in this type of conspiracy theories and propaganda?
Don't have to jump out to defend your white master in a haste, prevalent police brutality is a fact of life in US even your master Americans admit it, and speaking of conspiracy theories and propaganda, you Indians buy those crap more readily than any peoples on this planet.
There are many things to disagree with US affairs but Police brutality is highly over estimated.
As long as you obey the law no one will disturb you, but when you run around causing trouble then expect police to confront you. And alot of time, a simple misdemeanor is turned into a felony by doing some stupid sh1t.
More than 17,000 deaths caused by police have been misclassified since 1980
October 1, 20212:51 PM ET

Deaths involving police have been greatly undercounted in the United States, and African American people die in such encounters at 3.5 times the rate of whites, according to a new analysis by public health researchers.

In an article published Thursday in the medical journal The Lancet, researchers found that deaths from police violence between 1980 and 2018 were misclassified by 55.5% in the U.S. National Vital Statistics System, which tracks information from death certificates.

"For most causes of death, the death certificate filled out by a physician is sort of the gold standard," says Chris Murray of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington, who is one of the study's authors. But he says that in this area, the certificates seem to fall short. "There is a pretty systematic underrecording of police violence deaths. "

That realization isn't entirely new. After the 2014 shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., news organizations started to keep their own tallies of police-related deaths, which turned out to be higher than the government's numbers.

What Murray and his co-authors have done, though, is measure the discrepancy between independent tallies and the government data, and project it back in time.

"We've used those relationships of what fraction get underreported to go back and infer, for example, in the 1980s, what was the likely number of police violence deaths," Murray says.

The researchers based their inferences on numbers from three open-source databases: Fatal Encounters, Mapping Police Violence and The Guardian's The Counted, which they compared with the data from the death certificates.

They calculate that the death certificates misclassified the cause of death on more than 17,000 such deaths since 1980.

"If it's legit, it's pretty cool how they can take existing data from a short time frame and work backwards," says Justin Nix, associate professor of criminology at the University of Nebraska.

But as a criminologist who studies shootings by police, Nix has reservations about the underlying data.

"My concerns with this paper are the same as many that use these crowd-sourced databases," he says. He has documented cases where the databases count, for example, domestic violence by off-duty officers as police killings.

"I'm not saying we don't need to track that in these sorts of databases, but I'm just saying that all police killings are not created equally," he says.

"I think there's definitely issues around exactly the criteria used," says the IHME's Murray. "I think that's an important question, given that we're looking at multiple sources. [But] I don't think it's really influencing the time-trend we're seeing. In other words, the numbers are going up, regardless."

The study shows the death rate in these encounters dropping in the 1980s, then generally rising again since about 2000.

The article also highlights the disparity in the mortality rate for African-Americans, which it says is 3.5 times higher than that of whites.

The article suggests the disparity is caused by "systemic racism in policing," but it doesn't specify how that happens. Specifically, it doesn't address whether police are more likely to use lethal force against African-Americans or whether nonpolicing factors lead African-Americans to have more encounters with police.

Murray says this analysis doesn't answer that.

"I don't think from a scientific point of view, we have enough information here to parse out how much of this is, you know, basic differences in where people live, what sort of disadvantage they have, versus the actual specific actions of the police," he says.

But as a public health expert, Murray says the more we know about these deaths, the easier it will be to find policy solutions.

"It's the old saw: You manage what you measure. And so we've got to do a better job of tracking in what's actually happening," he says.

There could be misclassified cases but there's no racism.
Already a thread please merge.

There isn't much research needed to understand that there are people that don't live by accountability and consequence in the US. These very same people (BLM) screams the loudest in being victims of discrimination and suppression. With same rhetoric that has been playing out to "defund the police" in consistency by this same group. As if the police have been public enemy number one in discrimination and the law abiding citizens have been doing the suppression. And with this movement being a popular trend now, the left wing party has not only ceded to them in clamoring into defunding the police, but had also adjusted criminal laws to suit them. From petty theft crimes being without a conviction that used be at $450, now not exceeding $1000 per inflation, as one law to be used as an example, further catering to their needs. Shoplifting, catalytic converter theft, home burglary and hate crimes against smaller minority group have been on rise at a magnitude never seen before resulting from these laws, but yet they claim to be the victims?

Welfare, food stamps, free housing and medicare were social programs designed to temporarily lift people out of poverty, but these very same people have used these programs to sustain themselves for a lifetime at the working middle class' expense. While slavery has taken place over 400 years ago, we have been constantly reminded of it as though it is still happening. And reparation payments are being demanded by this same group, and with some states and county that are actually paying reparation payments to make amends.

Affirmative action and Proposition 16 (California), laws that were voted out which subjugated the smaller minority group (Asians mostly) from the higher form of education and in the higher field of employment, isn't this discrimination and suppression upon a smaller minority group by same group screaming racism against them? Where is the outcry for these people? What used to be a standard in which these kids strive to meet or exceed in their education now doesn't meet the colored criteria in the higher education system in which their acceptance would be denied. And yet, these same people claim to be victims?
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