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More Indian Army Soldiers Commit Suicide Than Die In Battle?



New Recruit

Feb 13, 2008
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More Indian Army Soldiers Commit Suicide Than Die In Battle?

A RECENT ARTICLE over at the BBC News website is claiming that the Indian army is loosing more soldiers to suicide than to enemy action. The statistics for this year alone are a bit weird. According to the article, over 72 soldiers have lost their lives in combat this year, but approximately 100 soldiers have committed suicide. So - what’s going on then?

It seems the key issue is leave, or rather the lack of it. Most experts attribute the growing stress to low morale, bad service conditions, lack of adequate home leave, unattractive pay and a communication gap with superiors. To quote from the article: “Soldiers get angry when they are denied leave and their officers themselves take time off. It triggers a reaction, they are well armed and they take their own lives.”

This one is certainly for the “Weird” category here. Just take a look at the following key statistics:-

Since 2004, 282 soldiers have been killed in attacks.
Since 2004, 408 soldiers have taken their lives, killed colleagues or died after colleagues ran amok.
Of the 408 soldiers, 333 killed themselves ....

2005, 2006, 2007 more than 1000 killed themselves.

Maybe it’s just me, but doesn’t this seem a bit wrong to you? Well armed (and trained) soldiers who get bitchy because their leave has been cancelled decide to a) retaliate using their well honed skills, training and equipment or b) kill themselves in protest.

Yeah, exactly! I’m thinking well armed and trained soldiers going postal would be a bit more effective than a bunch of depressed guys deciding to off themselves quitely in a corner somewhere.
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