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Mongolian Nazis

Actually I knew a very tall guy in Belgium who looked like a Han Chinese ( I know it's bit wierd as it's hard to tell what's typical Han Chinese look, but just take a good-looking Northern Han stereotype ), smiled like a Han Chinese and walked like a Han Chinese,200% more Han Chinese looking than the dude with black sunglasses in the photo to the extent that I believed if he were not a Han Chinese, probably not that many would be.

When I tried to talk to him in Mandarin, the guy told me he's from Mongolia, a junior Mongolian banker at a overseas training course in fact. :lol: I didn't ask his ancestry but I bet it's Han Chinese. He was the first and last Mongolian I know.

But OcreanX, what did you have for lunch? :what: Logically I see Below-Freezing is not that far off mark either, probably even closer to the truth.
This discussion is kinda is incomplete without a Mongolian's perspective,though i would agree with Below_freezing that these guys are stuck in a time warp,reminds of the Portuguese though. :coffee:

History is good to read---you forgot the mongols ruled china---a minority conquered a majority nation---there is no love lost between china and mongolia.

China needs land---mongolia is sparsely populated. Chinese are slowly moving into the empty land.

Plus ethnic superiority of the mongols---of being the conquerers---

Wasn't the Moghul empire that ruled south asia descended from Mongols?!
Wow, could you possibly be MORE condescending and patronising? :lol:


One question: Why do you talk as if you're a character in a Stephen King novel? I.e. Trying your best to sound intelligent, but having it backfire spectacularly.

Tell me why would a "worldly humanist" look a the the expanse of Russian Siberia and "wax emotional"?

Humanism is the rejection of religion/spiritualism and a focus on human values and human welfare. Did you not know that, or was it lost in a tangle of unnecessary words that were plucked out of a Thesaurus?

People who try to use as many unnecessary words as possible are known to have poor social skills I am afraid. It's a communication thing. :thinktank:

Stephen King, uh? Pity I don't read much ... But I am grateful since it could be worse ... you could've cast me as some "freak" from some "Twilight Series" that you and your gf/bf lined up at dawn to watch/buy ... I was almost positive you were some teenybopper from some preppy ol' HK "international school" ...

But let's not give you ideas. :azn:

Anyways, I confess that you are an entirely new breed of "dragon" to me, one that not only beseeches "India" to "cry for you" when you "die", who likes to "hug" online and on-demand, who enthusiastically declares that "China ain't gonna rock the boat because the money is too good" ...

And whose all-time claim to fame, in my book at least, was to call the n-bombs over Nagasaki and Hiroshima "Genocide" because the new breed of Chinese "dragons" grew up on a steady diet of Japanese cartoons, Sailor Moon ****, and a never-ending steam of widgets ...

Anyhow, more power to your "dragoness", although in all honesty, I have always thought dragons were vertebrates and worms, OTOH, lack such useless appendages.

But I do apologize to Mr. Sub Zero for my "corny words" and "errant ways". I frequently mistake verbosity for "politeness" ... I am sick in the head and I need help. That's why I am here - hoping against hope that one day my pathology too could be corrected by the healing power of knowledge, especially from able sensai such as yourself, my "Chinese Wagon" ...
Mongols under Genghis Khan and his descendents carried out one of the largest genocides in China, Central Asia, Middle East and Europe. Nazis were amateurs compared to Mongols.

I've noticed oceanx suddenly pounce out of nowhere on below_freezing couple of times now. :blink:

Usually playing with his name, one time, if I remember correctly, he cleverly referred to below_freezing as "Mr. Sub_Zero". :woot:

Now this time he referred to him as "freezing" only. :D

From my (comic) impression up till now generally (not specifically this thread), I think below_freezing sometimes kind of rampages forward seemingly a bit too harshly and oceanx comes on the scene and tries to pull him back a little in his unusually elaborate ways. :lol:

Just thought I'd mention it coz I found it kinda funny. :partay:

:cheers: to the Chinese members of :pdf:

Haha ... no one can accuse you of not being perceptive, my friend. The truth - nothing but the truth is that Below_Freezing and I go way back - to the first days that he showed up here. We don't hide from the world that I disagree with him more often than not these days, particularly since he 山寨'd this PLA GAD insignia.

And as you said, Mr. Sub_Zero relishes in staking out certain "Talibanish" extremist positions when it comes to ... well you already know given your power of observation.

But in the end what matters is that he is positively "Old Skool". Even when he is "rampaging forward" as you say, he is coming from vantage points that are "authentic" to me. I may be diametrically opposed to him on issues of Taiwan and "South China Sea", but ...

It's the New Age Dragons that are too "Avant garde" for my taste buds ... and beneath my own endless bu!!sh!t this bit is the honest truth.
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But OcreanX, what did you have for lunch? :what: Logically I see Below-Freezing is not that far off mark either, probably even closer to the truth.

Frankly Speeder you are somewhat "old skool", too, even though I seldom see eye to eye with you ...

Lamb Vindaloo with Naan ... and you darn well know I eat some curry everyday! We'd been down this road before ...

I've noticed oceanx suddenly pounce out of nowhere on below_freezing couple of times now. :blink:

Usually playing with his name, one time, if I remember correctly, he cleverly referred to below_freezing as "Mr. Sub_Zero". :woot:

Now this time he referred to him as "freezing" only. :D

From my (comic) impression up till now generally (not specifically this thread), I think below_freezing sometimes kind of rampages forward seemingly a bit too harshly and oceanx comes on the scene and tries to pull him back a little in his unusually elaborate ways. :lol:

Just thought I'd mention it coz I found it kinda funny. :partay:

:cheers: to the Chinese members of :pdf:

This is because I can think outside the box. Who said moderate means supporting the US? Or apologizing for your own country? What is an extremist Taliban position? The Taliban were extremely weak in foreign affairs in fact, all they could do was throw acid in girls faces, keep 90% of the population illiterate and ban music. I'm the opposite of the Taliban. Strong foreign affairs while maintaining maximum freedom within the country, as long as it doesn't interfere with foreign affairs or the rights of others.

OceanX likes to apologize. I don't apologize for my government because I don't have the authority to represent my government, and neither does anyone else have the authority to represent theirs.
OceanX likes to apologize.

Now you are going from below freezing to below the belt. Can't you see I am trying to mend my ways? Why? You have a problem with people learning the art of "diplomacy" from our new age sensai the "dragon"?

I don't apologize for my government because I don't have the authority to represent my government ...

Nooooooo ... you don't say! Are you sure? Many here were starting to think ... now you don't want to disappoint the earnest folks here, do you?

The svastika is a symbol of auspiciousness in the Hindu religion, not to be confused with the Nazi swastika which has different design and meaning.

How come the same symbol has different meanings?
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