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More Propaganda: ISI behind 26/11, Indian embassy bombing

I meant the british translators/voice actors. Were they speaking Dari, or can you understand Pashto?

One of them spoke in Farsi and the others spoke in pashtu, yes, the translation was correct.
Just watched it with the help of HelpSeeker. Anyways the taliban interviewees seemed bogus. Also with the help of voice actors, it seemed entirely a propaganda piece.

It was and it is... They need to pass the parcel of there own failures onto Pakistan. Example of B$ propaganda; Apparently America knew where the talibs were coming from but they were unable to stop them? They could've shot them like shooting ducks as they crossed the border? :what:
Saw the program. nothing new a few pattans with bed sheets covering their faces probably bribed to slag of ISI. What is it with the west they are living in denial. Their failure is ISI and pakistans fault what a load of Bolloxs
Well in India, national channels are free though we pay taxes that indirectly fund the channel. Not many countries have the system as in UK. But national television in India has ads while bbc does not.

---------- Post added at 01:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:25 AM ----------

You know what, we all can argue and we all are good at it. There are times when you need to go beyond being patriotic and all and question if in case there was some truth. I have not to day found a single Pakistani do that.

i agree with you that we might sit under the veil of patriotism and that hinders us from seeing some bitter realities.

But this is dirty game going on by west, also i am not saying that isi is crystal clear on their part, but if we look on the both sides of coin, things will get even messier.

this is propaganda, the best tool they have to pressurize us into NW.

35000 lives gone down drain, 50- 70 billion dollar economic loss. prevailing extremism. people dont do it in patriotism, they do it in insanity.
I have just watched the program its extremely one sided program it does not mention, Pakistan was going through a wave of terror like relentless suicide bombing on a daily basis, nor did it mention that that more than 30,000 lives have been lost in Pakistan due to the war on terror, America and Nato with all its military might cant contain the Talib threat intstead of making cheap accusations on Pakistan that it is reponsible for Aghans and Nato's security is completely absurd.

The Nato soldiers were saying Pakistan is reponsible for sending over the fighters, You are a trained soldier and you are trained to fight not going over to do some kind of picnic, The documentary has some serious flaws so no smoking gun here, just another way of pressuring Pak army to do their bidding.
Bharat produces the most epic quality of hypocrites. It just keeps getting better and better. Just when you think bharatis couldn't be more hypocritical, you get proven wrong.

This particular video proves that bharat supports TTP and co.
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I only see other way around.

Pakistan has to play this little tricky game with these snakes AKA US and Nato for the sake of its survival.

If Pakistan follows everything that US told them to do, eliminating all those Taliban forces, then they would become the next target.

Even in the post 2003 Iraqi War, Gaddafi became submissive to the West, but the West eventually got him.

So US is the biggest double crosser of all time, so you can only the double crossing game with a double crossing cheater.

The most convenient scapeGoat for the "Peace keepers" who couldn't do it in a decade
Saw the program. nothing new a few pattans with bed sheets covering their faces probably bribed to slag of ISI. What is it with the west they are living in denial. Their failure is ISI and pakistans fault what a load of Bolloxs

Pakistan needs to keep playing the dirty game with US, because Yankees themselves are the biggest dirty player and double crosser of all time.

Same with China, what we need to do is 100% the opposite what the Yankees want us to do.

You simply can't deal with a cheater without dirty.
It's funny that the previous statements made by top Taliban leaders denying any links with the ISI are ignored, along with the ones where they claimed they operate from Kandahar & not Quetta. It's funny that the previous statements made by top Haqqani leadership denying any assistance from the ISI are ignored as well. Baseless propaganda that makes Pakistan look bad is only newsworthy for BBC News & similar media outlets. A sad decline of a once excellent media source. Pakistan will not be distracted by this baseless propaganda, because even Mullen's statements could not change that. Pakistan is focused on having a secure, stable AfPak region; whereas the US is free to play its dangerous & contradictory/failing policies in Afghanistan.
Hey you guys can't blame me, I live in the US. Information should never be taxed!!!!!! :D

Don't worry, it'll be available soon. It's a psyops propaganda piece, and propaganda is only useful when it is disseminated to as many people as possible.

On topic, I haven't watched it but is there any credibility beyond some random Pakhtuns/Tajiks/etc. in turbans? Hopefully, it wasn't some enterprising shopkeeper scoring a few extra bucks on the side...

Taliban Leader in Peace Talks Was an Impostor - NYTimes.com

Of course, the usual suspects will lap up any propaganda that suits their agenda.
So unless Pakistani begin to demonstrate that they can ay effectively on the international or even domestic media stage, unfortunately for them, they will continue to get the short end of the stick, so to speak

As reasonable as it sounds, I don't think that's a fair criticism. The Raymond Davis affair made it crystal clear that the so-called free media in the West is closely allied to their administration in anything related to this war on terror. The NYT and BBC are little more than propaganda outlets for their respective governments, so it is unlikely they would give much opportunity to Pakistan to refute the propaganda. The only Pakistanis they like to interview are the fifth columnists like Pervez Hoodbhoy, Ahmed Rashid, etc. who simply toe the Western line.

Even in the US, normally respectable media channels like the NPR and PBS, rarely allow the Pakistani viewpoint to be aired.

The Western media has done a fantastic snow job in this whole war on terror. Anyone who dares to stray from the party line is tagged as an unpatriotic terrorist sympathizer.
This report is based upon assumption and not factual evidence. What I can not understand is how the hell did the British reporter get an interview with a Taliban commander, and that too under the noses of the ISI, if our agency, is supporting the organization.

The reporter claims Pakistan is playing a double game, because it want's aid money, but he failed to realise and mention an imperative fact that the economy of Pakistan has been badly effected costing over $40 billion. These ungrateful rats are arrogant enough to blame Pakistan, but they fail to see there own short comings, which contributed to the growth of the Taliban. If America did not take its eye ball back in 2005, then we wouldn't even be in this mess. Plus what is irritating is the fact that if the various CIA agents knew that Pakistan was playing a double game back in 2001-2003 then why didn't they do anything.....no point moaning and whinging.
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