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Monkey deaths leads to building of temples

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I don't agree, because firstly there is no single way of practicing hindu religion. The moment you start telling people how to practice their religion, you end up in conflict.

The solution to superstition is not some sort of evangelist movement, but extending the secular education system to the remotest and most backwards .parts of the country.
sir ,
you need to understand Hinduism is not a religion its a way of life. Hinduism is not about hNuman the monkey god or Ramayana. its about the zest of them. its about how you perceive the world around you.
and as for your thought of extending the secular education system dude - we been trying this for ages. its superstition which made group like bajarang dal who disrespect our tourist and bring shame to my country!
or those extremist Muslim who beat a girl for wearing a jeans in aligarh.
we need to take hard step for them, or else people like raj thakre will go too far. and some of us will have to do RANG DE BASANTI!
BAJRANG DAL IS BACK WARD , raj thakre and his supporter are backward extremist muslim who kill innocent people in delhi or mumbai are backward we need to remove those pest! some how
All religions are equally superstitious, and the practices of one religion always appear strange and weird to the believers of another religion.

I don't mean to offend muslims here, but the first time I saw a group of muslims praying, I used to laugh and wonder why they all have their bottoms protruding upwards!

Or the fact that muslim women dressed in "shuttlecocks" would appear extremely strange to someone who is not used to seeing women covered up that way.

This is just to explain that what appears weird to one person, might be completely natural to another.

I don't mean to offend you here, but the first time I saw a family of hindus making pooja in front of a statue of a monkey, I laughed hard at them. Why offer food and money to something that you carved in your basement, or bought in one of those smelly corner quick - e - marts?

When I see old hairy women wearing sari's, I couldn't help but to wonder if hindu men found this attractive. Sometimes I see young fat women wearing the sari with their stomaches flapping in the wind and I feel sorry for them and their skinny little husbands. This is when I thank my God that moderation and Piety is ordained on us, instead of shameful exposure.

Sometimes I wonder if those red dots on their foreheads are a way for us to make use of the term "head shot" in times of conflict. Who knows, certainly the rest of the world doesn't act in this fashion so you must apologize my blissful ignorance as I am only curious.

This is just to explain that what appears weird to one person, might be completely natural to another.

I don't mean to offend you here, but the first time I saw a family of hindus making pooja in front of a statue of a monkey, I laughed hard at them. Why offer food and money to something that you carved in your basement, or bought in one of those smelly corner quick - e - marts?

When I see old hairy women wearing sari's, I couldn't help but to wonder if hindu men found this attractive. Sometimes I see young fat women wearing the sari with their stomaches flapping in the wind and I feel sorry for them and their skinny little husbands. This is when I thank my God that moderation and Piety is ordained on us, instead of shameful exposure.

Sometimes I wonder if those red dots on their foreheads are a way for us to make use of the term "head shot" in times of conflict. Who knows, certainly the rest of the world doesn't act in this fashion so you must apologize my blissful ignorance as I am only curious.

This is just to explain that what appears weird to one person, might be completely natural to another.


Aha - now see, you got offended.

Ever wondered that the people who you are making fun of in this thread could get offended too?
sir ,
you need to understand Hinduism is not a religion its a way of life. Hinduism is not about hNuman the monkey god or Ramayana. its about the zest of them. its about how you perceive the world around you.
and as for your thought of extending the secular education system dude - we been trying this for ages. its superstition which made group like bajarang dal who disrespect our tourist and bring shame to my country!
or those extremist Muslim who beat a girl for wearing a jeans in aligarh.
we need to take hard step for them, or else people like raj thakre will go too far. and some of us will have to do RANG DE BASANTI!
BAJRANG DAL IS BACK WARD , raj thakre and his supporter are backward extremist muslim who kill innocent people in delhi or mumbai are backward we need to remove those pest! some how

Erm...okay, if you say so. But most hindus would disagree with you on that.

Maybe you should join Ramakrishna Mission or Arya Samaj, whose views would match yours.
I don't mean to offend you here, but the first time I saw a family of hindus making pooja in front of a statue of a monkey, I laughed hard at them. Why offer food and money to something that you carved in your basement, or bought in one of those smelly corner quick - e - marts?

When I see old hairy women wearing sari's, I couldn't help but to wonder if hindu men found this attractive. Sometimes I see young fat women wearing the sari with their stomaches flapping in the wind and I feel sorry for them and their skinny little husbands. This is when I thank my God that moderation and Piety is ordained on us, instead of shameful exposure.

Sometimes I wonder if those red dots on their foreheads are a way for us to make use of the term "head shot" in times of conflict. Who knows, certainly the rest of the world doesn't act in this fashion so you must apologize my blissful ignorance as I am only curious.

This is just to explain that what appears weird to one person, might be completely natural to another.

praying in front of a monkey god - its like you can find the god in any form - since god is formless- some look at one direction where there is just a stone for some and for some its the question and answer to life and death. macca
wearing a Saree is there in our world history- women from - Greece to Egypt can be found draped in smiler sort of cloths. and its same question of how you percieve - you can find godless in same compared to shameful exposure to other.
and that red dot: The area between the eyebrows (where the bindi is placed) is said to be the sixth chakra, ajna, the seat of "concealed wisdom". According to followers of Tantrism, this chakra is the exit point for kundalini energy. The bindi is said to retain energy and strengthen concentration. [1] It is also said to protect against demons or bad luck.
so here i sort of understand - why you said all that you might not be intending to offend anybody here. because you dont know the significance of such and hard for you to relate to such.
same goes for most of my Hindu friend who don't understand quran and Islam.
Whether I'm trolling or not is for the moderators to decide. Maybe you should click on "Report Post" and then wait.

You got Pwned. It's time you went away for a little stroll.

And by the way, don't be such a hypocrite next time. On a Pakistani Defence forum, you think you're allowed to ever so subtly make fun of Islam and then expect not to get treated with an equally brutal response?

If that's the case, You're in the wrong place my friend.

Have a nice one.
How old are you? Do you think you're playing some sort of video game here, with me as your opponent?

That shouldn't concern you. If you found your "Hypocrisy" as humorous as I did, good for you. If you didn't, It's time for your stroll. Now, get busy.
Someone started it with scientific and logical explanations and it ends with this ! ! ! :enjoy:
Now you should know that making fun of someone's religion is not on the cards. Coz every religion has superstitiious and illogical stuff.
Someone started it with scientific and logical explanations and it ends with this ! ! ! :enjoy:
Now you should know that making fun of someone's religion is not on the cards. Coz every religion has superstitiious and illogical stuff.

Now, you need to qualify that statement, because sometimes criticism is necessary especially when religious practices are damaging the progress of society, or are violating human rights.

The US I think a good example - they allow all religions, but only as long as the religious beliefs are not conflicting with US laws.

China on the other hand, takes a harder stance by declaring all religion as superstition and putting strict restrictions on them.
^^^ or it must be both ways! If you are ready to criticize other religion, you must be ready to recieve some too... isnt it?
Perhaps us Pakistanis should consider killing monkeys in our own country so that our nations infrastructure will be greatly increased?
Yep A.R! Earlier in this thread someone asked for Scientific and Logical Arguments. Lets see a scientific explanation for this.

If you see girls dancing, it would create a desire in you, unless you gay.

There's a scientific explanation for you
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