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Moral decline of Thailand -Thai "ladyboy" flight attendants take to the ski


May 21, 2011
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Thai "ladyboy" flight attendants take to the skies


Thai transsexual flight attendant Chayathisa Nakmai, 24, serves aboard the PC Air
aircraft , Dec 15 2011. [Photo/CFP]

Working for new charter airline PC Air, transsexual flight attendants including 22-year-old Tanyarat Jirapatpakorn made their debut on a flight from Bangkok to the southern city of Surat Thani on Thursday, serving drinks and snacks and carrying out safety demonstrations.
"This is the beginning of the acceptance of transsexuals in Thailand, giving the opportunity for us to work in various fields," said Tanyarat.
"Maybe in the future we can get any job that transsexuals never did before, such as police, soldiers or even pilots."
PC Air, whose name comes from the initials of president Peter Chan, originally planned only to hire male and female flight attendants, but changed its mind after more than 100 transsexuals and transvestites applied as well.
Four were chosen, along with 19 female and 7 male flight attendants. The airline said qualifications for the ladyboy flight attendants were the same as for female flight attendants, with the additional provisos that they be like women in how they walked and talked, and have a feminine voice.
Chan, the airline president, said the ladyboy flight attendants actually might have a special advantage.
"They might provide better services because they understand both males and females. And they're well trained according to the aviation standard," he added.
The new recruits were chosen in February and have been training since in security measures, in-flight services, and make-up application.
PC Air flies domestically as well as to several Asian destinations, including Japan and South Korea.

Thai "ladyboy" flight attendants take to the skies CCTV News - CNTV English
I have to agree^^^ everyone has a right to live and work at least these people are trying to be productive members of their society instead of blowing ppl up.
What gives you the right to judge? Only the one above us all can judge.
I say good for Vietnam.
this is extremely disturbing. why do thai people allow this? siamese people had a great history, it's so sad that the once proud country has become like this. thailand is in desperate need for some social reforms.
Götterdämmerung;2400312 said:
It's Thailand. ;)
Uh, yeah good for them :lol: I said Vietnam because there was a documentary about an American Asian that went to Vietnam to have a sex change.
this is extremely disgusting. why do thai people allow this? thailand is already known as the who*re house of the world. siamese people had a great history, it's so sad that the once proud country has become like this. thailand is in desperate need for some social reforms.

disgusting and outrages.

China's most famous dancer, Jin Xing, is a transgender as well. Don't be so narrow minded. It makes life miserable and you get frustrated.
Götterdämmerung;2400353 said:
China's most famous dancer, Jin Xing, is a transgender as well. Don't be so narrow minded. It makes life miserable and you get frustrated.

also disgusting. i mean, if people want to do that to themselves then fine, but don't let them represent the country is what im saying. what if children see it and think its normal? its the parents and the governments job to upkeep the morals of the country.
also disgusting. i mean, if people want to do that to themselves then fine, but don't let them represent the country is what im saying. what if children see it and think its normal? its the parents and the governments job to upkeep the morals of the country.

So you have any scientific evidence that children will be effected negatively? I have lots of evidence that dipolar gender is not tenable, in fact genders are fluid and not black and white. Do some research on this matter and be ready for some surprises.
Children won't be able to tell the difference between women and lady boys. Heck a lot of grown as men can't tell the difference till its too late:lol:
also disgusting. i mean, if people want to do that to themselves then fine, but don't let them represent the country is what im saying. what if children see it and think its normal? its the parents and the governments job to upkeep the morals of the country.

I support Thai government in this issue:

1- That help those people having jobs so they can live as an human for true mean

2- Prevent discrimination from society to transgenders

3- Making more curious from people around the world, that would benefit the Thailand tourism industry!

.....and much more!

This is really a win-win solution, also a great protection for human rights, China must learn from this to piss off your haters out there!
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