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More of world's poor live in India : Guardian/UN

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Nope.. but my father and uncles have, they use to go there to recruit people for their company in UAE..

besides that, one of our Team Leaders from an ADB project, Berry van Gelder (check him on the net) stated after coming back from India and Pakistan in end of year 1999 that

For reference of those who might argue about credibility of this quote: Berry van Gelder, Team Leader, Project: Forestry Sectors, DHV consultants, The Netherlands..
okay i get it yeah we are poor, and pakistan is the safest, richest,best nation while we are dark,short,poor,crooks now are you happy? Now stop this sh!t.btw 1999 and 2011, almost 12 years, only a moron will give 12 year old statements.
okay i get it yeah we are poor, and pakistan is the safest, richest,best nation while we are dark,short,poor,crooks now are you happy? Now stop this sh!t.btw 1999 and 2011, almost 12 years, only a moron will give 12 year old statements.

:P did i hit some right nerve? :P

Anyways, no where i have claimed that we are rich, safe, best nation and good looking as compared to Indians (though one can safely say) but i was talking about the way your government is cheating on you by giving false information..

It is hilarious for me when your people say 'Pakistan should cut down its defence budget and spend on so and so'.. walk the talk first mate.. its easy to say, difficult to follow, and Pakistan has been fighting the war of OUTSIDERS for over a decade now.. but your people have forgotten to give due credit where it is deserved.. so don't complain when we hit back..
In India 40 million people joins the middle class category every year...

one-third of the people( below poverty line) have become middle class in the last ten years...


And where did you get that quote from the article link you gave??

The article is about purchase of Gold by Indians in festive season, it might be only 1000 people buying all the gold to 'show off'..

For the life of it, i couldn't find any reference to poverty level reducing in India..

Please elaborate :P
And where did you get that quote from the article link you gave??

The article is about purchase of Gold by Indians in festive season, it might be only 1000 people buying all the gold to 'show off'..

For the life of it, i couldn't find any reference to poverty level reducing in India..

Please elaborate :P

Poverty in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read the paragraph reduction in poverty...

And did you read the article fully???:P
I have enough of Indians boosting and foolish and insane false sense of superiority, their silly thinking that they have become “world richest country”.

They are one of the poorest countries in the world, despite their claims. The accumulation of wealth in few hands and thus skewed per capita income figures are giving them false sense of superiority. The fact is their per capita still is not much different from Pakistan. Pakistanis even though suffering for last 3 years due to corrupt PPP, but still live better life than common Indians.

We Pakistanis always blame our corrupt leaders and this fake war on terror, Afghan upheaval of last 30 years, which has dragged us back in Economic term.

The real face of India is exposed in this 2010 article in Guardian. More Indians are poor than sub-Saharan Africa. The poverty level in the whole state of MP was same as DR Congo.

The report says, poverty in parts of India is equal of not worst than that in Africa.

I say to Indians stop boosting, your country is dirt poor.

No One From Our side Denies This , Yes we have Poverty More Than total Africa
Who said ' we are World's Richest Country ' ?
:P did i hit some right nerve? :P

Anyways, no where i have claimed that we are rich, safe, best nation and good looking as compared to Indians (though one can safely say) but i was talking about the way your government is cheating on you by giving false information..

It is hilarious for me when your people say 'Pakistan should cut down its defence budget and spend on so and so'.. walk the talk first mate.. its easy to say, difficult to follow, and Pakistan has been fighting the war of OUTSIDERS for over a decade now.. but your people have forgotten to give due credit where it is deserved.. so don't complain when we hit back..

True that we should not preach others to do this & do that, when our own backyard needs a lot of landscaping. One cant even dare to ask about economic growth figures to a rickshaw-wala, a peasent or a labourer sweating it out in peak summers of India to make the ends meet. Every country have such poors, we have more than probably everywhere else.

Well, I agree with all what you said except for the underlined part. Pakistan is fighting a war with INSIDERS with support from (and thus with rules made by) OUTSIDERS.
:P did i hit some right nerve? :P

Anyways, no where i have claimed that we are rich, safe, best nation and good looking as compared to Indians (though one can safely say) but i was talking about the way your government is cheating on you by giving false information..

It is hilarious for me when your people say 'Pakistan should cut down its defence budget and spend on so and so'.. walk the talk first mate.. its easy to say, difficult to follow, and Pakistan has been fighting the war of OUTSIDERS for over a decade now.. but your people have forgotten to give due credit where it is deserved.. so don't complain when we hit back..
our government misleading us, we got eyes and ears of our own, our government cant and doesnt mislead us, second thing about cutting on defence budgets, india doesnt give a damn even if pak invests billions in military infact chanakya said 'if you dont want to defeat your enemy militarily, freak them out to spend more on their defence and you will reap some fruits', so indians who say pak should cut on its defence budget maybe care about pakistan.
To cut the crap short pakistan should not waste time thinking about india, pak is in a mess and its citizens should think about their nation, they are only wasting time going haywire about india.
True that we should not preach others to do this & do that, when our own backyard needs a lot of landscaping. One cant even dare to ask about economic growth figures to a rickshaw-wala, a peasent or a labourer sweating it out in peak summers of India to make the ends meet. Every country have such poors, we have more than probably everywhere else.

Well, I agree with all what you said except for the underlined part. Pakistan is fighting a war with INSIDERS with support from (and thus with rules made by) OUTSIDERS.

Thanks for understanding what i was trying to relay..

For the last part, the INSIDERS you are referring to are in fact not INSIDERS, they are OUTSIDERS who were allowed to come IN Pakistan for the benefit of OUTSIDE world in 1980s and 1990s.. Hence, we are still fighting with OUTSIDERS for OUTSIDERS :)

Hope i cleared the point..
Thanks for understanding what i was trying to relay..

For the last part, the INSIDERS you are referring to are in fact not INSIDERS, they are OUTSIDERS who were allowed to come IN Pakistan for the benefit of OUTSIDE world in 1980s and 1990s.. Hence, we are still fighting with OUTSIDERS for OUTSIDERS :)

Hope i cleared the point..

Ok, agreed that they are outsiders, but you deliberately let them in by AGREEING to be a party to that outside game being played in the 80's & 90's isnt it?

Its OT here though, so we should leave it here.

Coming back to the topic, there is no dearth of money in India, there is unequal distribution. Why? coz the "distribution channels" are filled with corruption.
Can we change it? Yes

Are we willing to change it? Well, as the dialogue goes "ghar ki safai mein haath gande kaun kare"....

There is no denying to the FACT that poverty is widespread in India, and there is no denying in the FACT that things are changing at their own pace. There will always be an arguement that "things could have been better IF..."
Many people are happy pulling out such reports. And no sane Indian will be impervious to these reports. There may be inaccuracies but overall they are true. Nothing to be proud of.

But these happy guys miss the most important point --- the promise of the future. All economic data indicate that rapid progress is being made and will continue to be made and there will be even more drastic improvement in the coming 10 - 15 years. No wonder you see that all the thinking Pakistani members do not make fun of us. Reality stares at the face.

Facts speak for themselves. There is no fig leaf to cover oneself. We are improving by leaps and bounds. Sure there is endemic corruption, insensitivity towards the vast majority of the deprived, and to rectify these, steps though not completely satisfactory are still being taken.

China too is a low income country, but has the West in jitters because of the future prowess they will have. Notice the extreme confidence of the Chinese members of this forum. Will any other country with just a $3000 - $4000 per capitia income be as confident?

The future is determined by what you do today. There is no hiding from this fact.

You sorry guys...too sad...

I wish Pakistan does well. You have to catch the bull by the horns --- properly channelize your frustration and not vent them in this manner.
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