Yeah that's actually what happened to one of my recent ancestors lol.
namaste, prime candidate, would you like to consider a ghar wapasi perhaps ?
But you're guarding against it by being expansionist yourselves.
As a monolith of Hindu people, no. There have been those who might be considered missionaries on an expansionary mission such as Vivekananda, Prabhupada etc as I said in an earlier post, and to an extent maybe some people find the mystic, Sadhguru, and art of living guy to be to their liking, but that these organizations and multi million dollar global enterprises is also true.
but there is no collective wish to bring the whole world into a "superior path"
when's the last time a Pakistani molvi got this type of media in the US ?
this guruji mast hai, you gotta admit
it's interesting because here is where the godless Chinese and Indians kind of think the same, eastern philosophy vs rigid Abrahamic thought, although of course there are countries who are... the Sauds are changing/evolving.. Pakistan is probably the most super hardcore Islamic Republic there is as far as state policy goes, being the only modern nation state in the world created solely in the name of a religion.
These are the shells we withdraw into when faced with a threat, imaginary, externally generated, or otherwise.. for your country, Islam.. for mine, a "Ram rajya" or something.