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More Propaganda: ISI behind 26/11, Indian embassy bombing

Alright that's all well and good, but makes you wonder why America's steadfast ally has 'suddenly' wavered in N.Waziristan don't it?

There's a reason Pakistan isn't acting against the A.T and its precisely why JuD openly holds rallies across Pakistan...

now let me guess, JuD is a charity isn't it?

Pakistan has been asking for years to let Pakistan deal unilaterally with any problems which are withing Pakistani boundaries..But USA has refused to listen..How can they now expect Pakistan to listen to them?
Its the 8th consecutive year they been intruding Pakistan's airspace and Killing Pakistanis within Pakistan's boundaries....Does that help in Promoting friendship and trust?
Instead of making this a Charlatan on BBC,why they are not putting this matter up via Diplomatic channel,and come up with concrete proof?
ISI chief isn't too hard to approach for Hillary clinton or CIA director,if they come to Pakistan for looking into this particular matter...How will USA react if similar Documentary is filmed by PTV and aired,showing Masked men whom nobody knows,claiming that CIA made them,and supports them?
It will be branded as Anti USA propaganda and negated.
To be honest this is another type of War against Pakistan..Media war...

The proofs and evidences of complicity have been shared with the Pakistani counterparts. They have been called too sensitive to be shared in the public domain, so of course it stands as nothing more than propaganda on PDF.

The BBC, even if it did get its hands on the proofs, will not share them in its documentary for the same reasons. That is why throughout the documentary only the circumstantial evidences and the consequences of those circumstances have been talked about.

Direct allegations come only from Bruce Reidel. So if we discount what he has talked or 'alleged', then we also have the statements of Asst. Sec of Defense saying that deliberate non-compliance from Pakistani side resulted in loss of lives to the NATO and US troops and tactical advantages to the Taliban. For example, if you look at the piece investigating the circumstances that led to the death of Pat Tillman discussed in the first part of the documentary, then you will see it was the unexpected no-go from Pakistani side that resulted in the US troops killing their own man.

The documentary is more or less about sifting through the circumstances that one after another keep pointing at ISI's complicity with the Taliban in attacking the NATO troops and protecting the Taliban.

The conclusion is for the people to derive - It is common sense that so many of all the circumstances pointing toward the ISI's complicity are not coincidental: That's what people are going to think, and how right or wrong they are in that, we have our own perceptions.

...the cat is now out of the bag..There is no more any trust between CIA and ISI..and the game is on...

The cat was out of the bag right after Musharraf's flight from Pakistan. You should access the right sources to know how this covert war is being fought (more like 'carried out') through proxies, and that such proxies do not necessarily mean the terrorists or counter terrorists in Pakistan-Afghan border. The war has already spread into all the dimensions.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

^^ One thing is for sure..If the most advanced,resourceful and rich army and intelligence agency of the world couldn't do it...Pakistan's army and intelligence agency cant do it either..
They couldn't stop terrorists moving across the Pak-Afghan borders,so Pakistan cant do that...no chance.
What i am struggling to understand is that what Pakistan will get out of it? If for a moment we do accept that ISI is helping Taliban..What's Pakistan's benefit in this..
Forget religion...That cannot be the reason...
^^ One thing is for sure..If the most advanced,resourceful and rich army and intelligence agency of the world couldn't do it...Pakistan's army and intelligence agency cant do it either..
They couldn't stop terrorists moving across the Pak-Afghan borders,so Pakistan cant do that...no chance.
What i am struggling to understand is that what Pakistan will get out of it? If for a moment we do accept that ISI is helping Taliban..What's Pakistan's benefit in this..
Forget religion...That cannot be the reason...

strategic depth in Afghanistan
^^ Another one liner..But i will try to make sense of it on my own...
Is it that Pakistan Army has always been wary that USA and Allies will attack and destroy Pakistan as they did with some other countries?
If thats so then USA failed to take in confidence the most important player in their game....and that is a massive fail..
If they had taken Pakistan into confidence,none of this had happened,Pakistan had no need of strategic depth in Afghanistan...
and its not Pakistan Nukes which stops USA from a full fledge Invasion on Pakistan..Its the sleeping Dragon On the North that they dont want to awake once more..They done it once in the Korean war that split Korea..and they dont want to do it again...
In case of a full invasion on Pakistan China will feel threatened and thats for sure and will create many potential complications for USA..
This threat stops them from attacking Pakistan..Its not that they are being nice and not attacking Pakistan after so many blatant allegation of which they say they have proof.
and its not Pakistan Nukes which stops USA from a full fledge Invasion on Pakistan..Its the sleeping Dragon On the North that they dont want to awake once more..They done it once in the Korean war that split Korea..and they dont want to do it again...
In case of a full invasion on Pakistan China will feel threatened and thats for sure and will create many potential complications for USA..
This threat stops them from attacking Pakistan..Its not that they are being nice and not attacking Pakistan after so many blatant allegation of which they say they have proof.

Let me see if I can elaborate on this a little further for you. First of all, China will stay out of any confrontation with the states. China isn't what it used to be in the 60's, we're talking about a country that's growing at 10%. It's easier for them to sit it out and watch America get tied down.

Pakistan's objectives in Afghanistan have always been clear. Its in Pakistan's national interest to make sure that a friendly, dependent force comes to power in Afghanistan, just like it did in the 90's. The underlying premise is that the Americans won't stick around forever and they'd be able to contain/control the Taliban. Pakistan's focus has always been to its east and with the Taliban in control they can keep it that way. The PA simply has to buy time until it can force a favorable political settlement or wait for the (bulk) American forces to leave.

That said, a serious terrorist attack emanating from Pakistan may force America's hand. A 9/11 magnitude attack (~3000 casualties) in India, for example. It seems to me however that Pakistan may get its way if it can keep things at the 'right temperature'. Three years is a long time though, so we'll have to see how things unfold.
Alright that's all well and good, but makes you wonder why America's steadfast ally has 'suddenly' wavered in N.Waziristan don't it?
Which ally is 'wavering' in NW?
There's a reason Pakistan isn't acting against the A.T and its precisely why JuD openly holds rallies across Pakistan...

now let me guess, JuD is a charity isn't it?
JuD is not LeT, Pakistan is abiding by the limited UNSC resolutions against it, and the reasons behind Pakistan's refusal to launch military operations in NW have been analyzed and discussed ad nauseum on various threads in this forum and elsewhere.

And finally, none of what you said here qualifies as 'credible evidence' in support of US/Indian allegations against the ISI/PA.
These hypocrites really need to get a life and stop spinning conspiracy theories.

Someone accuses them... "please give us proof!"
Two minutes later, they're accusing others without proof.

Their 'proof' is as good as this:

Yet of course they will never believe the above video. A-class hypocrites these guys.

Get a life you losers.
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The fact is Pakistan is a country that cannot be trusted. Not just by India but its own allies. Pakistan cannot get away from the "propaganda" if that is what you choose to call. On PDF you can call it your grand mother's story but you know that is not going to change anything. The PDF members who make rules themselves break it by changing the title of threads to what suits them but who cares ?
If this is the case, then it should be alright when US kills civilians. They are just trying to kill people who they think are terrorists. Still it can not be compared with what you are proud of. As per your logic everyone should be proud whenever some innocents are killed across the border. This great attitude has got you where you are right now. Keep it up, its in India's interest as its gonna create more mess for you guys.

Yes, it is alright when US kills civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan.. It is alright when India kills innocents in Kashmir and its is alright when Israel kills unarmed, innocents in Palestine. Dear we are NOT complaining.

Everyone is SUGGESTED to watch this clip especially b/w 11:40 to 15:00 and then b/w 20:00 to 23:00.

In 2008 there were 8 terrorist attacks in India and out of them 6 were done by local Mujahideen's :)
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