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Monument in memory of martyred APS students erected in Peshawar: KP CM

Makes me so angry.

Still burns the very soul and even though the TTP lie defeated and ruined thrust for revenge still isn't quenched. We have killed thousands and thousands of then but still whenever I remember this I want vengeance for each spilled drop.
still we have not done enough
we haven't beaten the sh*t out of the Afghans
they are still living here in the millions
16 December, 2014. A chilly & cloudy December morning as usual, my Maa turned on the tv to watch Pakistan’s news & me getting annoyed because I wanted to sleep little more on my day off. News anchors giving the news of ‘APS attack’ & I immediately got up and turned the volume on.
Blood is everywhere. Tears, screams, and agony was in the air. Death toll was reached to 30s as per the tickers & I was wholeheartedly praying, it’s all my dream...a horror dream. I changed my pray & asked God, if it isn’t a dream, the number of deaths shouldn’t increase even with one number. I’m crying, my family sobbing too. We all are quiet & have nothing to say. The pain sealed the lips. I was changing the channels again & again with a hope to see less number of deaths. Also, with very heavy heart convincing myself to accept this harsh tragedy that took so many lives of our innocent kids. My hope lost & accepted yet once again low lives & cowardly enemy has attacked. This time the target is hope & future of Pakistan. It’s a school with innocent angels living their dreams & studying to serve their homeland in future. All my feelings were frozen and tears were flowing...I had only one question in my mind, how can they massacre innocent kids? What their parents are going through? Reporters reporting, students were asked if they belong to army families’ & if the answer is ‘yes’ they are shot dead on the spot. Ya Allah!!!

Day is coming to its end, it’s evening and I’m still sitting in same position, frozen. The death toll has reached to 140. The burnt notebooks, the bags, shoes, watches, and other accessories of little angels were covered with their blood instead of the ink. What a horrible thing to see. I am always very optimistic when it comes to Pakistan. But that was the day, I was losing all my hopes. No God No No, this is not the Pakistan I want to see. This is not the Pakistan I fight for. But the next day, I felt, it’s the day when every single Pakistani is mourning in Pakistan and across the globe.
Through this traumatic day, I had to find something positive to boost my morals high....to not lose hopes.
And I found a reason....the unity....the unity, I witnessed in Pakistani nation on this one tragedy, made me regain my faith in Pakistan and Pakistanis. No wonders, why this nation is so resilient. No wonder why this nation is still standing on its feet after all the terrorism activities done by the foes of Pakistan. No wonder, why Pakistan is consider to be one strong & courageous nation.
Although, it is one of the wound that would never heal & it’s still as painful as it was on the day one. But this has taught us to always stay strong and stand together as a nation no matters how difficult the time is. This is the only way to fight back with this terrorism & enemies of Pakistan.

Even those angels had nothing but positivity to spread and patriotism through their posts and pictures on Facebook & quotes on their notebooks.
They wanted to see a prosperous Pakistan. They wanted to see a Pakistan that is flourishing.
Let the world know, we stand together through thins and thick, through rainy days and good sunny days.
Let the world know, the scars and emptiness left with each lost soul is still marked on our hearts and souls. But this hasn’t lost our hopes in Pakistan.
Let the world know, Pakistan was, us and always will be Zindabad.

Long live Pakistan. Long live.

ہمارا خوں بھی شامل ہے تزینِ گلستاں میں”

‏ہمیں بھی یاد رکھنا چمن میں جب بہار آۓ”
This ghastly day was indeed the darkest day in the history of our beloved nation, after this atrocity the entire nation was galvanized to confront this menace once and for all, as a consequence military operations were intensified and terrorist hold outs were decimated though many managed to flee across the border and go into hibernation. With the extensive measures taken by Pak army the chances of infiltration are diminishing by the day, the terrorist and their backers are on the back-foot, may ALLAH (SWT) bless and protect this nation from her enemies, Pak Fauj Zindabad and indeed long live Pakistan.
NB:Your eloquently written piece brilliantly sums up the entire mood and emotions of the nation on that fateful day, may we NEVER EVER experience anything even remotely similar to this atrocity.Regards Moonlight
@Slav Defence @Dubious @waz @PakSword @BHarwana
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NB This is a day that has immense emotional connotations for us , I urge any potential trolls to refrain from posting.Regards
still we have not done enough
we haven't beaten the sh*t out of the Afghans
they are still living here in the millions

I wish it was an easy task to make every single namak haram Afghani to leave Pakistani. I wish....
But it is not something that can be done over the night.
We surly need to get rid of this filth as soon as possible for the safety of Pakistan. But you see Iran and India and Afghanistan are already after Pakistan. I personally believe, this can create more problems for Pakistan but most importantly for our armed force. They would be kicked out but Pakistan is not in this position right now.

This ghastly day was indeed the darkest day in the history of our beloved nation, after this atrocity the entire nation was galvanized to confront this menace once and for all, as a consequence military operations were intensified and terrorist hold outs were decimated though many managed to flee across the border and go into hibernation. With the extensive measures taken by Pak army the chances of infiltration are diminishing by the day, the terrorist and their backers are on the back-foot, may ALLAH (SWT) bless and protect this nation from her enemies, Pak Fauj Zindabad and indeed long live Pakistan.
NB:Your eloquently written piece brilliantly sums up the entire mood and emotions of the nation on that fateful day, may we NEVER EVER experience anything even remotely similar to this atrocity.Regards Moonlight
@Slav Defence @Dubious @waz @PakSword @BHarwana


NB This is a day that has immense emotional connotations for us , I urge any potential trolls to refrain from posting.Regards

Thank you for sayin it. Even last year, few Indian trolls were making some nasty comments on this horrific tragedy.
Thank you for sayin it. Even last year, few Indian trolls were making some nasty comments on this horrific tragedy.
Their are sick folk everywhere, any right minded folk no matter where he/she was residing was sickened to the core by this most heinous act.Kudos Moonlight

Defeat of 1971 and #APSPeshawar catastrophe are Indian favors upon us which we have to return with interest.

@django @Path-Finder @Slav Defence @Horus
This day will never be forgotten and we will return the favor to the culprit.
I wish it was an easy task to make every single namak haram Afghani to leave Pakistani. I wish....
But it is not something that can be done over the night.
We surly need to get rid of this filth as soon as possible for the safety of Pakistan. But you see Iran and India and Afghanistan are already after Pakistan. I personally believe, this can create more problems for Pakistan but most importantly for our armed force. They would be kicked out but Pakistan is not in this position right now.
Indeed we have to make it clear to any potential adversary that their will be severe consequences for taking the lives of our most precious, no ifs or buts about it.Regards
Wah re do pasli..aa gaya..without introspection of ones self accuse everyone else.

On topic..very sad episode..was moved seeing visuals on tv.may god give strength to the family and peace to departed souls.
Would be appreciated if you did the decent thing and removed your initial comments as today is not the day for flame baiting,,,, I am not going to name any culprits but rest assured we know who they are and they know we know who they are.Kudos
NB This is a day that has immense emotional connotations for us , I urge any potential trolls to refrain from posting.Regards
Such heartless people must be dealt with very severely by the mods.
Such heartless people must be dealt with very severely by the mods.
Indeed I will keep a close eye on this thread, will certainly not let any lowlife try to derail it, anyone with even a touch of humanity would refrain from this.Kudos bhai.....and trolls beware Mods will immediately be contacted
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